Flag: France
Registered: April 14, 2022
Last post: November 3, 2024 at 3:23 PM
Posts: 19

it is, but now he's going to be playing with the best player in the world. told you he was contacted by a better team

posted 4 months ago

dropping nataNk is full braindead move, so I assume he was contacted by another team with better potential.

posted 4 months ago

wym bench leo? leo stepped down due to health reasons. disrespectful author, please dont write any more articles

posted 9 months ago


posted about a year ago

Nah. Team Liquid had sicknesses, visa trouble etc etc so they had trouble in the beginning. Sayf & Nats are both world class players, Jammpii has insane feats and soulcas is improving at an insane rate. Just Sayf & Nats alone diff the EDG squad. As much as I love EDG now, I still believe in TL more. Sayf > Aspas > Derke GG go next

posted about a year ago

I love how everyone agrees this is a huge W. As a Swedish person myself, I'll cheer for the team that Leo and Sayf will be on with all my heart <333

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Respekt broder

posted about 2 years ago

Ooooo Sayf, I like it. As duelist I presume? Although I think he shines more on Chamber, it's a cool one

posted about 2 years ago

Good list :D

posted about 2 years ago

Interesting. What team would you make if you couldn't pick any Brazillian players?

posted about 2 years ago

@Prontera - I like it, but I personally wouldn't put Soulcas there. He had his moments this vct but generally he's not that consistent. There are a lot better initiators out there for sure. 7/10 good one

@Noodle - Solid W, kiNgg is a beast and SUYGETSU is so fucking reliable man. Only one I could imagine replacing here is stax. 9/10

posted about 2 years ago

Hopefully they will make a team in a possible future world cup so we could see because I only recognize pAura and Turko

posted about 2 years ago

@Gutssz - Bro just made the national turkish team for Valorant, I like it. Not the question though. These mfs wouldn't beat any team in the current vct. Edit: W new list, 9/10

@sank3tsu - W. pANcada better than Mako though for me, but they both are insane

posted about 2 years ago

Interesting! Yay is a no-brainer. I don't know much about stax actually, other than the fact that he loves Onur :D Personally I believe pANcada is the best controller in the scene right now. A lot of players have expressed themselves as being frustrated playing him because he is playing so smart and his aim is cracked. Zekken is crazy, that one I could definitely see! Shao I like a lot too, he could rival Leo for sure.

Good one, 8/10!

posted about 2 years ago

Lmao read the whole post mfs. You can't pick more than 2 ppl from the same team. You're Brazillians cheering for Brazillians I get that, but let's keep the post interesting :D

posted about 2 years ago

If you could pick 5 players to form the ultimate superstar team, who would you pick? It has to be reasonable, you can't pick 5 duelists and expect them to win vct. The only thing you can exclude is language barriers. Max 2 players from the same team.

I would probably at least pick yay, pANcada and Jinggg. Unsure about the last 2 because those are very flexible roles as controllers and initiators. Leo from Guild is a tactical genius, I could see him as an initiator. Lastly maybe MaKo if he could also flex a little on the maps where you don't play 2 controllers?

Feel free to add a coach you think is a beast, I personally don't know anything about which one performs better.

posted about 2 years ago

It was a joke :) But gg FPX 3-1 XSET

posted about 2 years ago

The underdogs (NA & APAC) are drooling to pick Pearl as fast as they can since the pros (EMEA) barely practiced it. Fair enough, if you want to win that way.

posted about 2 years ago