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Registered: June 15, 2023
Last post: September 12, 2024 at 5:51 PM
Posts: 4

Does anyone remember the thing Potter said to the team to motivate them after stage 1? something about shaq

posted 5 months ago


posted 9 months ago

The format is the following:
1) thoughts
2) hopes

APR 22
G2 vs Furia

1) I think this game is the real test for both teams. It is the game to decide who is mid.
G2 looked awful in the last game with 100t, especially Icy. This game will be a good chance for him to look strong on stage.
But this is also a chance for Furia to look strong as well, they played strong opponents since their roster change and didn't have room to shine.
I think this game could be a chance for both teams to show signs of life and improvement.

2) I hope both teams look better. I do not want both teams to look bad.
I hope we see each player play well. A close game of good Valorant.

C9 vs 100t
1) Both C9 and 100t have a lot to prove. Both teams need to establish that they are worthy of being called a "top-tier" team.
Both teams are on the up. C9 has to prove that they're not on a hot streak that can be smothered. They need to establish themselves as a top-tier team.
100t dominated G2, they looked really good. Eeiu's performance impressed me. They need to look good again to establish the beginning of their reign as a "top-tier" team contender.

2) I hope this game boils down to which team had better strategies and protocols
I am bored of seeing Oxy pop off. I want to see Xeppaa perform well. I want to see Runi prove himself again.
In general, I want each player to play well. I hope the game comes down to intense moments full of high-IQ plays and well-executed protocols of both retakes and execs.
I want to see a 2-1 win for 100t. A Bang MVP performance, and a more confident-looking Eeiu.

Thank you for reading if you did.
I am doing this for fun.

posted 10 months ago

Each game will be broken down into two segments:
1) Thoughts
2) My Hopes

APR 20
1) Sen needs to sweep. Zellsis mentioned that the team was asleep against LEV. A lot for them to prove, but no doubt they won't look clean.
2) MIBR did not look great, but I hope they show signs of life and perform well. I believe they are capable of much more.

C9 vs LOUD
1) This will be a great match. A big test for both teams. Vanity-led teams are accused of burning out quickly. Loud will be a great test.
2) I hope LOUD looks good.
It's hard for me to root against Loud because of Tuyz and Cauanzin. They are players I actively root for, especially Cauanzin. I love his aim style and movement, which I also think are his strongest attributes. I was not completely sold on Tuyz until his clutch against Fnatic in Champs LA. I want to keep seeing them succeed.
I hope for a close game and LOUD come out on top.

APR 21
1) I think KRU looks really strong.
I don't know much about the Heat drama from last year, but I hope he learned from it and is now a changed player after enduring being cut from the team because he was the problem. I played against him in a TDM one time and absolutely dumpstered me. After that game, I became a small heat fan. I'm glad he is playing well. Cannot forget to mention that Keznit is a monster, it is always entertaining to watch him crush.

EG does not look good. They have structure but they tend to limp when things aren't going well. Whether it be consecutive retakes aren't going well or attacking defaults end in hitting the wrong sites, after these moments the pieces disjoint and the limb goes flaccid. Each player had moments that proved why they earned a spot to be on stage, whether it be: Derrek's ability to consistently close out rounds, Apoth's fragging power, Supa's ability to nonchalantly pick apart teams (he's been doing this since Rise btw), Jawgemo is Jawgemo- give him an inch and he's already double satcheled in and got 2, and NaturE's clutch factor.

I think EG is capable of being a good team. How realistic, I don't know. Will they be champions? I don't think so, but we didn't think so about EG last year. This doesn't mean EG will do it again, but it means that any team is capable of it.

I feel like EG should focus on internal victories rather than match wins.
Some of the faults of EG became apparent during their retakes on Lotus (vs C9). They showed some good retake protocols but what lacked from their gameplan the most was the lack of B main control. It feels like they don't know how to find uncontested space. I think EG isn't getting enough value from their util to differentiate contested and uncontested space. C9 was able to get away with winning rounds playing post plant for mound because they knew EG did not retake B main and take mound through door.

At 7-9, EG sets up for a C aggression with B main aggression as well. Eg and C9 end up going 2 for two after the initial engagement, then Moose picks off 2 because EG lacked awareness of his lurk. How it could've been avoided is using the Jawgemo rocket and Supa's paranoia timing to also combo it with Derrek's dog outside B main.
At 8-11, Supa retakes through B main alone while Derrek retakes through water. Derrek dies and the retake is over. They needed to pair up for the retake and because it was planted for mound, Derrek needed to follow Supa.
Each of these examples showed that the protocol for B aggression was lacking. But the criticisms of these plays do not mean they are a bad team, their ideas just feel half-baked (important to note that the contributing factors for this are unknown).

2) I hope EG will win.

As a Derrek fan, I just hope he will play well. We know he can clutch and we know he's a closer. I hope we can feel his confidence on stage. Derrek looks like he doesn't know how good he actually is.
I followed this dude on Twitch 4 years ago and I have been watching his clips since 2016 (since overwatch). For those who remember, his clips on Freshnuts were crazy. His Widow and Cree clips were crazy. I remember him fighting for spots on contenders teams but fell short. He has been chasing the pro dream for a long time. He showed why he was the only player from Rise to make a "tier 1" team. He proved himself as a closer and clutch player with util usage that diffed most other initiators. He was so important for the Rise vs Optic victory. Some may call it a fluke, but can't deny that the objectively worse team was able to win.
His time for 100t was not great, but I like to think that he was never the problem but also not the solution for the team. I think generally, he didn't have stinker games. He played well for most of the games but didn't shine outside of his comfortable attributes (closing rounds and clutches). The narrative that Derrek never lived up to his potential has truth to it but for a fresh professional, I think the expectations were a little out of reach. I think it is amazing that his origins are not from a tactical FPS but he was able to earn the clutch king title and the expectations that came with it.

I hope Derrek shows up. I hope everyone shows up. It's always a delight to watch Jawgemo pop off. It's always jaw-dropping watching Supa come up with a magical play. I hope Apoth can prove that he is the truth. NaturE's long IGL experience is meant to pay off, I hope he shows his maturity and experience through his calling.

This game will be a game of confidence. KRU's Heat and Keznit will destroy if they are at they're on fire. I hope EG can shut them down early and play well. I hope the vod reviewing the tapes of Oxy farming will teach them how to shut down such an oppressive player.
I hope for a 2-1 victory for EG.

1) I think it will be a banger match. It is a true test for NRG to prove themselves to be the best that they flaunt to be. Lev need to look good without hitching a ride on the Aspas train. I think it will be the match of the day.

2) No strong hopes other than wishing it will be a close game that goes to map 3. Full of crazy Ethan plays, Marved lurks, Victor and Crashies "this is why they are a duo!" moments, and a back-and-forth head-to-head between Aspas and Demon1.

Thank you if you read this far.
Trying something new for fun.

posted 10 months ago