crying one trick spotted
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | August 11, 2021 |
Last post: | March 24, 2025 at 5:55 PM |
Posts: | 35 |
crying one trick spotted
had an aneurism trying to read this. made it through twice and i still can't tell if this is like pro gc or anti gc post.
bro wrote 110 pages. that's not bait. that's saying i'll write a PhD graduation thesis but I'll pass on the degree conferral.
special treatment? LMFAOOOOOOOO
stop making trad sports comparisons to esports it's cringe af. are u the guy who posts "should team in X game try moneyball approach?" once a year on every esports subreddit?
"SR have a long way ahead to get recognition"
there's 30 comments under a T3 closed qualifier match that hasn't even been played yet but they don't have recognition. k
do you think before you type? genuinely asking.
they would have been competing w VCT on sat and sun so no1 would have watched. you can't then decide to start streaming a tournament like this midway through where the team who gets streamed all of a sudden has vods for their upcoming opponents to watch.
also, this has nothing to do with riot whatsoever. ace valorant is the T.O. and making all of the decisions about whether or not they are streaming matches.
bro got downvoted 3 times and had proceeded to have a meltdown SDLKFJSDLKFJ
there are no upper finals - the 2 upper finals teams auto qualify.
not arguing whether or not it's going to work this late in the game. but arguing your point that Riot "artificially created T2"
riot didn't try to artificially create two tiers, they directly nerfed the likelihood that 2 tiers could co-exist by eliminating the possibility of VCT teams fielding true academy teams in S1 (true as in their own team, not just an affiliate). In S1 of VCT, multiple orgs set out with the expectation they would be able to also field their own academy teams in Challengers. This would have created actual paid opportunities in T2 which is what games need to sustain upward. Riot ruled that VCT teams could not own an academy team and here we are 3 years later with Riot realizing their mistake and you already see Sentinels jumping at the opportunity to have an academy team and they aren't going to be the last.
oh i know, i was just baiting bc i was hoping whiteclaw over here would expose himself as a fraud by trying to explain to me something he could not possibly have even the slightest insight on
what did he contribute to them wining madrid and getting 4th in champs? I'm kind of new here so i'd be interested to hear specifically what his role is and what he did to help them win!
“what a waste of time and money.” — your parents, every minute of every day of your life xD
damn, posting direct quotes from your parents here
me when i'm 14 deep
u know he prob already buried his family under his house
'hate'? yeah, you might be the only person that hates him. take a breath, find a therapist. it ain't that deep lil caterpillar.
how about being absolute pathological starting shit ? she didn't say a bad thing about a single player ON EITHER TEAM the entire stream, was literally just cheering and being wholesome. said nothing about baiting teammates. you're so fkn parasocial and lonely take your fuckin meds buddy.
their original player is currently sitting as the 4th highest rated player of this event. stay mad.
i dont really follow emea... it looks like they have lost 3 games in group play so far just this event. isn't version1 the team who hasn't lost a map yet in gc this year? or is that a different team. what if g2 doesn't even qualify for main event?
yeah, cryo of all players with an ego. dipshit.
stick to ur mom's basement
why does your mom continue provide you with shelter
shh your mom is yelling for you to come up for dinner
I hope you find something that makes you happy.