Flag: Luxembourg
Registered: April 13, 2023
Last post: August 30, 2024 at 5:08 PM
Posts: 1108
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shaz and dapr couldnt get it done in t2 and you think they're championship material? peak delusion right there

posted about a year ago

fuckin drop rossi im ready for GE yay

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

idiotic take. without context kills are meaningless if you pick up 10 fkin eco's in a half that doesnt mean you had huge impact. KDA is a meaningless stat in pro play its more a measure of how hard a team is winning as opposed to how well a player is performing with a few exceptions. just looking at kills out of context and treating every fight like a clean 50 is an absolutely brain rotted way of analyzing the game.

posted about a year ago

male - jpegmafia
female - tkay maidza
hobbies - engineering, gaming

posted about a year ago

nah fuck that if hes got a problem with chamber then hes also got a problem with yay. Regardless yay has been shit for a whole year rating him #1 is peak delusion.

posted about a year ago

standard br cope your best team had a pedo and a domestic abuser do better.

posted about a year ago

"why do players i dont like have confidence" clown moment

posted about a year ago

we dont fuck with the rapist lil bro

posted about a year ago

we dont fuck with the rapist

posted about a year ago

naw lil bro ran out of ideas for a comeback

posted about a year ago

nah lil bro tried to sneak the rapist in there

posted about a year ago

dick rider goddamn. Nats and chronicle aint even bad but the way u gotta ride their dicks so hard to defend the honor of ppl who dont even know who you are is pathetic asf lil bro.

posted about a year ago

not the foot fetish fan thinking he did something

posted about a year ago

none your 0 team region is still shit and always has been u can keep copin tho lil bro

posted about a year ago

lil bro thinks a team that hasnt won anything in 2 years will win

posted about a year ago

sry lil bro but unlike u ive got a life and cant spend all day replying to vlr comments. You should get one sometime its great.

posted about a year ago

ive made myself pretty clear lil bro u wanna keep defending losers losing go ahead ill let the asylum know youre headed their way

posted about a year ago

if they were the better team they would not have choked
if they were the better team they wouldve won ot once they got it there
if they were the better team they wouldve mentally reset and won map 3

to be better u gotta win lil bro

posted about a year ago

if they were the better team why didnt they close it out?
if they were the better team why didnt they win ot?
if they were the better team why didnt they win map 3?

the better team is the one that wins lil bro

posted about a year ago

nah lil bro thinks tl was the better team

posted about a year ago

damn lil bros in shambles cant help but be a broken record LOOOOOOL

its ok ill call ur parents and tell them to go play with u but ive got a life and cant spend all day replying to children on vlr like u have fun in preschool !

posted about a year ago

lil bro didnt u say u were done why u still replyin? ur obsessed with me or some shit goddamn

posted about a year ago

damn lil bro got so angry at that one that he had to go back on his word LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

posted about a year ago

nah lil bro thinks he actually did something there LOOOOOOOOOOL

posted about a year ago

oh my bad lil bro it seems i misinterpreted because your brain is even more rotten than it first apeared LOOOOOOOOOL

lil bro actually tried to use EMEA results to prove emea isnt a 0 team region LOOOOOOOOL

posted about a year ago

damn lil bro is breaking down LOOOOOOOOOOL
i mustve fucked lil bros life he cant stop repeating himself LOOOOOOOOOOOL

its ok lil bro go ahead and learn how long ago march was LOOOOOOOOL

posted about a year ago


lil bro said lockin was 3 weeks ago LOOOOOOOOOL

lil bro thinks march was 3 weeks ago LOOOOOOOOOOOOL

go ahead and learn what a month is lil bro LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

posted about a year ago

damn it looks like i did a number on lil bro i got him copyin me LOOOOOOOOL

posted about a year ago

LOOOOOOOOOL lil bro doesnt know what a month is and thinks im the one embarrassing themselves

u can keep suckin the cock of bronze players wont change the fact that theyre bronze LOOOOOOOOOL

keep coping in your 0 team region

posted about a year ago

not the gut who doesnt know what a month is calling me a kid. Its ok lil bro i wont tell your parents ur up past your bedtime LOL

posted about a year ago

nah lil bro think march was three weeks ago LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
lil bro i think u gotta go back to kindergarten and relearn what a month is

posted about a year ago

lil bros living in the past LOOOOOOOL

finishing 9-0 amongst iron players just means youre bronze buddy keep huffin the cope LOOOOOOOOL

posted about a year ago

shitnatic would be 0-9 in NA keep coping in your 0 team region LOL

posted about a year ago

standard triggered team incel fan LOOOOOOOOOL

posted about a year ago

standard triggered team incel fan

posted about a year ago

thats cause apac fucks knew their region was looking like shit heading into this event. emea is perpetually filled with brainrotted fucks who think fut have a chance at winning a masters event.

posted about a year ago

yes your iron 1 team would get relegated in NA t2 LOL

posted about a year ago

fma brotherhood but its weeb shit

posted about a year ago

fr he basically single-handedly won them first half of pearl

posted about a year ago

nah lil bro went to a day old thread to talk shit cause he was so triggered

posted about a year ago

lil bro your own team said they scrim them lol

posted about a year ago

This comment section is full of snake oil so let me just say this locking your fps at an fps higher than your monitor's refresh rate but lower than the average fps you currently get can increase the overall stability of your game (reduce the amount of frame drops and inconsistencies in frame timing etc) and reduce screen tears. Unlocking will likely cause a slightly less stable performance. Overall, I would recommend locking it just because it'll make the experience slightly more consistent but its not a big difference or something that will affect your rank unless you're extremely high elo and even then it likely wont.

Other that that it doesn't fucking matter. "Wasting performance" by leaving it unlocked doesn't matter unless your running other cpu/gpu intensive programs simultaneously at a lower priority than valorant. It wont strain your cpu to the point that it dies significantly sooner unless your playing for upwards of 8 hours a day (and that's time in game not just in menus) and even then it probably wont most cpu's are made to last way beyond the amount of time it takes for the average consumer to replace them and/or the entire computer they're in.

tldr: its an incredibly minor personal preference that practically doesn't matter.

posted about a year ago

youre giving the riot seeders way too much credit man. Theyre just bouta pull names out of a hat to determine it.

posted about a year ago

standard cringe rage-bait for the pacific/emea fans

posted about a year ago

lil bro couldnt recognize a joke

posted about a year ago

lil bro is zooted out his mind rn

posted about a year ago

cmon lil bro surely u got something more original than that

posted about a year ago

i mean you keep replyin to me you seem pretty obsessed ngl

posted about a year ago

youre such a whiny bitch its crazy

posted about a year ago
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