My prediction for this game:
Team Liquid (Shit) find themselves on Fracture once again. Kamyk is heard talking to nAts in the voice chat: "Please, nAts, please let me play the Sage, I promise I won't troll this time." nAts sighs slightly, but remains nonchalant and calm.
"Hokay, kamyk, but you have to call me daddy."
Kamyk is stunned by this request. "N-nani?! nAts, what are you saying?"
"You heard me kamyk. Call me daddy."
Kamyk softly whispers into the mic. "Please let me pick Sage... daddy..." nAts simply smiles. "Good boy."
Team Liquid later find themselves pushing the A Site through drop. Kamyk accidentally misses the wall that walls site and instead walls off the team... again. While shooting the wall, nAts dies to FUT yetujelq in sands.
nAts sighs loudly, calmly stands up and removes his headphones. He looks over at Kamyk to find him stuffing the tip of an Elmer's glue bottle up his nose. Without so much as a word, nAts rips the glue from his nose and rams it into his colon. Heh, that'll show him not to mess with my oni-chan Liquid nAts.