Flag: | India |
Registered: | February 15, 2024 |
Last post: | February 14, 2025 at 1:07 PM |
Posts: | 231 |
was sen 2021 really dominant on haven?
actually they were dominant on pretty every map but the most dominant was?? icebox? haven?
sen ban breeze
geng ban sunset
sen pick split
geng pick ascent/icebox ( over icebox as they know sen good on icebox and geng are not banning ascent which means they have prep )
sen ban ascent/ icebox
geng ban bind
lotus remains
I know its controversial but TH KC and EDG def have better ideas and a clear understanding of the meta than PRX
PRX are just like 1v1 everyone without thinking and only W gaming
this is what happens when a man falls in love ( saying with experience :D )
why is he now not allowed to watch party intl events??
ikr pls does someone know what music is it?
and fns said it so well on stream that prx won sunset bc they have 2 smokes 2 initiators and 1 sentinel so they loads of utility to just gather info and take map control whereas on bind and split they put a reyna on bind who has no usage for the team and something could instead go gekko and on split 3 duelists so 0 map control
i agree and i want them to follow w gaming but they cant neglect util based comps
then it'll be like prx take only dry aim duels and other teams have util with them to support and you dont always win duels bc the other person is also a sharp shooter
bro do they not know that valorant has 4 classes of agents. Like bro this is not BETA valorant, this is new valorant and it rely's on ability and info gathering not stoopid aim
guys youll are playing in T-1 where everyone is radiant so you can't ''aim diff" people here if youre wondering.
you go into split with this comp the 1st time it's fine because its unexpected. but you cant run it every single time
you just dont have any information abt the opponent because your big brain thinks you just hit sites with 3 duelists
okay i know prx is about #WGAMING and doing crazy shit but at this moment its not crazy shit....its only shit
come on grow up if you want to win international tournaments......follow w-gaming but be a bit sensible man
like what the other teams are dumb right running double initiators on most maps bruh
sorry im a prx fan and i wanted them to win but they do stoopid shit on stage so made me rage
cool then
sleep after work or before work and next day you should be fit as a fiddle
well darwin says let him die
get min 6 hrs of sleep like sleep in the day like afternoon nap or something but get enough sleep
you'll be fine for 1 day if you sleep for 3 hrs but then till 24th march you'll be irritated tired and sick
i had a dream a couple days ago that i was kidnapped by sen and i happily agreed as they offered me to be a part of the org
interesting how we all had dreams only about SEN
goat igl saadhak has proven and always LOUD have finished strong at an international event
he's not scared of trying different stuff because the whole of LOUD crew puts hella effort
like who would even think in their dreams to combo breach stun/after shock - omen flash - phoenix molly
if anyone gets scrimbux for masters pls do post it
thank you so much :D
with such a little knowledge abt the game in india we get rossi
but trust me as the game earns more fame in india there'll be a lot of new and good players emerging
i beg riot games to please please please host a valorant international tournament in India. trust me, we have a HUGE (non-toxic) fan base and I want more and more people in India to know about esports/valorant
ok now personal reason - I love valorant merch but we dont find it in India because no one knows anything about the game. So it's to get official team jerseys it's INR 7,000 which is way way too much for a jersey. becuase of the rupee-dollar difference
so riot games please bring valorant tournament ( something big no a silly convergence tournament ) to India
tbh it'll be a win-win
you get more people, viewers, moneh and valorant in india gets more recognition
ive thought this and also tried to tell it to fns and shahz on stream that idk why Sen are not good on classic maps like Haven Ascent Breeze
Think about OG SEN and they used to win every match on these maps
But now Sen have terrible record on these 3 maps specifically
people always reply to me that "hey bro stfu meta has changed and players have changed you dumbass" but come on guys....the meta has changed for everyonee lmao
and we have better players now - we have so much experience and brain on the team now
why isn't SEN adapting to this new meta while other teams like FNC can who lost to SEN on Haven itself
and now 1 problem i see is BIND....bc SEN is running the same comp and same strat since last years LCQ
like tenz go showers control - get orb - tp back and other teams are not dumb they obv anti strat and know what to do. So i'd be happy if SEN management works on Ascent breeze and think more creatively for Bind
not picking a combined team but expressing what i think
best duelists - KK, marteen, narrate(if they do double duelst), miniboo, zekken, something,
best sentinels - johnqt, less, chichoo, foresaken, benjyfishy
best initiators - saccy, saadhak, narrate, reins, d4v4, nobody
best controllers - tenz, mindfreak, shin, boo
and no stfu.....no i did not name every player from every team