Flag: Argentina
Registered: February 14, 2023
Last post: February 26, 2023 at 3:16 PM
Posts: 4

cállate idiota, no hay posibilidad de que los rusos derroten a nuestro señor y salvadores. deja de decir tonterias y borra tu cuenta

posted about 2 years ago

First of all brother, you have to chill.
no real valorant team needs players from the disgusting game Counter Strike: Global Offensive,
I'm going to drop kick you unless you stop commenting these dumb things, think about the fact that ange and suygetsu can 2v5 Leviatan, just THINK about it. You NERD. ABSOLUTE NERD. even shao can 1v3 with OMEN, please stop saying banter things you NERD

posted about 2 years ago

Leviatan has many reasons to win against the CS banter team, Do you see s1mple or electronic in the team? NO. they're LOSING. They need good players to replace zyppan and shao, otherwise its a 3v5, POR FAVOR BROTHERS LETS SHOW EU.

posted about 2 years ago

Navi is going to win 2-0, My opinion is Indisputable, suygetsu will dominate the enemy team, and shao DOMINATION.

posted about 2 years ago