good point, but when I think of players rn(barring the difficult comparisons given how role-swappy eg 2023 was) eeiu>com, cryo=demon1?, jaw>asuna, boostio=boostio, ethan>zander? .... head to head i feel like eg still wins tho.
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Registered: | April 17, 2021 |
Last post: | January 30, 2025 at 9:42 PM |
Posts: | 157 |
good point, but when I think of players rn(barring the difficult comparisons given how role-swappy eg 2023 was) eeiu>com, cryo=demon1?, jaw>asuna, boostio=boostio, ethan>zander? .... head to head i feel like eg still wins tho.
Boostio has persistently said 100T rn is the most talented team hes been on, and he says it in a extremely confident/sure way. What do you guys think? Has he been just trying to build confidence in his team, or does he genuinely think 100T could be/is better then 2023 EG? what would make him be so sure of this. Doesnt seem like seem like a joke given idt theres a punchline if that makes sense. also doesnt seem like a bait.
jampi said it in a interview. I think he was referring to tejo so nvm but ive heard alot of teams/coahches say "yeah we onoy have 3-4 weeks of practice "which just seems weird if its that much of a issue
With so long of a offseason, why would so many teams say they had so little time to practice? Would it not be extremeley strategic to get a roster earlier and practice for a while? why would top teams not be doing this?!?!
How do you guys stay interested and attatched to this game competitively?
I stopped following after champions and basically forgot about the game because of school/being busy. Come back to check today and practically nothing is going on/ has happened since champions????
what keeps you guys interested, and how can I stay interested.
i thought they looked insane initially.... during and after madrid they have been just mid at best
anyone else find it weird, redundant, and unnessessary? bro sleeps all the time any chance he gets
dont 100t fail to qual if they lose this, lose againts nrg, and have lower round win diff then eg and loud?
im wondering about a official post by sentinels because i didnt see one, i saw he confirmed it tho
It says hes inactive on vlr.. is there a official post by sentinels sayins hes out?
50k. a year? I thought most pro val players where making far more then that, i read somewhere where most t1 teams pay there players like 30k a month, is that wrong?
think its down to preference. Ive switched a fairbit between native and 5:4 and 4:3, sometimes I like playing on one rather then the other. I think player models are bigger(everythings kinda bigger) on stretched could be wrong.
why do you rate vanity high when he hasnt done anything since champions, 9 months ago. Vanity is so overrated every rate him top 3 when he hasnt done anything other then wil lcq a year ago
anyone know the peak viewership for this match?
is it like, so many variables in the game like abilities that makes it random or just that its still a developing game where we dont have a solid prediction on who will win?
wait so why are they getting korean players?
yeah exactly. And regardless, they played two matches, its hard to say they fluked. Same thing can be said about xset ngl. I think both of these teams wouldve played better if they where in the group stage rather then playoff off the rip.
its not like they got shit on, they lost to optic(arguably the best team in the world) and then two double OT games to leviatan, I wish they had second seed going into this masters rather then first so they maybe had more games to prove themselves this but i cant think of a NA team that would do much better as of right now.
thats all i have cuz it was deleted
lol he deleted a tweet where mhe made fun of someone for discussing there insecurities, hes such a disrespectful person and thinks its funny
so many of these things just arent tangible. Why is xeppaa the best for spray control, how did you distinguish that its better from any other player, ex shazham weve all seem him get rng but nutty sprays, or how is it different from some random dude like neptune or hows it different from victor liek????
I am in love with cryocells, MY BOI MATTHEWWW so yes
Why do people say vanity? Ive never watched c9 and though wow that was such a cool play or something like that, and look at how c9 is doing rn how can ppl think vanity is top 3
Anyone have a link to an accessable vod of subroza watching the games today? wanna watch it cuz i love gmd but its locked to subscribers. or just a video of them watching it
gMd is so sexy ive been in love with him for months, if only he went to like 100t over tsm:( no faith in subroza
thief gmd aleko stani wardell
cracked fa team ez dubs
What are the best fa rn?
i dont get this, what is a better person for a controller role then jc stani whos open rn? unless someone on a team rn is gonna leave like zander or smthing
Tenz bad ping tweet at the end of the game
dapr got 1 hour of sleep
Shazham- Guys All these hate comments are really hurtfull- I SWEAR WE PRACTICE!!!
Sick- hold up gotta play with jason r and ignore that hes a misogynist
hes a walking ult orb, Shahzam has been renamed shahzorb
has ethan igl'ed before? thought jcstani was a good one why isnt he igling?
Drop Subroza. Drop Wardell. The amount of times subroza ints and wardell buys a op and gets himself into a shitty spot is insane.
Hes actually insane, sen would be godly with gmd.
I agree that sentinels has ALOT of luck, I feel like they are constantly randomly spamming ppl through smokes or last bulleting, but they are playing far better then liquid. Regardless of the luck I think sentinels has There still one of the best teams, but also luck requires skill, ofcourse its still lucky but theres skill envoled in GAINING more chances of luck if you know what I mean
is gtn the guy that was insane on yoru? cant remember idk
100t sign Joshua "steel" Nissan as head coach
yeah that what I was thinking. They need more t1 tournaments asap. idc if its riot or not if theres nothing untill the next vct in a few months wtf is gonna happen
Do we know about any non-vct t1ish tournaments for 2021/2022? As much as vct is great to watch, Im just wondering if there will be more tournaments top teams attend between the time of the next VCT, and even during it. Any region, just wondering.
What if they just switched nitro to igl and still was still on the team, or is that weird being a former igl and then just not calling?
he won one tho? the boston one right? I barely follow cs but also wasnt liquid insane in 2019? did they not win a major??
bruh why does everyone love subroza so much