Flag: India
Registered: September 30, 2021
Last post: March 4, 2022 at 9:19 AM
Posts: 18


posted about 3 years ago

Coming from csgo, it feels awkward to do official matchmaking and finding no hackers, FeelsGoodMan

posted about 3 years ago

I also thought of this, I believe he is like:

"Since we are already loosing, let's play our own game"

I mean a possibility

posted about 3 years ago

Seriously, what's up with blind dash, idk I am not playing there but for me as a viewer, it feels awkward
Everytime it all boils down to one thing, if there is a slight diff between them, then GE will take advantage, else i don't see them adapting

posted about 3 years ago

I like when you said Ranking system doesn't apply in SEA which is so true. The best mentality you can have in Valorant is to accept the fact that smurfs will come (silver, gold, platinum, diamond and even in immortal), so keep your head up, don't be scared and just kill, it sounds obvious but mental boost should be there. I have seen many players scared of playing in diamond or in immortal which makes their gameplay even worse.

Also one thing which I do see is, there are less strats or team play in SEA
Few things which I do see is:

  1. Duelist go and kill (Take first frag) = win (if you duelist and not taking frags, you bad, which should not be the case)
  2. Only If duelist goes in, we get site
  3. If we spend more than 10 second in any site entrance, we rotate (not always but most of the time)
  4. If opponent team is not denying the push, then forget everything, just rush and go inside (this is the worst mm experience)
  5. And most important, operator is way too abused here, if you can't counter it, trust me you are done

To be honest, half of the match is won because of huge skill difference, winning like 13-5 or 13-3. Sometimes you get good immortals/diamond players sometimes they are worse than plat, so ranking is shit

posted about 3 years ago

Valid point, even I am sick of their content about forsaken, finally something good coming out of there, makes sense !

posted about 3 years ago

True, at the end it's just a content, and here I am making a big deal out of it :P

posted about 3 years ago

Please don't take my statement in a wrong way, I am just asking one genuine question, I know that Skrossi is really a great player, but is it possible that score esports just wanted to cover some Indian region content to farm some views or expand their viewership ? If Skrossi as a player is actually god, then why in comments everyone is thanking them for making the video, it should be obvious by then right (like he deserved the video) ?

My statement is very subjective but still wanted to know what other people think about it (or maybe I am not appreciating what skrossi has achieved so far, in that case I am dumb :c )

posted about 3 years ago

You can always go for source and get source image from their (in short google it), or you can go in vlr rankings page and then download it

posted about 3 years ago

Nice work, it looks super cool
Just putting it out there, I wonder if you can do some relation with the agents, or the composition of team based on map, or pick rate for a given map. I know few things are available in other tracker websites but it would be a fun project to do.

I personally was looking into this, I did created one scraper to fetch ingame data from but tbh, it was taking a lot of my time to understand the structure + making sense out of it (timeline, guns, money etc). But it would be fun to see which region started with which agent on any given map and how it changed based on time, like if they get influenced (if yes then which region did that or was it an update released in valorant like viper buff)

Still I really liked how you presented in sheets, simple and elegant, Keep up the good work
Btw can you share your csgo sheet as well ?

posted about 3 years ago

I am really curious as if what really defines high tier / low tier team ?

posted about 3 years ago

Yup, it's too late to blame anyone now :P
I am here reading comments and enjoying, one 5Head comment I found was this:
"GL0-13AL Esports"

I mean how are they even figuring it out xD

posted about 3 years ago

So True, I feel like it's a bit grayish area when it comes to supporting your team / spamming in chat. For example even in masters, I have seen messages like EU vs NA and NA so noob etc etc. But at the end when it comes to clutch / proper gameplay and stuff, they do respect it like POGGERS :P but then the fight in chat never felt that serious, it's more of roasting / making fun of each other

And in the case of GE vs anyone, man it's brutal out there, it's like everyone have to make some sort of point or show something or prove something. I mean just enjoy the game, support good gameplay and move on, but no, everyone have to show how dominating they are in chat

Obviously whatever I said doesn't justify anything, it's just my thought process here, but at the end this kind of behavior is wrong. I'll not be surprised if this gets spread to reddit as well (twitch, youtube, vlr).

We can start off by vlr itself, support good content and be mature :)

posted about 3 years ago

Some interesting takes:

There is another one where they mentioned something about Skrossi skills (or overall team) not being able to adapt if the opponent is strong or something, Idk I might be wrong but that was also something which I liked about casters, you always got to learn something new or you can relate with your own experience (getting crushed sometimes or something which you might have missed while watching).

I always liked official caster takes, but on the other hand, I tried seeing Nodwin gaming (hindi language) casters and it's all about obvious takes or having normal chat or crying about something and it's biased sometimes (no offense but this can be improved). They are good with pubgm casting but for valorant, I hardly found any good ones for hindi language (or I might have missed)

posted about 3 years ago

+1 I think I might have confused myself, but still balance of both should be there and I focused more on speed part :'D

The thing is, I have seen many players, who takes their sweet time to move their mouse which could have been much faster (talking about iron - plat games). But what I mean is at the very least, move it to correct position, then take your time to aim.

Example: KJ Alarmbot detects you, ideally you should be able to destroy it rather than aiming down slowly and then bam, it's already done

posted about 3 years ago

This is how I learned to aim:

  1. Have quick reflexes, even if your accuracy is bad, learn to react first, left right move your mouse as quickly as possible
  2. Once you can react, take time to adjust your aim on head and then shoot
  3. Repeat and improve

Later you'll be able to do all these things quickly
If your aim is not precise, not adjusting your aim on body, then you are simply going for "Spray and pray"

Would love to know what you guys feel like about this :)

posted about 3 years ago

Lol, chill out guys, first I am not that guy, second, friendly person here :P
Just putting out my point, no one is wrong here, just misunderstanding

First time created this account, didn't knew indian community was active here and I really liked reading comments hence I am here :)

posted about 3 years ago

I hate to see the fact that people are fighting based on their personality and behavior, just put out some facts and debate on it, I almost liked both of their conversation but then it completely went towards taking sides and being biased ... Sadge T-T

posted about 3 years ago