Flag: Sweden
Registered: December 8, 2020
Last post: August 31, 2021 at 6:18 AM
Posts: 39

2-1 for Gambit. Belive in comeback:)

posted about 3 years ago

Acend vs. Guild in the final

posted about 3 years ago

u know nothing. Trust in Guild, trust in SMB

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Rise will do the most unexpected and win 2-1

posted about 3 years ago

F4Q impressed me way more than TNL tbh. Even if F4Q played against slightly weaker opponents (if you even can say that) they simply played better valorant with better executes, gunplay etc. Also think the current meta suits them and that they will be a top contender in Berlin! :)

posted about 3 years ago

2-0 for Guild, close maps tho!

posted about 3 years ago

XSET vs. Sentirls in the final: https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/84658bc6

posted about 3 years ago

They qualified as 5th team to EMEA...from Europe (not CIS/TU)...and they didn't do well against top tier teams in the first qualifier. But lets see what they can do :) Just think ppl have very high expectations on them (including me) based on their performance in the second qualifer alone

posted about 3 years ago

After watching Masters 2 its evident jett knives is a bit OP. Just look at the best teams and comps, all relying on jett. I'm not saying its super OP, but maybe some tweaking nerfs would be needed...

Suggestion: Knifes never reset, instead make every knife a bit stronger (more dmg). Seriosly, what other ultimate resets after you killed someone? Imagine raze having a new rocket on every kill. Moreover, most jetts are are not buying a gun when their ult is up, making it the most op ult economicly wise as well.

Please post ur thoughts and other suggestions on jett nerfs

posted about 3 years ago

Liquid looked flat, ngl, but Fnatic will make it thru in the LB and win the whole thing :)))

posted about 3 years ago

Plat chat ofc

posted about 3 years ago

I think this actually can be a close game, Oxygen got nothing to prove, Guild does. Cheering for guild tho! :)

posted about 3 years ago

Ez for guild.

Whatever comes in Yacines way,
easy kills with his phantom spray

posted about 4 years ago

Almost a full swedish derby :) Cheering for Guild! <33

posted about 4 years ago

ez for guild

keep belive in that 10% winrate

posted about 4 years ago

Thats not trashtalk, just him beliveing in his team u nutsack

posted about 4 years ago

The winners of champions right there! :)

posted about 4 years ago

This is big!

posted about 4 years ago

The best answer for that is probably a combination of BO1, bad seeding-rules and ofc that they didn't play at their best. EU First Strike was however a joke with all the BO1s, but maybe even more dumb was the seeding-system. Guild qualifed in the C-qualifer, and got seed nr1 for that going into the final playoffs. The rest of the teams in C-qualifer got seed 2-16. Nolpenki however, qualifed in D-qualifer, and got the best seed from that, with the 17 seed, and the rest got 18-32 from D-qualifer. How stupid is it then that the best teams from both qualifers is in the same tree in the playoffs? That is why they met so early, because EU First strike ruling was a joke.

posted about 4 years ago

Yes, the G2 players didn't know anything until 1 hour before, but obviously it was the managers and the org of G2 who made the deque happen together with Riot, not the players. Not having G2 qualiy for First Strike would have been a big loss in views etc, and money talks...

The fact that nolpenki wasn't signed doesn't take away their skill, look at SUMN FC, an unsigned team who were in the finals. Nolpenki also have (had) much invidual skill, and in a BO1 this can explain why they won, even if I think Guild shoud've won.

posted about 4 years ago

It feels like NIP are dropping all their good players, and the more "bad" are staying. This have been a theme in NIPs history of valorant, and no other organizaion have changed their rosted like NIP has I beleive. I don't think Sayf nor lucker were kicked from NIP; they got better offers somewhere else. NIP feels like a sinking boat at this point.

posted about 4 years ago

"Pretty reliable" you say, however, news can never be written in a way that states something wrong like "now the line-up is this: ", and then 30mins later it is confirmed it was wrong news, so I was right after all...

posted about 4 years ago

The report says (written by who btw?) "according to our sources". Maybe you as a site should wait atleast til the news are 100% before stating something like "The reported G2 Esports roster is now:...". Nothing on this is on twitter etc yet. Just saying...

posted about 4 years ago

Nah, either SUMN FC nor Heretics who were in the finals in Europe really play jett op. That "meta" is long dead since op-nerfs months ago.

I think FPX now are looking for a player (maybe a sentinel) with a more aggressive style compared to Meddo, like pAuras playstyle in Heretics who have crazy aim and also a overall more constistent performance.

posted about 4 years ago