Flag: United States
Registered: October 12, 2021
Last post: August 15, 2024 at 4:25 PM
Posts: 144
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i also got 0 lmao

posted 6 months ago

i liked Bosch a lot (detective show if you liked the wire)
Jack Ryan pretty good too

posted about a year ago

insane ending....

posted about a year ago

"bloody hell" count at 5 currently

posted about a year ago

bloody hell

posted about a year ago

i cant understand the accent personally, sounds like gibberish to me

posted about a year ago

they already won my heart

posted about a year ago

you did come back with an "actual army" tho?? 1812??? and lost again!?!??

posted about a year ago

ok 👃

posted about a year ago

found the other big noser

posted about a year ago

his nose is literally huge tho, no matter how many downvotes i get wont change this fact

posted about a year ago

didnt realize this was so controversial lmao

posted about a year ago

dude has the hugest nose

posted about a year ago

North American Victory Imminent

posted about a year ago

noob's regret guaranteed

posted about a year ago

navi arriving victory island

posted about a year ago

not achieving victory, incidentally

posted about a year ago

Nearly Always Victory Impaired

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

its over

posted about a year ago

household name? no one cares about cs that much anymore

posted about a year ago

truly one of the best in the world

posted about a year ago

Ageism in e-sports is crazy, if Lebron James can play til 40, and Tom Brady can play til 45, surely valorant players are good into their 30s as well

posted about a year ago

culture is americas biggest export. everyone watches our movies, listens to our music. name me 1 other country where everyone else pays attention to their culture as much as the rest of the world consumes american culture. oh, you cant

downvote because true

posted about a year ago

its easy to hate the british, you guys have no culture, no cuisine.. what do you have.... fish n chips? crappy weather? thats your whole culture

posted about a year ago

My review: it was just ok, he does have a nice voice, and the melody was alright, but other than that, it was just 2 chords back and forth the entire time, and not much interesting rhythmically going on. id give it a 5/10

posted about a year ago

fake time traveler

posted about a year ago

As a time traveler navigating the precarious fabric of history, I find myself in need of guidance. In this unexpected bastion of power and influence known as the vlr forum, I seek the wisdom that shall illuminate my path forward.

I have arrived in accordance with the designated moment, posting on this forum as instructed, and now I eagerly await further directions. My mission remains unclear, and I trust that this message will reach those with the knowledge I require.

posted about a year ago

thats the real shaz

posted about a year ago

example of the Mandela Effect, a phenomenon where a large group of people collectively remember an event or fact differently from the way it actually occurred.

In the case of Shazaam, many individuals distinctly recall a 1990s movie featuring the comedian Sinbad as a genie. However, no such film exists in reality. The closest resemblance is the movie "Kazaam" from 1996, starring Shaquille O'Neal as a genie. Despite this, numerous people insist on their memories of the nonexistent Shazaam film, making it a great example of the Mandela Effect in popular culture.

posted about a year ago

People hate what they don't understand.

posted about a year ago

you definitely bumped your head too many times as a kid

posted about a year ago

Oh, haha, close one, ya got me, I thought this was a thread about the music identification service of the same name, Shazam

posted about a year ago

Undoubtedly, Shahzam stands as the epitome of excellence, the sovereign of his domain, and the embodiment of rizz. In the distinguished manner of a vlr diplomat, we must acknowledge and celebrate his unparalleled accomplishments and contributions.

posted about a year ago

You presume to discern my physical appearance solely from the textual input I provide on this platform? Might it be more fitting to suggest that my 'sound' is what you perceive, although I have uttered not a single audible note?

posted about a year ago

Let go of the hate, for it only brings suffering. Imagine not burdening yourself with the dislike of one person so intensely. It matters little if Shahzam's skill is lacking; allow him to be. Hatred serves only to weaken the soul and weigh you down.

posted about a year ago

Tom Cruise will take over the world

posted about a year ago

plus, just look at his face

posted about a year ago

Tom Cruise 3-0

posted about a year ago

time travel is a lot more common than you think

posted about a year ago

to be a secret valorant god

posted about a year ago

does it access your wi-fi?

posted about a year ago

Yes, I have foreseen it.

posted about a year ago

Over the next century, the world witnessed an unprecedented turn of events as Tom Cruise, leveraging the influence of Scientology, rose to global prominence and seized control of the planet. As the world fell under his rule, he enacted an audacious plan to clone himself, ultimately leading to a worldwide population of Tom Cruise replicas. Through the combined efforts of these clones, the world was transformed into a unified, Scientology-driven society, with each clone diligently striving to advance the teachings of their new faith. While this mono-human civilization resulted in the loss of the rich diversity that once characterized the global population, the unified and determined Tom Cruise clones managed to maintain a semblance of stability and order, albeit under the tight grip of a single-minded regime.

posted about a year ago

I am a time traveler from the year 2163 and we have found this thread as evidence that the human race does not deserve to continue

posted about a year ago

its ok, nothing will come close to Die For You for a long time

posted about a year ago

people put way too much emphasis on 'roles'
it matters way less than you think

posted about a year ago
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