the cost difference is borderline negligible except pistol phx flash is 250 and neon slide is 150 + 1 free
without ult neon has 2 slides + 1 slide for every 2 kills so realistically about 4 maximum per round, not as much as 10-12, but if ur gonna count run and gun ults u might as well add jett in there too and raze satchels and ult
also run and gun is viable with any agent thats like close enough, im surprised its not used more often tbh run and gun is heavily underrated imo pros just tend to prefer to just shoot them instead of running and gunning because it gets controversial if u get what i mean
and u can run and gun with not just neon u can easily breach stun or omen blind + some sort of flash and just run them down
literally against neon ult just dont crouch and try to spray while sitting duck and ull be fine a vandal hs is insta kill neon needs like 2-3 shots to ur head to kill u
also js me or idk i havent been following pros or watching streams but i dont seem to hear a lot of pros complaining about how broken neon is