Flag: South Africa
Registered: September 30, 2022
Last post: May 15, 2023 at 5:24 PM
Posts: 27

The same is true for the rest of the rankings. Leviatan are +28, won more maps and lost less maps than everyone else on 4/4 but they are ranked the lowest out of the 4/4 teams.

posted about a year ago

If C9 can't afford Yay then the chances of Sentinels affording him is pretty low. They'll have to drop Tenz. Esports is in recession. Staff, teams, whole departments are getting cut. Yay's best option now is to play for a much lower salary or content creation.

posted about 2 years ago

That is true as well. But the Optic roster didn't happen overnight. It took a long time to build and they already had some popularity. If Sentinels revamp their whole roster and flop, they're dead in the water because they would've already lost a big part of their fanbase by letting these guys go. So it's a huge risk.

But I'm not disagreeing with you. There has been many problems with the current roster and the easiest solution is probably a complete rebuild.

posted about 2 years ago

This was misplaced but I'm sure yay lover will find it as he's on my d*ck.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm defending the points I made when I started the thread which I would think is the least I can do. And I've had multiple respectful discussions with people in that thread. It's just you being weird.

Now please, hop off my d*ck.

posted about 2 years ago

And here you are, still on my d*ck.

Why would I subscribe to someone who streams once a week 😂🤣 Besides, I like him for his pro play, not his limited streams.

Stop now. You're embarrassing yourself.

posted about 2 years ago

All you do is d*ckride SEN. You're in every SEN thread jumping on anyone's neck who has anything positive to say about them. Kinda weird, ngl.

posted about 2 years ago

Man said Weltis is the owner of Sentinels 🤔🤔

posted about 2 years ago

I hear you and to to be honest you are probably correct. My opinion is as a fan which is not always the best position to be in when discussing this type of thing. And I'm not just focusing on pro play which is also not helping my case.

From a pure pro play viewpoint, I can see why it's necessary for the old roster to be dropped and them to build an entire new roster from scratch.

posted about 2 years ago

Stop blaming the coaches? They didn't have any, that's the point I've been making. They're untested under proper coaches with an actual full roster. And I've fairly criticized Sentinels throughout this whole discussion multiple times.

New players will have their chances. This is literally the first year of franchising. Do you think Valorant is going to die out over the next few years which would make it impossible for new players to create storylines?

They're more watchable because of the numbers. It's literally in the words, more watchable. People just watch them more than any other NA team.

And you don't know me, so your assumption that I am unable to become a fan of new players is baseless. For one, my favorite roster from this year was Ghost Gaming. I love those type of storylines. We just disagree on the Sentinels thing, no big deal.

posted about 2 years ago

Alright, I get you. On paper, this would definitely be a great team and much better than what their current roster is because of how badly they've been performing. I guess that's why they're taking so long to decide the roster because if they're trying to build a roster like that it'll take a lot of testing.

Just from a fan perspective, I'd still back the current roster. With proper coaching staff they'll be able to adapt better to changing meta, take responsibility and improve overall as a team. A new team might look nice and flashy but it can just as easily flop. If they get a whole new roster and flop, Sentinels is dead in the water whereas even through this horrible year of Valo from the current roster they're still relevant. Here we are, discussing them like we know sh*t about the inner workings of their team because of how relevant they are.

posted about 2 years ago

We are having a discussion and we disagree on some points. Why are you so aggressive?

I understand you believe they've had their chance. I don't disagree in totality. I just believe they've not been given a chance under proper coaching. And the gang of washed streamers are more watchable than any other team from NA in the pro scene. That's just a fact. People want to see this team have a redemption arc or people have a hate boner for them and want to see them lose.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm basing the phrase "super team" on what Syyko tweeted. It's impossible for Sentinels to get the top players in each role because everyone is already in different teams. The only one they can get is Marved.

I apologize if this led to confusion. I thought it was obvious I was referring to the new coach who tweeted he's building a super team.

posted about 2 years ago

Living in reality. Sentinels is not a huge organization like C9, TSM, FAZE, etc. Them dropping the core people who got them to franchising is a horrible move. They'll lose a lot of fans. Sentinels dominated NA and dominated an international event without any coaching staff.

Since then, they've been horrible and their org has let them down by not getting coaching staff earlier. They've also failed to take accountability for how bad they've been. But this team, is still untested with proper coaching. You can't deny that. Rawkus helped a little but he always had broken teams to fix. With the signing of Syyko and Kaplan, the core Sentinels team is a super team.

posted about 2 years ago

PR matters a lot, yes. Especially taking into account how brand partnerships, merch sales and individual player drops contribute to orgs breaking even. Remember, only one team can win per tournament. Sentinels has a 1/30 chance of winning the first lan and same for the rest of the tournaments. Their PR or "clout" is a huge factor in producing capital when their not winning tournaments.

What if they revamp the whole new roster and still not be good? Then they won't have the offseason "clout" that drives capital and sales.

posted about 2 years ago

People forget that Esports is a deficit business. Almost all the teams are not making any profit. Their values are extremely inflated to attract investors and if they don't win any tournaments, the only real fallback they have is their players producing income through team-wide brand sponsorships and sales. This roster's "clout" is making more money for Sentinels than any of the other orgs rosters. Or will you disagree with that as well? There's more to it than just winning trophies because in the end, only one team can win per tournament.

posted about 2 years ago

The point I'm making is they're planning a total rebuild but that'll cost them the majority of their fanbase so it might not be the right move.

posted about 2 years ago

Based on the trophies they've already won and still holding the record for most dominant performance at an international event. But that's not even the main point. They're the team who got Sentinels to franchising. Dropping them will surely alienate a huge part of their fanbase.

posted about 2 years ago

With TenZ and Shahzam nearing the end of their contracts, Sentinels has the chance to do a clean rebuild of their Valorant team. The problem with this is they'll alienate more than half of their fanbase.

Losing your two most popular players is tough on any org. It also means 8 out of the 10 people who got you to franchising are gone. It just seems like a horrible PR move.

My suggestion would be to keep the core team of TenZ, Shahzam, Dapr, SicK and add a controller. That's a super team with the correct coaches, which they have now.

posted about 2 years ago

As someone who played rugby from the age of 6 I can without a doubt in my mind say I would never do American football. It's like they decided to recreate ancient gladiator traditions. It's like they're begging for concussions.

At least in rugby there are strict tackle rules to ensure players don't hit each other on the head and call it a tackle. That's also why we don't have to wear such heavy gear as in American football.

But American football is quite technical. Rugby is a much easier sport to play. There aren't so many rules and flags governing every move. The thing that really separates rugby and American football is the fact that in rugby you need to be able to do offense and defense. One team for all plays.

posted about 2 years ago

I don't live in SA. Like I said, I live in China. Still 70+ ping to play on Hong Kong servers so I don't play too much. I also work and study so not much time. I'd rather watch pro's play when I get some free time.

posted about 2 years ago

Even if they let everyone's contract run out they'd still need to inform those they are not considering for 2023. That's why I think the roster might not change and they'll just add a controller. The only thing I think will change is the coaching staff and as much as the coach would want to pick his/her players, that probably won't be the case with this SEN roster.

Esports is literally a deficit business. But this SEN team makes a lot more than any other team out there if you compare them roster for roster. It just doesn't make sense dropping them in bulk.

posted about 2 years ago

Esports is unfortunately not big in South Africa. I only got into it when I moved to China back in 2019. Back home it's only rugby, cricket, football (soccer) and field hockey. I became a SEN fan through watching Valorant streams when covid broke out to pass time. That's when I started following the pro scene.

posted about 2 years ago

Most of us just don't engage. I've been reading discussions since early 2021 and this week is the first time I actually started giving my opinion. I think when Tenz joined a lot of younger fans followed him to SEN. But other than that, SEN has always had the same core players with their fan bases.

Maybe younger fans are more willing to engage in discussions and that's why you get the trolls and stupid posts.

posted about 2 years ago

That's what the off-season is for. To test these things and see what works and what doesn't. SicK is still in the picture. If he wasn't, they would've informed him and he would've announced and started seeking for other opportunities.

posted about 2 years ago

Yes, it might just be SicK in for Shroud and them signing Zellsis full-time.

posted about 2 years ago

I think Sentinels will go super slow with their rebuild strategy so they'll probably only add one new player, preferably controller. The main issue is the coaching staff. Dani was the first to be told he should look for other options. So my prediction is:

Then there will probably be a whole new coaching staff and some shifts, like Rawkus being an analyst or assistant coach instead of head coach.

posted about 2 years ago