Flag: Wales
Registered: July 12, 2022
Last post: February 8, 2024 at 4:01 AM
Posts: 91
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i can smell winning of talon

posted about a year ago

NOTE : it based on kick off not overall year

posted about a year ago

No it's apac still 3 but the problem with NA and EU
NA = inflation
EU = CS still shadowing val and make org not having desire come into val

posted about a year ago

They learn brother

posted about a year ago

Nah bro literally DFM clears with the lose streak

posted about a year ago

welcome to vlr

posted about a year ago

they scrim got leak with filipino pro same comp with this if i remember

posted about a year ago

if monyet change again after this map (with raze)
that 2 map b4 its trade

posted about a year ago

copenhagen bro remember copenhagen

posted about a year ago

There's some place called scrim

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I mean he prove it the difference

posted about a year ago

Classic western only know english

posted about a year ago

That exactly how to make CS dead

posted about a year ago

U need to know why Valo is bigger in asia right now because most game in asia fps is free but anti cheating not mostly work (they don't care about the cheater) and it's not fun to play anymore and now they leaving just go to valorant

posted about a year ago

The reason why in most sea almost never seen in CS

  1. We never get to know how to pay or buy CS in steam ( u can use PayPal but if u not 17 years old u don't know how to pay it (u know how parent asia strict about money and game)
  2. There's so much game that not in bigger in eu and na but big in sea like 3 game I say before and atlantica, lost saga, black dessert and DOTA.
  3. There still CS player but only in big city playing it. If u in country side most of the game is game free that we can play together in internet cafe
posted about a year ago

Not it's actually true how to be separated
But the problem

  1. china and Korea owned riot mostly
  2. China the fps still bigger than Korea
  3. China and SEA it's same bigger fps back then (crossfire, point blank, Xshot)
  4. Japan rarely it's bigger in scene apex (we never see in the scene japan it's big in fps after apex came out) that's why riot take opportunity for this
posted about a year ago

U can say to ur costreamer to make ur acc in afreecatv I belive ??
If Im not mistaken sliggy already make account for afreecatv.
Man just because it's just another platfrom u can't watch ur fav team
It's free bro it's freeeee
U don't need download another browser or another app like weibo and some kind Chinese app just for watch that

posted about a year ago

The comparison is so stupid
Imagine a song they have bunch of genre
And the other guy heard and love "riddim" and u say it's not the actual song ???

posted about a year ago

It's hard to get valorant leaker in asia cause the community itself is small
Even u see that scrim it's always accidentally the other pro streaming looking for another pro hop into rank.
And they just day 1 in Korea and japan

posted about a year ago

I mean this job itself is competitive

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

U need to know not everyone accept that culture
It's just western culture about binary things.
If u want to be respect, just be like lady boy in Thailand

posted about a year ago

If u listen too heavy just listen from bottom (the newer is more kind sub low song)

posted about a year ago

U don't need for rumor for this team
Monyet play neon raze longtime ago (even in ranked still play raze)
Even if they use 1 duelist comps 3 ppl still can flex unless mindfreak
D4vai is duelist longtime ago and switch forsaken, b4 forsaken duelist he is play Sova

posted about a year ago

Even they said it was mistake it's just make more how bad eg are

posted about a year ago

Mental diff I think

posted about a year ago

Don't worry Dutch already does it

posted about a year ago

Don't bet china team
If they not matchfixing
they trying something new

I lost so much money on dota2 china team

posted about a year ago

No it's always like this and it's almost every game that china having some classic matchfixing and problem payment. Coach meow (from boom esport) is the one who got that things.
(It's not every org but (example) from 10 org at least 3 or 4 always had it like this)
Most ppl (pro play) in sea always know about this

posted about a year ago

Someone doesn't know a word about "learn" and "adaptations"

posted about a year ago

Can u imagine monyet in onic with the team, fight
Bleed and team secret in 1 day (on lcq) and winning (just lose with prime boom esport)

posted about a year ago

What I remember India ppl doesn't accept Pakistan SA and claim Pakistan is MENA no ?

posted about a year ago

Ah I'm not seen they part away with Dom

posted about a year ago

Which one ?
They already in dominatus bros

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

There's range age when u still require be in military service, but Jing and (I belive) the org and family chose right now so in future jingg still can chose anything what he want in the future (like college or some stuff (which is some work in asia still strict about age minimum requirements))

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Bro can u just play some game, challenge ur self get rank radiant instead OR u can just commenting ur CEO while ur CEO trying be a good guy "lick riot" instead copying chat gpt in this vlr

posted about a year ago

I mean blg and ase is always stuck behind edg (and now there having another enemy like rare atom and trace esport looks legit)

posted about a year ago

Axwell & ingrosso clears

posted about a year ago

Xset vs Lev on heaven (forgot when) with taric react

posted about a year ago

In the one dream who posting this

posted about a year ago

It's off seasons?

posted about a year ago

I think sliggy answer this in plat chat (I forgot which episode)
If I remember sliggy still enjoy being analyst with stream rather being Coach

posted about a year ago

I think because tenz streaming the work ethic and ppl watch that with satisfying aim that tenz have (ofc i still don't get it why it's tenz so different in tournament, ( I see Jing or forsaken and it's no much different about their aim with tenz)it's cause tenz work with other ppl or it's just cause himself ?)

posted about a year ago
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