Flag: Spain
Registered: May 12, 2021
Last post: May 1, 2022 at 1:11 AM
Posts: 15

first of all, you're way too triggered over a random comment & extremely hypocritical by crying about being "disrespected" whilst actively disrespecting others.

nAts was literally the best player in the world at one point before chamber came out and he's a traditional sentinel player. if you genuinely understood the game you would easily know that the cypher/kj role isn't about "sitting afk" or having no initiative/outplay potential, that's all.

posted about 2 years ago

you clearly don't know who nAts is & have little knowledge of the game if you think playing sentinel is "sitting afk"

posted about 2 years ago

Immo 1, have a couple thousand hours on CS x)

posted about 3 years ago

Playtime: 300hrs between all accounts
Agent main: Killjoy/Viper
Fav team: Gambit or Team Queso rn

posted about 3 years ago

This is obviously 100% their fault, I was talking about the first open qualifier, which they signed up for in time and had a spot for until they were directly invited to the closed qualifier. I still think they will get into the second open qualifier as they're about 7th or 8th in the waiting list, and last time way more teams ended up dropping out.

Edit: nvm just seen that vct literally just decided to manually include all of the high tier teams that didn't sign up in time, which is really unfair for whoever they removed to make it possible (thankfully not my team).

posted about 3 years ago

They signed up in time for the first open qualifier, but got invited to the closed qualifier because they were the team with the most 2021 VCT points that didn't go to Champions (this applied for the other 3 invited teams as well).

posted about 3 years ago

Last time KOI also didn't sign up in time and they got in pretty much instantly and so did the 20 teams behind them.

G2 are currently 8th in the waiting list, they will get in but idk about the other teams further down the list like XL, still, the fact that random mixes manage to sign up in time but orgs worth millions don't is honestly pathetic.

posted about 3 years ago

The best NA team of the year? Sentinels
The best EU team of the year? G2
The best Wildcard team of the year? FPX
The Masters One winner? Gambit
The Masters Two winner? G2
The Champions winner? G2
The team that will disappoint the most? Acend
The team that will improve the most? G2
The region that will improve the most? SEA
The region that will get worse the most? NA
The Rookie of the year at international events? SUYGETSU
The best player of 2022? Mixwell
Your bold prediction. TenZ retires again


posted about 3 years ago

London - least toxic but theres still some angry 14 y/o wannable roadmen who troll after they die twice, 8/10
Paris - can be the best or the worst server, some very fun teams but a lot of kids with anger issues, often ones who think theyre "not toxic" and avoid queuing in e.g. Madrid but in reality they're even worse, 7/10.
Frankfurt - similar to Paris but with turks, 6/10.
Stockholm - queued by mistake once and legit had 0 comms, 5/10.
Madrid - bad rep but honestly it's becoming better as the wannable pro toxic kids queue Paris because they copy everything their favourite streamer does, still theres a shit ton of bad players but at least it's funny if you speak the language, 7/10.
Warsaw - not queued much here but it wasnt horrible when I did, 7/10.
Istanbul - turkish comms, 0/10.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

if you genuinely think beating G2 means anything you're not helping the SEN fanboys stereotype at all.

posted about 3 years ago