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Registered: June 16, 2022
Last post: October 9, 2024 at 5:59 PM
Posts: 64
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and they won nothing with sayaplayer

posted 4 months ago

for maybe a split, but never an entire year lol not even this year, eeiu cryo and asuna all were better than him at internationals & cryo and eeiu were better in regionals.

posted 4 months ago

saying bang was consistently their best or second best player is crazy, as a 100t fan and a bang fan, he was NEVER consistent in the entire 3 years on the team. His most consistency was with the Will iteration, and that was short lived. Yes he is very good, but he has never been a consistent player which is his only draw back, and when his shots aren't hitting he gets dizzy and runs it down

posted 4 months ago

He can adapt on different agents sure, hes shown that he can slow it down on controller, but when he was on duelist they were always explosive which is probably his best attribute, my worry is for the rest of G2 not putting restraints on him and letting him play how he wants, if hes forced to play a certain way his personal performance gonna tank

posted 4 months ago

i dont think skuba made it sadly, but hes next for sure

posted 4 months ago

G2 could fail to mesh, keep in mind Jawgemo has a very different play style than everyone else on that team. SEN is likely overrated but could be underrated if bang plays to his potential and if they do roles correctly. 100T is probably underrated as zander is more of an intangibles player as the stats dont always show how good he is. NRG Should be good but FNS might be washed now, and I think mada is a tiny bit overrated.

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

classic cope from a sen fan

posted 8 months ago

im not talking about the loss im talking about their players in general, people act like they have a super team but its just not true. something is their only superstar player at this point.

posted 8 months ago

most overrated team, its sad because they are all so likeable. free something.

posted 8 months ago

its because he only bursts, if he doesnt hit head he loses gunfight lol he is good though

posted 8 months ago

so we dont have reading comprehension

posted 8 months ago

nobody wants a zuckerberg jersey

posted 8 months ago

i was wrong about leaf and boostio - thats it. I did not factor in boostio's intangibles. And to be fair to me, leaf was dog this year till he went back to senti.

posted 8 months ago

Can we finally have this discussion? I love the PRX guys they are fun to watch and all great people, but all their players are massively overrated. Especially Jingg D4v41 and forsaken. Not to say they aren't Tier 1 or anything like that, but when people make top player lists they have multiple prx players in the top 10 when it just isn't true. Not to mention they are overrated as a team also. They have poor calling, rely heavily on practiced set plays and when those are read or countered they just look lost. They struggle against teams who can prep against them and know how to anti-strat. They are praised for their inhuman mechanics, and yes this fact was true in 2022-2023 however the gap between them and other players has closed drastically. Plenty of players have better mechanics than all of them these days (except maybe something, he's prob still the best mechanically.) Overall I think the only player not overrated on PRX is something, just because he is the only one who has clearly improved every tournament, while the rest have all seemingly gotten worse. It may be time to make changes if they go out to EDG.

posted 8 months ago

should we revisit this?

posted 8 months ago

the worst take

posted about a year ago

i think N4RRATE>leaf and tex so NRG and G2 should look into it

posted about a year ago

oxy is nasty - has more potential for sure, the disappearing is probably because it was his first year playing pro, now with that experience i think we should see a more stable version of him this year, especially with vanity. But I agree N4rrate is also ready for T1 right now, and I'm hoping he goes to NRG over tex but seems unlikely :/

posted about a year ago

this is fax he was just the pillar to shit on george

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

they hated on my roster ideas suddenly flyuh and zander linked to 100t zzzz

posted about a year ago

keep crying pussy

posted about a year ago

random in comparison to other reporters... god people on this site are stupid asf

posted about a year ago

George Geddes is an insecure piss baby who latches on to his mediocre reporting fame because he got in early and now is getting outshined by randoms (no offense james love u man) and cries on twitter about it. Bro really thought people liked him as a person

posted about a year ago

you are so weird for harping on this one detail so hard, and for thinking i'm going to be grammatically correct on a valorant forum. PLS keep yourself safe. I had no reason for runi jake and leaf bc I think they are frauds retard no strings attached leaf and runi are 100% gone i think the leaks say jake is staying but he should be gone too

posted about a year ago

it means you have awful takes because you have only had 1 team accomplish anything 💀

posted about a year ago

Its a list of players who I think are frauds, so I am listing players. Notice how there is clean list for jake, runi and leaf, but there is no comma between crashies and victor then stated they would stay? retard 💀 I had different reasons for each player throughout the whole paragraph

posted about a year ago

we will see lmao i mean your from brazil so speaks for itself 💀

posted about a year ago

i would burn my 100t merch

posted about a year ago

the NA t2 scene is doomed - so many orgs gonna pull out after this scene from riot

posted about a year ago

c9 has no duelist - only one they are keeping apparently is jake and NRG has been trialing with N4rrate a lot according to leaks. But yes role's become and issue - that's where the flexible players shine who can conform to multiple roles - flyuh, v1c, skuba can play sentinel aswell im pretty sure, and even if a willingness to learn other roles is all they need.

posted about a year ago

your telling me com and boostio would succeed on another roster? I think Ethan Demon1 and Jawgemo are all world class players - but com and boostio were just along for the ride. I don't need to see stats yes they both had their big moments - and clutch plays. But ethan, demon1, and jawegemo made that team. They all just bought into the system and worked their asses off - thats why they won. Their work ethic is world class for sure - their game skill is not however. You could replace them with any other two players (assuming the replacement would have worked with potter all season and igl's similar to that effect) that work as hard and EG still wins this year, probably in a more dominant fashion.

posted about a year ago

If i was 100t, i would try to keep him also but if his foot is already out the door then it is what it is. He was trialing with c9 according to leaks. Bang is one of my favorite players so I personally would actually like to see him leave and see him succeed. I have no hope for 100t's esports staff at this point/

posted about a year ago

the rumor is bang is leaving 100t - so there you go

posted about a year ago

I think he is better then everyone on that list except flyuh because flyuh is IGL so obviously a much more prio position but skill wise yes. Oxy would be a close third in my mind though. Nismo and zander 4/5. For sym and koala i think they just had good teams around them and were put in positions to succeed.

posted about a year ago

i disagree - i think alot of slots SHOULD open up after this season including half of cloud 9 majority of 100t some of NRG - assuming all of that say 11 spots clear up - so say like 3 of the guard guys get picked up (I dont think tex and jonahp will even though I definitely think they are both deserving) then assume yay gets a spot, vanity gets a spot, you still have like 5 or so spots floating around.

posted about a year ago

he has amazing aim - can flex to any role - and if you actually watch his individual performance he makes very few mistakes. he has never really had a good team or been given a chance to impress

posted about a year ago

florescent is the best gc player - but in vct wont even place high in the random tournaments the delusion has to stop lmfao

posted about a year ago

keep sleeping on my goat

posted about a year ago

I never said leaf would stay? I said victor and crashies would stay. and he is a fraud thats why he wont have a job in t1 next year

posted about a year ago

at champs/lock-in/regular season... learn to read pls - I will admit victor played well in Tokyo but then went right back to being a fraud

posted about a year ago

Not a singular game changers player deserves to be in franchising this narrative needs to stop lmao. People try to pretend that this is real every off season and then they play in open qualifiers with funding, a bootcamp, a coach and get stomped on by 16 year old kids fresh out of ranked naming their team after memes 🤡🤡🤡

posted about a year ago

They haven't accomplished anything since they had the best player in the world. For players who are supposed to be "some of the best" based on their accomplishments, they are always underperforming. They didn't perform well at lock in - champs - or in the regular season. They are two of the most inconsistent players in NA. Show me two series in a row where victor wasn't at the top in one then the bottom in the next one.

posted about a year ago

Duelist - Cryo/N4rrate
Controller - v1c/skuba/bang
Flex - Asuna/v1c
Sentinel - neT/aproto
IGL - flyuh

FNS and s0m are not happening - 100t are not letting him come in and pick 5 players.

posted about a year ago

asian teams actually have money,sponsors NA are the ones who dont lol

posted about a year ago

you clearly didn't read what i said lol i said most of them wont leave but they will be exposed next year including 2 players on EG

posted about a year ago

leaf, runi, jake, crashies and victor frauded out all year but will stay bc of their accomplishments, mibr entire team except murizzz, tacolilia the sole reason lev hasnt been able to level up, tenz was a joke last year but will stay bc of popularity, if i mention anyone on eg i will be crucified but some of them are made to seem alot better than they actually are as a player and it will get exposed next year, tuyz and cauanzin, ardiis,

posted about a year ago
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