Flag: Norway
Registered: January 17, 2024
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 9:36 PM
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If you're feeling insecure then you don't need to reply back.

posted 3 months ago

Because I don't spend every day of my life making dozens of comments glazing SEN and shit talking every other NA team like you? You're a child, go make friends.

posted 3 months ago

Funny as fuck that you immediately assume I'm an NRG fan just because I'm giving you guys the truth, I had a SEN flair since I joined the site but took it off as of lately because of idiots like you making it some kind of war here haha.

posted 3 months ago

You guys look delusional coping like SEN aren't due for another flop if history doesn't lie. SEN have proved to be an inconsistent team yet you guys want to start acting like they're destined to win everything from here on out.

posted 3 months ago

The first page of your comment history starts 3 hours ago.

posted 3 months ago

google translate it then

posted 3 months ago

SEN have been irrelevant garbage for two entire years and now suddenly after winning qualifications to a LAN for the first time since Champs 2021, we start tweaking and acting like SEN will forever remain the best NA team in the world. Qualifications. NRG just last year have qualified for two events compared to SEN's four ever since VCT was formed the past four years, what's even worse is the fact that the OPTIC core that we're clowning on qualified for 7 events in total.

Why is it that you guys sit in silence for two entire years straight, then suddenly you all lash out like childish monkeys shit talking everyone the second your team looks good again? TheAceGamer30 who is an actual iPad kid commenting here 24/7 is starting to get upvotes so why are we lying to ourselves by saying these toxic SEN fans are the minority? None of this makes sense.

posted 3 months ago

"The beast within TenZ has reawakened.... Americas is forever doomed.... ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ"

posted 3 months ago

I'm I in your head or what, the thread died 12 hours ago bro but ty for bringing it back king.

posted 3 months ago

not Americas League lol, but yeah they got knocked out by EG in Champions the same exact way, a fake reverse sweep.

posted 3 months ago

Who's the better player, Demon1 or Zekken (NO OTHER OPTIONS).

posted 3 months ago

Already took off my SEN flair, actual 12 year olds thinking they won Champions.

posted 3 months ago

So now it's back to being toxic? Great cycle dude.

posted 3 months ago

Simp4S0m would never.

posted 3 months ago

Nobody been saying that to you when SEN were irrelevant for two years you weirdo.

posted 3 months ago

Zekken for sure, the rest idk not really.

posted 3 months ago

I used to cheer for SEN but no longer showing that because of idiots like these. No idea where you're getting NRG from lol.

posted 3 months ago

Crying like this because you lost an argument is too funny. You being insecure enough to make a thread about it is enough proof that you know deep down that SEN should've been given a disadvantage for losing twice. Keep crying about me bozo, SEN fans really are all 12 year olds.

posted 3 months ago

Unbelievably brain dead, Boostio made it look close and the shooters on his team are objectively way worse. You don't know what IGLing is.

posted 3 months ago

see #20 bro, we both know that it's unfair for a team to win a tournament with two losses whereas the rest in the playoffs are out after receiving their FIRST loss. LOUD losing their first series shouldn't cost them the title like it's LOCK//IN against SEN that lost twice lol. I'm only comparing it with the UB and LB in other tourneys because it's the same issue.

posted 3 months ago

Are you brain dead because that's not what I'm arguing about at all. I don't want the entire tournament to be single elimination genius, read my post.

posted 3 months ago

I'm only saying that its unfair for NRG because there shouldn't be a scenario where a team that can afford to lose two matches can be on equal footing in an elimination match to a team that hasn't lost yet, it's why the format doesn't make sense. You're thinking as if the format itself is absolute when I'm upfront disagreeing with it.

posted 3 months ago

The team that gets SEN = gets the map advantage. If NRG couldn't get it then there's no reason as to why LOUD couldn't considering they won literally every match to reach the final, whereas SEN dropped two. LOUD are also gone after their 1st loss as SEN are crowned winners, it doesn't make sense.

posted 3 months ago

How on earth is losing twice = consistent. It is literally the opposite.

posted 3 months ago

Not really? They can make it work.

posted 3 months ago

Again that's quite literally not an advantage if the opposing team can afford to lose TWO MATCHES in this tournament. NRG are gone after their 1st loss, SEN can afford to stay after two.

posted 3 months ago

SEN don't ban anything, that's the advantage.

posted 3 months ago

That's not what the map veto advantage is at all lol. That's not even an advantage anyways to begin with, look at the picks and bans for this series for reference

posted 3 months ago

No they didn't? Unless you mean the unofficial advantage which is a week break, which really isn't an advantage thats worth enough in this scenario.

posted 3 months ago

I saw someone else make a post about it but this shit is still crazy. Why didn't NRG or LOUD have a map veto advantage vs SEN who lost two matches so far? Like in Grand Finals of events, the upper bracket winners have a map veto advantage against the lower bracket winners, because they're rewarded for not losing. SEN lost two series' yet entered the playoffs with no disadvantage, not even in the finals against LOUD. Are Riot throwing away the upper bracket advantage for future tournaments now?

posted 3 months ago

You guys can be happy without being insufferably toxic and cringe like any other fanbase.

posted 3 months ago

oh wait nvm LOL

posted 3 months ago

But you didn't do anything what

posted 3 months ago

You want me to link you that quote I found?

posted 3 months ago

"TekkenZ, the hellish duo, shall take over VCT... everyone will know their past pain... ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ"

posted 3 months ago

"LOUD are put on their knees for TekkenZ... the strongest duo ever.... ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ"

posted 3 months ago

"Demon1 is no match for TenZ... his hibernation is over.... ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ"

posted 3 months ago

Not only are they super toxic which is why I dropped my SEN flair, but they have to be by far the most childish fanbase in this scene and it's not even close. "even if you kill zekken... you have to run into TENZ...!!! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ" grown ass people saying this by the way. I shouldn't expect more when they're saying shit like "WE HECKING LOVE TENZ!!!" for years but I swear to god this tournament has straight up proven that the mental age demographic of SEN CITY is under 15. I've seen like dozens of the most cringe signs in the crowd by SEN fans too like everyone is at fault here.

I started cheering for them when the team was at their lowest and now I'm starting to realize why nobody wants them to win again and I just want to apologize to all the haters for it. "TenZ reminds the world once again who's the greatest of all time... the world will know his wrath... ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ" this shit is crazy. I'm not making these quotes up by the way.

posted 3 months ago

I can't find any information for it. is it really just qualifications for Madrid?

posted 3 months ago

Apparently the 90% of the SEN community are baiters?

posted 3 months ago

Not all, only the worst ones. I follow a lot of teams in esports and there's only very few that would have takes like SEN are having right now.

posted 3 months ago

You last commented on a post calling Demon1 washed, you would get offended if you read it.

posted 3 months ago

I used to have the SEN flair but now I'm taking it off after all the hate the fans have been saying ever since SEN beat NRG. In other games that I follow, the best players are still respected after a tough loss but Demon1 is now being called a fraud and washed by everyone because he played bad yesterday for the first time since losing to FNC in Masters Tokyo UBF, like 9 full months ago. Chet who is a decorated coach is being blamed over a mistake too and now a lot of people want him cut.

I get that these people are sometimes cocky but why are they suddenly bad at the game to everyone now because of a series? VCT started two weeks ago and people have already forgotten what Chet has accomplished and the fact that this is Demon1's first full year starting in Tier 1, literally coming off from having the best rookie year in this game's history. I thought my SEN friends would keep it humble considering that we've watched our team suffer and go through A LOT of hate throughout the past two years, so why is it suddenly ok to dish all of that back the second we start looking great again?

What'll happen if SEN have a fall off and NRG ends up looking dominant in the latter half of the year for Champions 2024, the biggest event? Are we just gonna go back to staying silent, holding in all of our hatred for our next big win? This is pathetic.

posted 3 months ago

sonofcar legally owns chamber rn btw

posted 3 months ago

100% real

posted 3 months ago

I agree with everything youโ€™ve said, vibes are vital for the reason youโ€™ve listed, and itโ€™s why I believe SEN priotizing it to the point where it directly interferes with their actual gameplay in a negative manner. They focus on it TOO much in order to keep everybodyโ€™s heads high at all times and I donโ€™t know whatโ€™s up with that. SEN vs EG link is a great example of what Iโ€™m taking about, instead of focusing on their set strats and whatnot heading into map 2, they just kept up the belief in that theyโ€™re the better players and got punished for their lack of preparation.

Teams that succeed have a balance of both, SEN arenโ€™t doing that at all and from the looks of their excuses, itโ€™s why I believe we might see another 2023.

posted 3 months ago

so then stfu and dont care about it then you dumbass like what, you got some disorder that prevents you from ignoring things?

posted 3 months ago

why respond when u haven't read anything then you idiot lmao, are u too important to ignore a post that you're not interested in or what

posted 3 months ago
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