Flag: Australia
Registered: April 27, 2024
Last post: January 30, 2025 at 12:50 AM
Posts: 17

prx issue has never been player quality - it's always been in what comps they want to run and strats. Most teams have a team of coaches at this point, I wish they would get Alecks some help man

posted 1 month ago

There's way too many factors to be able to tell - there are so many ways you could spin the story.

One thing I've seen people love to do is simply go well they came 3rd in Madrid with Monyet and did worse at Shanghai with Jinggg. But you can't simply look at a result in one international tournament and compare it to the result in another international tournament. I feel like the level of play tends to get harder throughout the year when all the new rosters start to gel more - that's why even though PRX were a bit shaky at Madrid they got a chance to improve throughout the tournament - whereas shakiness was immediately punished in Shanghai (tbf it's because they skipped the entire group stage due to being the 1st seed from Pacific --> and note another way you could spin this story is that they were actually doing better in regular season with Jinggg --> with Jinggg they beat some of the teams they had lost to with Monyet (e.g. beating GenG twice in reg season, beating EDG at Shanghai))

I attribute their drop off in performance to the improving competition but also from the changes in the meta between Madrid and Shangai. Raze nerfs hit them hard, the map pool did not favour them - and they barely had any time to properly fix any of their issues given how compact the calendar was. It's easy to say in hindsight they might've done better in 2024 specifically with Monyet since his agent pool favoured the 2024 changes (but remember when they were choosing between the two no one knew about the raze nerfs and raze was still played dominantly then - and although Monyet towards the end was putting up respectable plays on Raze - it never felt as natural as his omen or Neon + the existing chemistry they had with Jinggg would make it seem like the logical pick at the time to pick him). So yeah the 2024 roster with Jinggg looked bad but I'd argue it's because of the meta changes and him coming in during the middle of year made it difficult to address - and as we can see they are now addressing it. I think what occurred in 2024 is no way a reflection of the ceiling that the roster with Jinggg can have (heck we have proof of it with 2023 - they finished 3rd at tokyo without something and 2nd at champs with something) - and now that they're addressing it we will see a better PRX.

They're honesty both good players (they actually put up pretty similar numbers), and I'm sure PRX would have found a way to do well with either of them. I think the ceiling for both rosters is high - but I think it's pretty hard to compare which would have a higher ceiling. Atm it seems like they've both found a good place for them - Jinggg obviously has good relationships with PRX and Monyet being in RRQ also just makes a lot of sense.

posted 3 months ago

double duelist and raze is still good on split though

posted 3 months ago

yeah nobody is igl for edg, he took over from haodong

posted 3 months ago

getting their scrim hours in

posted 3 months ago

yeah we're chilling. PRX are clearly using this event to experiment and even try to flesh out more of their map pool (or else I find it hard to believe they would pick haven if not to get more reps on it given how historically it's a weak map for them and they wouldn't pick in an actual match).

posted 3 months ago

i mean it's their 2023 pearl comp besides the sova instead of skye

posted 3 months ago

probably will see his phoenix next map? i've missed it

posted 3 months ago

nah i love prx but even within the same series they can be inconsistent map to map. That champs icebox vs edg was so clean ... and then we know what happened

i've been baited too many times

posted 3 months ago

foul that we have edg x prx and then edg vs prx shortly after

posted 3 months ago

and when you're a fan of both teams ... it's rough out here - always elim matches!

posted 3 months ago

idk how he was before, but I became a fan of him during his time in Pacific (missing t1 'arab prince') - had great interactions with other APAC pros in ranked and wasn't toxic then at least and very personable

posted 4 months ago

they also banned Haven for PRX huh

(not that I'm complaining... it's great actually)

posted 6 months ago

I mean GenG looked quite shaky during Pacific Stage 1 too and ended up winning Shanghai. They always seem to peak when it matters. PRX feel like the opposite and don't perform well when ppl expect them to (their better runs seem to have come when there was less expectation for them that tournament)

posted 7 months ago

PRX have 16 points according to Liquipedia

posted 7 months ago

Pacific games are by far the most fun to watch though

posted 10 months ago