Flag: Sweden
Registered: January 25, 2023
Last post: August 29, 2023 at 11:11 AM
Posts: 14

why would sacy decide who plays on the team?

posted 9 months ago

i just cant see tenz on the roster. jett is probably gone from the meta and there are better players in every other role. my guess would be that tenz is gonna play flash ini which nismo is way better at. so i dont see a world were they keep tenz on the sarting roster

posted 9 months ago

slasher said that he was 95% sure that tenz was gone from the starting roster. imo if they keep him in their starting roster they are making a terrible decision. he hasnt preformed that well this year and now that jett is probably gone i have a hard time beliveing that they keep him

posted 9 months ago

so i have 2 sentinels lineups that i think could work and i just want to see if some1 thinks the same. 1: zekken, zellsis, johnqt, nismo and zander. 2. zekken, pancada, sacy, johnqt and zellsis/nismo.
i think the first team would be the best and i think the second team would be a more likely team they make.
i saw a ss of johnqt playing with both zekken and pancada so im quite sure he will be the igl. thoughts?

posted 9 months ago

i looked thru the players of the EMEA teams and i couldnt see a single player from asia (russia and turkey are located in both idk if thats what u mean by asian citizen). its kinda obv that no country in EU has won a champions with player from only 1 country. no russian orgs are allowed to compete at the moment and the second biggest population is turkey and it has less then half of brazils population. btw USA hasnt won a internation event with players only from USA either and they have a way larger population then Brazil. that arguement just works in favor for EMEA. i do agree with ur other post that Americas is more cometitive then EMEA is when it comes to tier 1. sry if anything here is hard to understand.

posted 9 months ago

when did NAVI beat 100T? if u are talking about lock//in then it was FNC who won against 100T. if its some other event please inform me cus i would want to watch that

posted 9 months ago

if u are talking franchising then yes EMEA has more players and more teams. thats why they are worse cus they have to fill out 10 teams with their top 50 players and the top 5 arent on 1 team and then the top 6-10 isnt on one team and so on. while NA only have to make team with their top 25 players ( only 22 but details dont matter). im bad at explaining but i hope u get my point. is it possible to give me the link to where u found out the information that EMEA has twice as many players then NA has?

posted 10 months ago

not lcq, not tokyo, not the league, not lock//in, not champions 2022, not copenhagen, i guess reykjavik was last time NA won

posted 10 months ago

is NA better then EMEA?

posted 10 months ago

so I saw a post a few days ago of some1 comparing NA and EMEA this year and said that EMEA is a 1 team region. because no EMEA team (outside of FNC) had won over a NA team which is true.
lock//in NA 4-2 EMEA (FNC won both for EMEA)
masters tokyo NA 4-2 EMEA (FNC won both for EMEA)
but i have a counter arguement for why EMEA is a better region this year. NA has 5 teams and EMEA has 10 teams. EMEA has double the amount of teams compared to NA. EMEA has 50 players from the EMEA region (not counting sixth man only the 5 main players). while NA has 22 players from the NA region. ardiis is from EMEA and then both pancada and sacy is from SA. ( im not counting jawgemo since he played in NA before franchising) so EMEA has more then double the players from their own region. imo EMEA would be a better region if we took the 25 best players and made it into 5 diffrent teams. i know this isnt something that i can prove but u cant really prove otherwise either so i guess its kinda pointless after all. my main point i guess is that imo EMEA has better players. if i made a top 25 player list with only EMEA and NA players then i would have more EMEA players then NA players. but what do u guys think is NA or EMEA better or are the equal. i would love to see what other people think.
Edit: FNC solos NA

posted 10 months ago

yea i agree. there are 12 other teams + gc teams (not sure how many gc teams are playing) + yay's team, oxg and a new c9 team. i might be missing something but i doesnt seem reasonable to scrim some1 in your own group with that many teams playing.

posted 10 months ago

Sentinels lost to Fnatic
Furia lost to Fnatic
100 Thieves lost to Fnatic
Leviatan lost to Navi
Loud lost to Fnatic
btw Giants and vitality are 2 new rosters with a maximum of 2 player playing with each other before franshising

posted about a year ago

no way u just said SEN clears the rest of the world hahahahah. they are so bad they kicked their coach mid tournament

posted about a year ago

yo mb NA fucking sucks bro. ur best teams are C9 and NRG. C9 is the biggest troll org in franchising and NRG have a european on their them. Fnatic played 2 games with a player that had covid at lock in against 2 teams and no1 complained about that. maybe think and complain about the management of the Americas league instead of complaining here where we are a bit smarter

posted about a year ago