Flag: Montserrat
Registered: May 24, 2021
Last post: August 30, 2023 at 2:56 AM
Posts: 325
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posted about a year ago

dont underestimate food

posted about a year ago

zekken is carrying rn

posted about a year ago

anti anti jinx
anti anti jinx
anti anti jinx
anti anti jinx
anti anti jinx
anti anti jinx

posted about a year ago

but derke doesnt have any hair ๐Ÿค“โ˜๏ธ

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

sry, it shouldve been TenZ > Derke

posted about a year ago

if fnatic can do it, so can sentinels

TenZ = Derke
Zekken = Leo
Sacy = Chronicle
Dephh = Boaster
PanCada = Alfajer

posted about a year ago

idek where it is lol sorry XD

posted about a year ago

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."

posted about a year ago

nothing else, thats it

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

uuuuu i think ill try risk of rain rn ty

posted about a year ago


i used to have it on switch, got pretty far, sold the switch to buy a superlight and now im kind of hesitating to start again (not the games fault, just think its tedious)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

is it possible to play solo?

posted about a year ago

it got too boring after a while

posted about a year ago

i love souls like, and i still have my ps4 lying around but i cba to play it in 30 fps so im just gonna pray we will get it on new hardware soon

posted about a year ago

its definitely been in my wishlist since release, will probs check it out ty

posted about a year ago

i remember playing the original chivalry, how similar are they?

posted about a year ago

i remember playing them back on my ds

fun times

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ranked has done some unthinkable things to my mental so im looking to take a break and find a new game i can commit some time to

was wondering whether or not anyone had some good recommendations

posted about a year ago

i think its more their consistency which impresses me

posted about a year ago

i think they won

posted about a year ago

they trialed him and all the other available players. while on paper someone might be better mechanically, if they dont perform in the tryout scrims, then it doesnt matter

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i know tenz used to, but hes inactive. i also know that truo, who used to play on a bunch of T2 NA teams (https://www.vlr.gg/player/8408/truo) does aswell and im wondering if there are any more

posted about a year ago

play osu

posted about a year ago

i am in front of your house with a gatling gun

posted about a year ago


i currently have the cloud 2s but i have long-ish hair + glasses and wearing them is pretty annoying so i am looking for recommendations

money doesnt matter too much, but im not gonna spend like 250+ and the microphone doesnt matter either. id also be willing to use in-ears, if anyone has some good recommendations, and might even prefer those because my hair and glasses would obstruct them.

posted about a year ago

i do yeah

its not all like this song, but its mostly hyperpop/similar genre


posted about a year ago

#20 and #18

crazy what bad sleep can do to a mf

posted about a year ago

oh yeah the syncing to the song is very inconsistent lol i was tired so im just gonna blame it on that

easily fixable though and thanjk you!

posted about a year ago

part of the reason i have so many rapid cuts is because i wanna reduce down time, and keep peoples attention by switching to a different clip as fast as possible. in a lot of other fragmovies imo, it looks awkward a lot of the times when they're just standing there reloading for 2 seconds without anything else happening and then cutting to a clip where they're just walking for 3 seconds until they see an enemy. i think part of that is because they wanna fill in a song as much as possible, and use as few clips they can (ladiff), to upload frequently.

the moment i get a hold of sapphire plugins, i will definitely experiment more with transitions. i personally prefer ALEKSANDAResque fragmovies more than heavily edited ones like from DaMoves and in that regard maybe have my own style0 (i have been doing it this way for a while now) so i dont wanna go overboard. i do feel like that if hit the sweet spot, it could be pretty cool.

and the syncing thing is just unlucky i guess lol i made this video at 4 am? and i was convinced it was kind of synced throughout the song but now that im awake it's kind of inconsistent sometimes, but imo this is very easily flexible.

posted about a year ago

idk how ladiff manages to not get cucked by youtube compression though

and while he uploads fairly frequently, he only has like 3-4 plays and imo thats boring af

posted about a year ago

LOL i think its funny but yeah they are all just color corrected ingame screenshots, with guns and knives sometimes outlined

posted about a year ago

is there a FlyingDoggoWoweeClap7? what happened to FlyingDoggoWoweeClap5??

posted about a year ago

thanks, appreciate it

what do you think of the thumbnail btw

posted about a year ago

patrick skilled player but that is not normally, This very very insane....They need to check him pc and game.....Maybe he not cheating but maybe he using the game deficit ...and this cant seem on game screen..He needs to check-up.

posted about a year ago


im really proud of the edit at 0:23, but im not very proficient at premiere yet and i hope ill be able to improve the transitions like you said

i wanna use sapphire plugins, but im not paying for that and every crack ive tried hasnt really worked, so hopefully i can use those next time

posted about a year ago

omg youtube actually butchered the quality

it looks super clean

posted about a year ago


was looking for criticsm with my editing

i used motion blur which is think looks good but still wanted some input from others

posted about a year ago

and buzz on raze

will for sure be exciting

posted about a year ago

Personally, I like both teams but want DRX to win more because I really donโ€™t wanna see Optic VS Loud for the 36th time.

posted about a year ago
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