Flag: Chile
Registered: March 20, 2022
Last post: October 4, 2022 at 7:21 PM
Posts: 32

With the news on him being that he has been released from KRÜ and him having said on stream some time ago that if it wasn't on KRÜ, he wouldn't play anywhere else and would return to his studies, should we prepare to say goodbye to one of, if not THE, best controller player LATAM has ever produced?

Does anyone have info on him? I know he's been streaming lately, has he said anything of the sort?

posted about a year ago

chill, its a meme at this point

posted about a year ago

Keznit is fucking grinding, 6 days in copenhagen, played on stage 2 times and already radiant #32... simply built different.

posted about a year ago

is this real? whats the source?

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Calm a little down dude, what are you tring to accomplish calling me dumb? Did I call you any name? ffs this site is so full of people without the minimum amount of manners.

You lightly say "Most of the time" as if you were inspecting each and every movement he does. Hes not racist, in Chile racism isnt a big issue, we take our words in that regard lightly and call each other "negro/negrito" (this is true for Argentina as well) out of love, the same goes for "Primate" which means "primo" (cousin). And regarding to the gamelanders stuff, well i guess he didnt take what his words meant in another country, because here in Chile that would never be considered a major offense. And that's a mistake anyone can commit.

I invite you to be more respectful and to try and look a little further than your nose.

Best regards.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Thank you so much, brother. Your chilean and argentinian friends thank you a lot.

posted about 2 years ago

why would he deserve it? everybody was a kid once and kids do stupid stuff, he did say racist stuff when he was younger, but you have to understand you can't just cancel a kid, because kids are dumb. Keznit has learnt and this is not an example of racism by any mean.

Please try and comprehend that this is really harmful to the sport, to Keznit, to the KRÜ team and to the so desired LATAM-BR brotherhood.

posted about 2 years ago

Please, brazilian friends, this must stop. Just imagine how much of a toll this must be taking on Kenit's and KRÜ's minds when they have a life or death match tomorrow. Please go to twitter and stop this witch hunt that is so damaging for this sport and for the people involved in it.

I beg your active participation in this effort to clean Keznit's name in this situation.

posted about 2 years ago

yeah, I agree. It was just an unfortunate way to call a brazilian friend. It must suck to be Keznit, he has to watch for every thing he says or does in stream. Last night he explained that a sound he and Delz1k do a lot (a high pitched sound) for the funsies (i know, very children-like) was a sound they had to come up to joke around because everything they did could be considered racist by people with bad intentions (like the sound of the "brazilian dog dance" for which people tried to cancel him, and that he was doing because the son of the owner of "Australs" -JFarias- -a chilean esport organization that dissapeared and that was home to the actual Leviatan roster- mimicked so well it was hilarious while both were playing together -Keznit and JFarias-. Keznit then did this on a game on-stream, said "el perro brazileño" refering to this same video and trying to do the same as the son of JFarias and people tried to cancel him for that).

I know racism is a very serious issue in Brazil and that it should not be taken lightly, specially by public personalities like Keznit, but u people have to understand that here in Chile it is not such a serious issue and we take our language in a much more light manner in that regard, while in other issues, such as patriarchy and its connotations in our language, we do try to not say things that are "machistas" (patriarcal ways of doing stuff).

posted about 2 years ago

Please read my comment (#61, 73 and 74) and take it into consideration.

posted about 2 years ago

Please read my comment (#61, 73 and 74) and take it into consideration.

posted about 2 years ago

this is literally the game they played after Keznit said "Primate" to Aspas and they had a good time.

Please read my comment (#61, 73 and 74) and take it into consideration.

posted about 2 years ago

Please read my comment (#61, 73 and 74) and take it into consideration.

posted about 2 years ago

Please read my comment (#61, 73 and 74) and take it into consideration.

posted about 2 years ago

Also, this video was uploaded by Keznit himself
to his twitter, trying to disprove this very same thread, so you can't say that he wasnt using the word in the same way im refering to.

posted about 2 years ago Here you can hear the word being used in the same way I explained in my comment by a very popular character in chilean culture of the impoverished classes named "Loco Rene" (you can look him up on youtube).

He says "Ya primate, cuidate, buenas noches, que amanezcan bien igual" which means "Ok primate (cousin, not in a literal, but a closeness way), take care, hope you get up well/have a noce morning", phrase that is used in Chile to say goodnight.

Please don't take things out of context once again. Stop trying to cancel things that you don't comprehend.

posted about 2 years ago

Just stop dude, Keznit and Aspas are friends, he said it in that same moment, and after that comment the both of them went ahead to play a ranked game together, where they both treated each other as frends, laughed and had a good time.

Also and very important, here in Chile, the word Primate is used by low classes (Keznit comes from a poor household and neighborhood) as a homologue to the word "Primo" that is the spanish for "cousin". And it denotes a sense of closeness, same for other words that Keznit uses a lot in stream such as "Sangre/sangrecita" (my blood/my little blood brother").

Stop trying to cancel everyone for every word that you yourself cant comprehend. Aspas was okay with it and laughed, why can't you?.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Last Champions Keznit came out 6th in acs overall and with, at minimum, 4 more maps played than any of the other 5 players listed there, being one of two players in those mentioned that made at least semis. Imho he is a must in any top 5.


posted about 2 years ago

EMEA - FNC Boaster
APAC - PRX Benkai
BR - LLL Saadhak
dont know about the other regions :)

posted about 2 years ago

Yesterday i think, or maybe the day before, can't remember haha, but im positive he said it because I asked him in chat how good the loud guys were and he answered. Either way, no way to find where he said it on his VODs if you're not a sub, he has those sub-only.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah, Keznit from KRÜ said on his stream that LOUD were really good and that if they didnt choke because of the LAN effect, they could win the whole thing.

posted about 2 years ago

what are your sources?? KRÜ was literally one of the best scrim teams in the world in Champs, even Kiles from ACEND, the team THAT WON THE WHOLE THING said that if KRÜ played like in scrims, they would be champions and that they were the best team in the world. Nonesense.

(source: can´t find the interview but the tweet still stands, which has in its comments tweets from NA pros also praising KRÜ).

posted about 2 years ago

Average L comment.

No se podía ver esa producción horrenda de GGTech y punto.

posted about 2 years ago

High in copium.

LATAM has shown a very big leap in skill, micro and macro wise. Take for example E-Xolos Lazer, which took a a series from a 4-3rd contender at Champs. They showed very fresh micros and a good macro game that took KRÜ for surprise, and even took a map from Leviatan, 2nd best team in the region that also had a very big leap forward since the last season after signing Onur, ex KRÜ coach and easily top2 in the world. Needless to say KRÜ has one of the best macro games in the world right now and that without Onur has kept its dominance.

The region may be small in teams that can contest top EMEA teams, but every other region should be scared shitless to face any of the three mentioned in this entry.

posted about 2 years ago

Everyone sleeping on my KRÜ bois once again... pretty sure they'll at least make semis if they dont win the whole thing.

posted about 2 years ago

Lo que pasa es que pienso que si bien juega bien y la mayoría de situaciones las resuelve bien-aceptable y que siendo una jett defensiva eso le sale bien, no es una jett que pueda decirse estable y eso me molesta por que creo que para el personaje más op del juego necesitas a alguien que tenga el potencial de carrear, lo que no me pasa con NagZ. De todas formas estoy de acuerdo con que en LAS está difícil o imposible encontrar a alguien con su nivel y experiencia.

Y si po, ojalá les vaya bien en la masters y me calle la boca el NagZ jajaja saludos compi!

posted about 2 years ago

I like your comparison. I would argue that d3ffo feels flashier and more stable with jett (i.e. with jetts ult) leading GMB to win rounds solely off of him, while with NagZ I feel like that doesnt happen as much.

Yeah, I agree they should stay together until (if it happens) it costs them at some international stage.

posted about 2 years ago

Na, no es trolleo. Hubiese dicho Tacolilla si no entendiera que el roster de Leviatán no se rompe por nada del mundo, hubiese dicho también MatiS si no fuera por que tiene muy poca experiencia y no es constante. Dije Safiro por que tiene experiencia, que si bien no es reciente, sí es comprobable y por que siento que tiene un potencial de clutch mayor que el de Nagz.

De todas formas en el post hago la salvedad de que entiendo que no se puede pensar en cambios en el equipo sin que tengan malos resultados, entiendo que el equipo anda bien, esto es por discutir un posible cambio solamente jajaja bájenle una, besos.

posted about 2 years ago

In short: I really dislike Nagzet playstyle. To me it seems he doesn't have any clutch potential and holds the team back.

I know they did well in Champs and that it would be crazy to make roster changes without having bad results in international stages, but as a fan i cant help but think that they could be top 1 with a better jett player.

In the replacement department, i think Safiro, ex 9z, could be a nice addition.

What do u guys think?

posted about 2 years ago