Flag: Saudi Arabia
Registered: February 12, 2023
Last post: August 3, 2024 at 11:07 AM
Posts: 8

May be because the ceiling is higher in valorant? Other than what is in CSGO, there is agent pool and flexbility, there is higher utility usage depth, there is higher depth with how to deal with enemies' util, and so on. Other than that, the teams are getting noticibly better every year.

posted 7 months ago

If c9 wins this, they are almost surely first seat.

posted 10 months ago

I haven't watched the match but scoreline tells me it was a 1v1 game the whole game

posted 11 months ago

not anymore, sen and prx thrown my pickems

posted about a year ago

Day 1 perfect, also for "in close maps" the losing team of each map has 9+ rounds

posted about a year ago

I have the whole script of the swiss stage:
KC 2-0 FPX
GenG 2-1 Loud
Sen 2-1 TH

Sen 2-1 Gen G in close maps
PRX 2-1 KC

TH 2-0 EDG in close maps
Loud 2-0 FPX

TH 2-0 KC in close maps
GenG 2-1 Loud

This is gonna be 100% true trust me

posted about a year ago

Last year, I started watching the esports and mostly only saw the top international teams matches. So, when the drama about minimum matches teams (gonna call them MMTs for short) I felt empathitic to these fans and players.
At the start of this kick off I was mostly only able catchup to MMTs matches and a lot of things felt really frustrating, from sometimes a lack of trading or focus. Now when I freed up to watch pacific finals and higher level teams in Americas.
I really do not understand why would people want riot to invest more into MMTs rather than the top level. It is way more fun to watch and see and commit some time for. The only reason I try to climb the ladder of valorant ranked is to see at least some level of that trading and teamwork in my games.

posted about a year ago

You are paying a total of 1850 creds for a gun thats only has value in short range. Only few pro players use judge and its not their primary guns. Why do people wanna nerf it?
classic (1850 creds difference) is better than it in everything but close, where it can also one shot.
ghost (1350 creds difference) is better in mid+ range
sherif (1050 creds difference) can one shot mid+ range especially with the peak of light armor buys.
spectre (350 creds difference) only slightly worse in close range and can be used way better in mid+ range
Note: The only reason judge is useful is because nobody is experienced enough against it

posted about a year ago