Flag: Canada
Registered: June 4, 2023
Last post: April 9, 2024 at 6:19 AM
Posts: 35

or Vaxee XE wireless. if u like symmetrical shape. I like its shape more than gpx even at 1k. i even like that its heavier feels more stable in valo.

posted 9 months ago

gpx superlight 2 is 4k but not worth it to upgrade. but if u like the shape and want to try 4k u can. also no need to buy an extra dongle.

posted 9 months ago


posted 10 months ago

WWW ez pickems 22%

posted about a year ago

average shao game

posted about a year ago

Mouse : DAV3,VIPERV2,GPX,GPX2 (change skates if gpx, stock are dogshit)

Keyboard : Wooting, Apex Pro

Monitor : XL2546K, XL2566K

Mousepad : ARTISAN Zero soft, ZOWIE G-SR-SE, G-SR, Vaxee PA.

if u get these and ur bad then its skill issue

posted about a year ago

bad series for him and somehow he still top fragging in a bo5 with a 0 kill map wtf...

posted about a year ago

people said they weren't even supposed to win japan ascension and they finished second playing against a team that everyone predicted to win ascension since day 1 good run.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

gn hope youll have a nice dream brother

posted about a year ago

IZU was carrying them through out the regular season tho. He consistently was above everyone else by a lot. I would say he outshined the japanese players. It just so happened that he didn't show up against scarz. And you can notice that majority of imports play duelists I would say that it makes a lot of impact on the score.

posted about a year ago

I didn't mean that you are hating I just said in general because all the ones who leave hateful messages have the same points as you do. But I didn't say that your message in particular was hateful. Just wanted to give my five cents on this topic and I thought it would be best to reply to you because the theme was similar.

Allen and toraneco both showed what they are capable of in two series winning many important rounds and I would say that you cant just swap them for two complete bots or randoms and have the same results. They both are very important pieces in the team.

Having two korean imports is still not a win for japan. Every import that you mentioned is a key player in their team respectfully and if you switch them out it would matter and would matter a lot. You cant just swap IZU or syouta out of a roster and think that they would win. And sorry if my message came out as if it was agressive. It wasnt aimed to be like that. The main point I wanted to deliver is that scarz don't deserve the hate.

posted about a year ago

But the guy commented where is pride in that. So where is pride in supporting korean players? Isn't Japan being used as a medium for Korean players to rise then? I don't see any logic in seeing korean players as japanese they are still foreign. It doesn't elevate japanese scene to have korean imports either.

posted about a year ago

What I wanted to say is that there is no fully japanese strong team atm in challengers so you support jadeite scarz or fennel its all the same. But somehow scarz get all the hate.

posted about a year ago

you dont want to support japanese org with 2 japanese players? You talk as if SCARZ is a 5 non-japanese player team. What if japanese player comes to an international tier1 team and wins champions you wont support him because his team is not fully japanese? kind of doesnt make sense. I don't understand all that hate for scarz. Like jadeite is not even full-japanese 2 korean players so you want to support them because they have 1 less import? FENNEL has foreign coach and 1 foreign player and syouta is chinese as far as I know so it makes 3 foreigners but 1 with japanese citizenship. Like there is not much of a difference.

posted about a year ago

nah bro u delusional if u think that

posted about a year ago

i think he meant that you should imagine that zywoo sucks on BNE not that he actually would suck

posted about a year ago

All this hate is too much. I hope he can recover and come back to tier1.

posted about a year ago

"Don't worry, all our players are residents of Japan ;)" he replied with that to a tweet saying that scarz need to drop 1 foreign player if they win in ascension and go to VCT. I would say it can only mean that the rule is not applied idk what else.

posted about a year ago

I saw fadezis(scarz coach) tweet something like don't worry everyone in team is a resident of japan or something like that. I guess it could work like that but idk. I go solely off of fadezis words rn.

posted about a year ago

I mean jemkin is doing good in scarz. But idk its not like PRX signed him so unless he goes to tier1 we cant say much about his team play.

posted about a year ago

I think Jemkin is very underrated. I believe he is on somethings level his aim is more consistent and arguably even better than somethings. But something is very fast and does some crazy stuff and hits more crazy highlights and is more hyped and known because of his streams and him playing on NA

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

imagine the fps hit with double sized lobby and abilities turned on. this tdm mode can not be saved... I guess only viable use is for raze, neon and jett players who will play it to train movement.

posted about a year ago

bro, TDM is so much worse than normal DM in CS wdym. Hardly anyone who actually plays and not spins for cases plays TDM.

posted about a year ago

Can dsg win at least one time I really hope so

posted about a year ago

MxM 2-1 M80 I believe

posted about a year ago

W thread

posted about a year ago

jemkin is crazy, lets go scarz!

posted about a year ago

where could he diff jemkin? in one regular season game where they lost? or do you mean team diff cuz that's the only thing I saw.

posted about a year ago

my guy dropped 27 kills using only odin without moving his mouse xD peak valorant experience

posted about a year ago