Flag: Brazil
Registered: January 17, 2023
Last post: September 15, 2024 at 4:16 PM
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C9 is not gonna do shit internationally, they'd get absolutely wiped out by a tatical team like fnatic. Only LOUD and NRG can do damage

posted about a year ago

nzr moggs any of the 5 you mentioned + good igl

  • wtf happend to melser? he was insane at LEV
posted about a year ago

mono chamber + short hair debuff

posted about a year ago

if you don't know lightshot you should uninstall windows

posted about a year ago

Is it accurate?

posted about a year ago

Their main problem is not their skill, tactics or mentality
their mistake was to be in the americas league

If they played EMEA they'd be top 5 + qualified for playoffs rn and if you don't agree you're delusional

posted about a year ago

I remember it, that is true, but they'll be dangerous on playoffs if they qualify bc they have the goat coach

posted about a year ago

I thought about placing furia on underrated, but they still need to beat a tier S team to proof themselves

posted about a year ago

I start:
C9 (they're like paper rex in masters Copenhagen, they better win tournaments while they can because in 3 months ppl will start beating them)
Fnatic (fluked lock//in, now farming bots on eu)
100t (before they started losing)

LOUD (people talking as if they'll get destroyed on playoffs)
Paper rex (copium)

posted about a year ago

God I hate the low iqs, they're everywhere
As I said, props to C9 for starting well the tournament
But as I said, they're done on playoffs

posted about a year ago

If they beat LOUD I'll be on my knees

posted about a year ago

Some had a slow start and now have their backs against the walls and every game is a tournament deciding match
Everything will be equal again on playoffs though
But props to C9 for starting well

posted about a year ago

People from NA shouldn't be happy if C9 qualifies to Tokyo, a team like NRG would do way more damage internationally since they have the goat igl fns

posted about a year ago

Easy to play confident when there is no pressure
Playoffs are a different tournament

posted about a year ago

These games carry no pressure. Lost a game? It's ok you have more 5 or someshit to play, this core was never good on playoffs
Watch they drop to lower bracket and get eliminated

posted about a year ago

norwood 2

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Tbh you aren't wrong lol, KRU somehow always have life games against Brazilian teams but a big part of it was Mazino, so we'll see
This said, kru is being removed from franchising next year if they dont perform 💀

posted about a year ago

especially on online tournaments and between maps, its standard mode lol, not to mention some use addreal but thats another debate

posted about a year ago

its more healthy than smoking but yea

posted about a year ago

i like to play with chewing gum too, feels relaxing and more focus
but crashies prob has nicotine gum for even more focus lol

posted about a year ago

Melser from LEV is literally him

posted about a year ago

FNS became what everyone feared. His eyelids disappeared, his head was swelling and his ears started bleeding. "Are you okay FINESSE?" asks Viktor. I've never been better Vic I see it all now, they're not going A or B. They're going home, he said before rushing B all by himself and killing everyone on site

posted about a year ago

insane pistol fake

posted about a year ago

Then marved gets benched again and its over for sen lol
Tenz needs to learn other roles and replace depphh

posted about a year ago

What are the chances he takes depphhs spot?

IMO firepower > everything (you can fix other stuff like role issues, but you cannot fix a player being bad mechanically) but I'm just a random immortal, not a tier S pro coach

posted about a year ago

The guard, m80 and the union in shambles rn

posted about a year ago

On a high pressure LAN the guard is a different team
They aren't even doing that well

posted about a year ago

He would be the undisputed goat for the next 10y

posted about a year ago

That would be insane

posted about a year ago

Unironically FNS is one of the best players in the world but people aren't ready for this conversation
His impact isn't measured in stats, eye test or mechanical skills
Reminds me of Karrigan in CS

posted about a year ago

good one hahah

posted about a year ago

Based, just make a a BO7 between NRG and LOUD to find the winner

posted about a year ago

I was in US (NYC) last year and I kicked someone's ass at a club with my bare hands.

posted about a year ago

Their teams are absolutely trash with the exception of NRG. 1-2 slots should've been enough.

Remember when people were complaining about Brazil having 3?

posted about a year ago

Any chances mibr or sen win a single map? I feel like both could get stomped 13-5 13-9

posted about a year ago

Doesnt matter
Team Firepower // individual skill >> > everything
Plus it's not like he's a complete bot when it comes to calling

posted about a year ago

The 2 best controllers from 2022 playing together is crazy though

posted about a year ago

If marved plays instead of depphh it's over, sen winning champs
Sacy IGl
Marved smokes

posted about a year ago

LMFAO people saying trent and not sacy is peak delusion

Only sacy and crashies are good (tier S+) everyone else is overrated

posted about a year ago

Firepower is everything nowadays. Even fns and boaster were stepping up (and they're both better igls than dephh), so...

posted about a year ago

im dead

posted about a year ago

All I'm saying is yay wouldn't miss that awp shot on B stairs
Genius move by goat igl FNS to get ardiis benched

posted about a year ago

Will kill valorant, thank you for understanding

open circuit >>>>>> fake franchising competition

posted about a year ago

For the players in franchising? Definitely, top salaries, stability that does not rely on performance (your org can't get "kicked" from the league)

For the companys involved? Definitely yes, massive profits

Now... for the true competition? Definitely not, just look at CSGO majors, every single team must qualify, that's real competition

For the upcoming talent, aspiring pros, tier 2 pros and tier 1 pros that didn't have connections to be on a franchised team? Definitely not

For the viewer? Not sure, upsets will be very rare and you'll rarely see a top team emerging from nothing like the guard

posted about a year ago

he isnt wrong, compare that to the IEM rio major crowd on FURIA vs NaVi quarter-finals game

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I bet 50 bucks on these guys and aspas plays with his monitor turned off?

posted about a year ago
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