00nation should just run it down paper rex style because they heavy aim diff theguard, if they play the slow game they'll lose
also abuse LAN against these onliners, scream, tilt them
thats what they need to win
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | January 17, 2023 |
Last post: | September 15, 2024 at 4:16 PM |
Posts: | 794 |
00nation should just run it down paper rex style because they heavy aim diff theguard, if they play the slow game they'll lose
also abuse LAN against these onliners, scream, tilt them
thats what they need to win
yeah, you cant turn off your pc when you're losing multiple rounds in a row and you still have to hear the enemy screaming, cursing at you while you tilt with your own team
lan is different
NA overhyped onliners losing is unbelievably satisfying
This is what happens when you let online tournaments decide who's gonna play at international LANs
The guard in 2022, now m80 (and probably the guard again)
Meanwhile the entire VCT in south America are on lan
Literally haven of money for the winners and forever tier 2 for losers
Prize pool is irrelevant, being in franchising full of sponsors is what matters
I like aspas but let's be honest, without jett he can't perform at all, like AT ALL
If they lose first LCQ match and finish the year with zero wins
Current aspas is a shadow of what he was in 2022, and the gap between tuyz and pancada is HUGE, pancada won important clutches
"We don't really care about those masters tournaments, we use them to have free travels to foreign countries, it was amazing to be in Japan, we will win champions, thanks for the support guys"
On stream
Tbh you aren't even wrong. Pretty sure sentinels vs fnatic were the peak viewership game (exept for the grand finals ofc) and marved wasn't even there yet
I like playing valorant, why can't you just discuss facts?
All the players you guys suck off were getting shit on at CS btw, how do you cope with that?
The entire valorant is a fake competition because
#1 - the best fps players are on csgo
#2 - closed circuit is fake competition (huh 1 slot per year for ascension so it's not closed duh)
LOUD saving strats for champions grand finals tho
c9 100% going to grand finals but i feel like they'll choke it
my goats sacy and TenZera back at the top?
Why does everyone at fnatic have punchable faces? Exept for Derke
Legit question
That game was crazy, i remember there was one round in Haven where f0rsaken was at back B site 10 seconds after the round started
I would be malding
Most teams are so pussy and only post comms of rounds they won so it's hard
Must be absolutely annoying, suddentely jinggg and the entire team is at your spawn while wingman plants
Still in bed rn and late for uni classes. Just saw prx won so I'm now happy.
True, but I didn't mention aspas so I'm not sure what's going on
Kangkang losing every single duel to jinggg and losing the game and casters hyping up zero impact flicks is crazy
Playing groups is an advantage and it shows no?
I was saying this on lock//in already lol
You guys try to hype up chinese teams since they started playing on tournaments and its crazy. Wheres '"kang kang " now?
Respect my goat jinggg
Nrg next.
Masters is a Mickey mouse tournament with a shit format and champions is what matters
Also valorant circuit should have at least one tournament that is single elimination for the emotions
Unironically True, saving strats for chanpions grand finals
Most likely, we all know edg and eg couldn't beat loud any day of the week and eg even got 13-0 on americas
Demon1 is goated for sure but still a fraud boring team
It was amazing too
It won't get better than that guys. Paper rex, optic, loud, x10, kru,
Now we have fraud teams like EG and fnatic winning playoff matches, so boring
Not to mention it was open circuit
How did we fail?
99% of the time players tweet that, they get eliminated on the next match 😂
not sure if its allowed on LAN pro tournaments
He said he has 12k hours on unreal tournament, that's an insane aim based game, explains his aim
I was just comparing it to demon1's 140 edpi
Aspas for example uses 320 edpi, it's so low
The low sens flicks hit different
One of the lowest sens in the entire valorant
Maybe new meta?
The fact EG players might be somehow cheating no?
FNS + chet are half the team bro, i took a while to accept it but its just the truth
for example C9 clears everyone mechanically but loses on high preassure and heavy antistrat games on playoffs
FNS is understandable but victor is awful lately, all he knows is to farm tier 5 like MIbr and KRU
we will see, I fear NAVI is gonna be dogshit on group stage but will play godmode on lower bracket playoffs
and last time fpx won 3-1
ange1 gonna show ardiis why glory >> money
duels to watch:
Crashies vs shao (BEASTS)
FNS vs ange1 (fns clears brain-wise but loses mechanically)
so calm while shooting, godlike microflicks