Flag: United States
Registered: September 1, 2022
Last post: July 16, 2023 at 11:08 PM
Posts: 16

whatever happens put cryo on full-time duelist so the comps aren't so troll. The concept of duelist players only playing jett needs to stop he should be able to play both agents at a high level not just jett

posted about a year ago

Even the oline has to do different blocking schemes and techniques to counter the dlines different techs and stunts. Mfs just have this stigma around football that they are big dumb idiots the only argument I see association football being more tactically in-depth than American football is the fact that the players somewhat improvise more.

posted about a year ago

Watch a brett kollman video or even search up how thick an NFL playbook is and tell me it isn't a tactically deep sport.

posted about a year ago

....We still saying this in 2023

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

not even a sen fan lil bro you are dickriding me like crazy get off you might get pregnant

posted about 2 years ago

i don't know how you have 1 and a half stars on this but you are spitting these freaks don't understand it takes time for a team to mesh lmao hopefully sen mesh by the time the Americas league come

posted about 2 years ago

k/d list tbh util usage are good from majority of the players on that list braindead common vlr take

posted about 2 years ago

Make an account on gankster or just find a discord

posted about 2 years ago

This site is not hearing you out they don't even know the 22 positions in American football just give it up😭

posted about 2 years ago

football is SOMEWHAT easy to get when it comes to strategy compared to American football if you look at playbooks from College to the pros they are VERY thick and not only do those players have to learn a playbook in a short amount of time they also have to be able to stay physically fit. QB has to be one of the most challenging positions in sports you have to know and read the defense in under 3 seconds or you will get destroyed by a 6'5 300-pound Dlinemen that funs a 4.5 forty. You seem not so bright so I doubt you would know where I'm coming from.

posted about 2 years ago

bro thought he was cooking too

posted about 2 years ago

From an outside perspective you guys are all weird and you guys need to touch grass or sumn

posted about 2 years ago

needs to be more discplined he autopilots too much

posted about 2 years ago

nah why bro hudl checked you on vlr

posted about 2 years ago

Not reading all that lil bro but we up

posted about 2 years ago