Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: March 4, 2021
Last post: May 3, 2021 at 1:50 PM
Posts: 13

FINALLY LEGGOOOOOOO o wait it took tsm management this long to do anything so lmao gg tsm until they finally open their eyes wide enough to understand they need to do more

posted about 3 years ago

kazakhstan 🇰🇿

posted about 3 years ago

thank god this is not tenz fanboy fest like i expected. forum is full of cultured people. respect.

posted about 3 years ago

??? plz make this sentence make sense

posted about 3 years ago

keep spittin this is 100% fax

posted about 3 years ago

c0m + fl0m + s0m

posted about 3 years ago

not sure b/c it's reported mixwell is staying on the roster so major role clash?

posted about 3 years ago

good riddance honestly tsm management sucks for letting this shit show of a roster stay together for so long. he's been consistently poor in his form even when hazed has taken over the igl role (for this past tourney). honestly think this still isn't enough but only time will tell. i think their identity problem runs too deep and they need a big restructuring (new igl, good role players)

no hate towards the guy on a personal level but it's actually ridiculous how long this roster lasted as being one of the longest standing cores in "top tier" valorant b/c of their earlier success, they've been left in the dust.

posted about 3 years ago

things aren't so black and white, did u read what he said? teams get upset all the time and he's simply listing out the potential occurrences. DHBK taking a map or potentially winning the series is improbable not impossible - he's giving a very well rounded take.

posted about 4 years ago