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Registered: May 18, 2023
Last post: February 21, 2025 at 9:31 AM
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No it makes sense because you can have different reasons for putting in different people, it's like creating a recipe for a piece of art, it doesn't work that way. Not that this is art in any way shape or form

posted about a year ago

To be fair the timeline where liquid somehow loses to navi is the same one where they get grouped cause navi ain't making it out

posted about a year ago

People can have different reasons to putting different people on a list, when something is about feeling it doesn't have to meet some consistent criteria

posted about a year ago

I remember him saying he has loud players in as insurance in case they absolutely pop off and he looks like an idiot

posted about a year ago

Group D to quote platchat is the group of disappointments

posted about a year ago

Canada and Argentina left the chat.
Americas is quite literally two continents

Also instead of talking about countries just talk about overall player base. The regions are fairly even in player base though apac is much larger which is why eventually they will beat the other regions

posted about a year ago

Florescent could probably play in normal tier 1 and not look out of place

posted about a year ago

Bro I play astra am silver 1 and feel braindead playing the game. I think if you play valo or are on this website there is something wrong

posted about a year ago

All the double elim cringers about to call the World Cup worthless

posted about a year ago

Bro is gatekeeping being a controller

posted about a year ago

Yeah you're right Fut should be above Navi, they went 1-2 at Tokyo and navi went 0-2

posted about a year ago

Gimme the 16 what's the regions

posted about a year ago

Talking about their future take is probably more about them being an unknown team as they did get to play that much at Tokyo due to being grouped. I was more surprised that NAVI were above FUT. Navi in recent form are a bottom feeder team, until they fix their co-ordination it will stay that way.
Navi are the team in my opinion is the team with the most potential to place literally anywhere I the tournament because given the caliber of their player they should be winning convincingly and not making so many mistakes, but they are. Navi are the SEN of EMEA(allat)

posted about a year ago

The headhunter is worst piece of utility in chamber's kit for pro play, information is really important at a high level so the trip is better and the teleport is so obviously better it's the whole reason chamber is played at all. The headhunter is a great ability and is fantastic for ecos im not saying it is bad but it isn't the best of his toolkit.

posted about a year ago

Chamber is fine as he is at the moment no buffs needed

posted about a year ago

That's a big time leap, less than a week ago vs year ago( not sure didn't watch the game at that point)

posted about a year ago

9 oh you editted

posted about a year ago

Why is zyppan on there then? Replace him for shao

posted about a year ago

Chronicle? Yes a flex initiator but you put leo at 1 so thought you'd remember

posted about a year ago

APAC should be higher on controller marved and pancada fell off this year, s0m is the only person carrying them

posted about a year ago

Sen fans loving tenz is the exact reason he won't get dropped, if tenz leave it will be by his accord not the org. The org love him

posted about a year ago

Fake fan, Something clears

posted about a year ago

As much as I hate it, it's true. I've played classical and all the people who play are 60+ years old

posted about a year ago

Learn by playing the game online like and lichess. Learn from random channels off YouTube like St louis chess club. Learn by doing puzzles. If you are still in school or uni join chess club

posted about a year ago

FUT 2-1 EG . This is my pick for upset

posted about a year ago

This would be the funniest timeline

posted about a year ago

I could see it happening, my pickem has them going through.
Not navi though lol

posted about a year ago

Did they they not get pretty far but nothing special at Tokyo?

posted about a year ago

Group D is the battle of who fell off the most, TL have always gotten pretty far but nothing special. Loud however got 2nd at lockin but bombed out at tokyo, did they fall off or are they goated. DRX was 1st pacific in the regular season but lost to PRX and fell off at lockin. NAVI got grouped last time OMEGALUL but was 2nd in the regular EMEA season coming 4th in playoffs, yet again this is a team who fell off.

Who fell off the hardest and who will acend again?

posted about a year ago

Basic pickem picked favourite apart from in group D DRX getting grouped💀

posted about a year ago

I read the title, thought it was European Union girlfriend viewership

posted about a year ago

Given 100T probably makes roster changes next year and the guard probably doesn't, the guard will probably win when they meet next year as they will have had more time together.

posted about a year ago

Map ban advantage is also something going for them

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

If fnatic win again, that's dynasty, only team that wins in 2023 would be wild

posted about a year ago

Laz good, chamber isn't broken.KJ better

posted about a year ago

The eco weapons are better in valorant and economy takes longer to get back up in Cs. There are also less rounds in a valorant game so saving is a higher percentage of the game you are giving up

posted about a year ago

Depends who is trolling less( probably giants) this match means nothing=ange1 yoru

posted about a year ago

Navi will probably be trolling anyways cause it means nothing, ange1 yoru incoming

posted about a year ago

In this scenario I'd guess he means pancada goes back to playing controller

posted about a year ago

Leo and chronicle have pristine utility usage and decision making, alfajer gets as many kills as he does because he is a goated site anchor so will get into more fights than Leo or chronicle will. If you want to talk stats Leo had the lowest first deaths of any player in the entire tournament, all three of these players are insanely good
Edit: You are right though chronicle was probably a stretch, more thinking about how he has won 3 tournaments the most of anyone but that is more a matter of age than anything else

posted about a year ago

Riot gives the teams money so they have 100% control over the franchise league. Their goal is to get as many eyes on valorant as possible so people play the game and most importantly buy skins. If they wanted TS to change they could

posted about a year ago

Sen really lived up to their name in lcq and could only play defensive side

posted about a year ago

Well NA's best 2 teams already made it to champs, 2 Na 1 Br and 1 Latam feels right given the user population for each subregions of americas

posted about a year ago

I'm rooting for 5 controllers, ultimate troll levels put smokes everywhere over the sites and make every round a chaos round

posted about a year ago

Get a hobby

posted about a year ago

Assuming you sleep that's an average of a post every 3 minutes.... bro

posted about a year ago

New meaning to get ready to learn chinese

posted about a year ago
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