Flag: China
Registered: December 28, 2022
Last post: March 4, 2024 at 8:48 PM
Posts: 9

damn, again?
EDG gonna to captured again by PRX without doubt.
EDG's Nemesis: PRX & Liquid, never win once, more over, both of them change the rosters several times.

posted 11 months ago

172cm, 71kg

posted about a year ago

we do not have Christmas holiday in China, even on Christmas Day.
Young people may like the Christmas eve, becuz it's a symbol of safeness, they send apples each other(apple pronounce "ping guo" in Chinese, start as "ping" which is the same start pronounce of safeness as "ping'an", so young people like it, but many of us do not believe it).
there are many religions here, estimate about 3-4% of Chinese are Christian(40 million+), Muslim about 20-30 million(they have eid al-fitr holidays in the west China such as Ningxia, Xinjiang, Qinghai, and some other muslim localities)

posted about a year ago

Chese fans thought it too, but now we realize that Trace get more funding since 2023, their capital behind is stronger.
RA spend less on esports recently, I think that's why they are not picked.

posted about a year ago

Just improve your aim by practising more, easy leave iron 1 to plat 1(or diamond 1), then you may need to learn the utility positioning to improve more.
calls can be improved during the learning too, especially watch more matches.

posted about a year ago

yay-meister joined Bleed.

posted about a year ago

there are almost none 3rd party "big events", i mean real big one, participated with almost all the strong teams like champions.
long off-season time, long qualification time, there is not enough show time for the strong team or popular team for viewers.
Basically, not intense enough.

posted about 2 years ago

trainee iKun learning for 2.5 years, LOL

posted about 2 years ago

it could take several more months for tecent to make promotion.

posted about 2 years ago