Flag: United States
Registered: April 17, 2023
Last post: May 26, 2024 at 4:52 AM
Posts: 49

if they do all this to just bring back S0m and FNS they are the most stupid coach and org ever.

posted 8 months ago

L changes, just making it more attacker sided each patch.

posted 9 months ago


posted 11 months ago

Typical Navi choke

posted 11 months ago

Bzka must be pissed, win all that at LOUD gets replaced by Frod. Come coach a different team gets replaced by FRod and have to work with him.

posted about a year ago

why did Tex leave the team

posted about a year ago

so far nothing except even less competitive matches

posted about a year ago

you'll know for sure if he sucks from here on out

posted about a year ago

SENS means absolutely nothing, its all about personal preference. If you don't have the muscle memory to go along with the sens that fits you is all that matters.

posted about a year ago

more like best or atleast very good, wonderful diversity of teams. Ones you thought would make playoffs didn't and others did. Everyone thought FNC would walk all over every one. And thought Loud was still crumbling. Loud proved they could still play. The giants of FNC were proven to be human, and cindarella story of EG vs the loveable guys of PRX and the story of Jinggg. It was really good, and had a lot of good moments and matches. Not to mention We were graced by King KANG KANG who will be back for sure along with EDG.

posted about a year ago

more about aim and gun usage and positions now less about ability usage. Also more about proper use of abilities or atleast being able to time things better get the most out of what you got

posted about a year ago

Regular character movement needs to be slightly slower in VAL exactly because of higher agent skill cap and agent movement abilities. It's exactly why someone might pick a jett, Neon or Omen with movement abilities to put those skills on display and give them the edge. IF all character movement was faster like in CS then there would be little reason to have/use/ or create more, agents with movement abilities. These are the very things that would make a person rather play one game over the other. Especially with CS 2 coming soon

posted about a year ago

Achilios and Paperthin are better than Tom/Mitch and Balla/Doug

posted about a year ago

VAL MaKE GaME LIke Counterstrike

posted about a year ago

Wouldn't it be funny if FNC as successful as they have been don't get this years Major..

posted about a year ago

Kang K is a good guy. you cant help but root for him, loves the game is amazing at it and wears his emotions on his sleeves. I hope he stays in the game for a long time

posted about a year ago

I hate how Achilios and Paperthin haven't gotten to cast in like either event, their better than these to

posted about a year ago

thats two things

posted about a year ago

Liquid biggest flop of the whole year. Only team to beat FNC all year and then get embarresed by LOUD, and only win 1 game in play offs at Tokyo. Navi close second, only reason they made anything was extra slots from FNC... T1 not great but they weren't very good all year only got 3rd because Pacific not very good only 2 teams all that good. Just like EMEA mostly a 1 team league also

posted about a year ago

The fact that this team is the only team to team to beat FNC all year makes no sense whats so ever.

posted about a year ago

Am I crazy or did the match start with Pansy and Hypoc and then switched to Doug?

posted about a year ago

its the third game of groups, between 2 of the worst teams at the tourney. What do you expect Grand finales level energy and hype??

posted about a year ago

FPX has one trophy, Listen my dude I like Ang1l and the rest of Navi, I was huge fan of FPX.. But they have not been playing good this whole year... Only reason they did well in regular season was because the rest of EMEA was lacking.. The only reason they've made any INT tourney is because FNC has won them an extra spot... C9 played well in regular season.. they would probably beat Navi in a game, because neither team is playing well at the moment..

posted about a year ago

Navi = C9 of EMEA, only reason they've made anything this year is because extra EMEA slots thanks to FNATIC

posted about a year ago

YOu suRE AbOUt ThaT??

posted about a year ago

EG is a part of that for right now. thought that was kinda implied ment those other teams were the other teams.. But no EG is not a super team either.

posted about a year ago

finally someone with a brain. To everyone that seems to be confused, yes it was a major, and it was harder because single elimination. Most CS tourneys are single elim in the end stages, why you all complaining?

posted about a year ago

NA doesn't have any super teams. America's only team that can really compete is NRG and LOUD, Maybe SEN if they get their crap together. They atleast have good enough players.

posted about a year ago

I mean I'm not a fan of FNC, But half the point of Franchising is to form super teams. What are you supposed to do, not have the 50 best players from each region play?? Your bound to have atleast one, if not more. The fact that the rest of the EMEA teams can't compete, and APCA and America fall behind, is a coaching/team problem. Not RIOT

posted about a year ago

I'm not really rooting for any of those 3 teams anyways, I was just saying its a bit unfair to make the bracket this way. When all other events have always been double elim. Sucks for them I suppose. there's no need for you to be an ass in comment about my question. Your name really befits your attitude.

posted about a year ago

why is the bracket so weird, first 3 teams to lose go home no lower bracket wtf??

posted about a year ago

does the loser of this game not go to lower bracket? weird bracket

posted about a year ago

gg RIP

posted about a year ago

defenitly had that Ipad right up against his face on the floor sort of thing as a kid, but he whatever works, hes zoomin

posted about a year ago

at first i thought the ammo nerf for vandal and phantom was going to be a bad thing, but now that ive been paying attention to how much the pro's spam through I think the change is a very good thing. And also it doesnt make much of a difference in regular/ranked play because no one is as good at it

posted about a year ago

thats what happens when you do your research and find people that fit into what your trying to do, And am willing to pay them, FNC didn't ruin EMEA, all the other teams loosing has proven that. TL will get sent home, them winning 1st seed was a fluk

posted about a year ago

luck is second nature from immense practice and preparation. And most Champions have a few lucky moments that send them forward.

posted about a year ago

Either way it's likely a Loss, teams be more likely to think they can do something on fracture maybe a map they feel good or atleast decent on, compared to a map they hate/ no confidence and so on..

posted about a year ago

whats their logic behind needing 10 players? Is it just so they can skrim themselves? seems weird atleast to have 2 "Head Coaches" and 2 IGL's

posted about a year ago

just what paper rex did, they anounced it before the tourney started

posted about a year ago

Benkai is there in Japan, he was literally an analyst on the desk during one of the group stage games

posted about a year ago

I'm not gonna argue that Saadhack isnt great, but to say FNATIC no merrit/lucky win on Lock-in is just ignorant. 9-3 Comeback in last map was wonderful. BTW I dont even like FNATIC I was glad they lost. But your delisional about some stuff my guy

posted about a year ago

Oh so I guess maybe they got it in in time, and EG should have been faster about it or whatever i suppose

posted about a year ago

why cant he go?

posted about a year ago

But wouldn't that mean that C9 didn't get Runi and Jake locked in for themselves, Assuming that the end up qualifying..

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Sentinels, are to impatient. They have been trying to make big moves for like 2 years now and nothing works. They're like the Yankees, they think they can just pay tons of money and it will bring wins. Not always the case. Plus I like Tenz but he's been falling off for over a year now. Sentinels was only good when game was first out because there wasn't much strategy in it, now teams have made changes and allowed strats to develop and SEN can't keep up.. Don was a good coach, SEN management needs changed not coaches.

posted about a year ago