Flag: International
Registered: June 10, 2022
Last post: June 3, 2024 at 8:28 AM
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posted about a year ago

in this lan yea he has
does that mean he is a bad player?
people really tryna hate boaster for no reason

posted about a year ago

ur second seed team lost to a emea team with a sub

posted about a year ago

after the prx game
its more NA and apac fans talking shit about latam than emea fans

posted about a year ago

no they didnt , they only played neon on split and never played split after stage 1
the only emea teams that acutally play neon are either BBL or navi

posted about a year ago

he went -1 on FB vs FD ratio
he is doing his job but yea if he steps up they might win

posted about a year ago

yea but they also react when the other team does something insane , unlike doug and balla

posted about a year ago

i respect ur opinion but imma have to disagree , they are super biased towards NA and bring 0 hype while casting , but their stats and anaylitical knowledge of the game is good so i think they should be on the desk more

posted about a year ago

xD??????? these are the best casters
the only biased casters are doug and balla towards NA

posted about a year ago

fns literally went negative in every series other than the xset one
and ur talking shit about boaster when he has been the 2nd best player on fnc in terms of acs , he also clutched so many rounds

posted about a year ago

its not decent its fucking amazing , especially on a team with derke and alfajer

posted about a year ago

he has been the most consistent player on fnatic this lan????????

posted about a year ago

what are u smoking?

posted about a year ago

3/4 emea teams in champions were top 4
the other emea team ended top 8

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

EMEA - all teams in the top 8 (could be 2 teams in the top 4 depending on the matches today)
NA - 1st seeded team 0-2 and ended 8th , the other team top 3
Brazil - grouped 11-12th
Latam - 1 team top 6 or higher (depending on the fnatic match) , the other team 9-10th
apac - 1 team in the top 3 , the other 11-12th
Japan - 9-10th
KR- Top 6 or higher depending on the match today
most consistent region so far even with the iceland sub issues and war issues
and if riot's seeding system is better guild might have made it further than 8th
and who knows if riot isnt giving "the most competitive regions" direct slots to playoffs xset might have not even made it past groups
cry more

posted about a year ago

u want him to entry on chamber wtih an op?

posted about a year ago

i mean if they feel like they arent getting good prac against kr teams they can scrim other region teams and why wouldnt they feel that way , they quald without dropping a map

posted about a year ago

lets wait for lcq before talking shit
hopefully we win that

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

wonder how they will react if optic lose

posted about a year ago

i can guarantee u that cs fans care more about the match going on rn than being on VLR and shittalking valorant

posted about a year ago

yea casters are cool but there r only 2 teams now that are actually good (nth and zeta) and u enjoy watching those matches than NA matches??????

posted about a year ago

u enjoy watching drx and loud just shit stomp their region over emea matches?
and u enjoy watching the 2 teams in japan more than na???
most based take ever

posted about a year ago

ah yes here comes the "comp" , "guns" , "setups" excuses
they lose that map no matter what they change
they just needed to come in with a better gameplan or not pick breeze

posted about a year ago

so does the 13-4 scoreline
but what to do shit happens

posted about a year ago

on paper drx were 12-0 on breeze since dec 2021 and they got destroyed
as mike tyson said "Everyone Has a Plan Until They Get Punched in the Mouth"

posted about a year ago

riot script:
map 3 goes to ot 16-14 optic barely win after rb chokes a shot 12-11
and drx mental boombed and choke in lowers again

posted about a year ago

good casters for stats and stuff but are the most hype-less casters
imo they are better on the desk

posted about a year ago

they seriously got rid of split when its literally the map with most banger and close games happen

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

breeze such a boring map to watch holy fuck
especially with the stomps breeze is such a snoonzefest

posted about a year ago

yea imo no teams can win if they are a fluke team cuz u have to win bo5
but they can get top 4 or top 3 if they get a easier side of the bracket with 1 OT upset

posted about a year ago

acend - lost to a bug and won rematch (yea it was easier but vk cheated???)
and vk lost to x10
acend them went on to 2-0 envy
2-0d TS
2-0d Liquid (best liquid form to date) and destroyed them 13-5 13-4
and won against gambit 3-2

posted about a year ago

FLUKE isnt a term

posted about a year ago

u can get lucky with the brackets?
especially when riot seeding is fucked and makes same region matchups , cuz they consider EMEA and NA 1st seed and the 2nd seed from group gets matched with them

posted about a year ago

when a team gets lucky and barely beats a team in an overtime , or getting a easier bracket compared to the other bracket
ur talking as "fluke teams" dont exist

posted about a year ago

if u cant adapt to a new meta , ur not a top team. its not like riot are changing the game mid tournament or mid season
and teams can fluke a win or a tournament placement so this doesnt make sense

posted about a year ago

eco'd to lose

posted about a year ago

marvel actually fell off so hard with these series that are connected to the movies

posted about a year ago

honestly prx's map pool was also really bad because of the jett kayo meta and jingg wasnt a kayo player
now its a raze chamber meta , i think prx will win but lets see drx also look good , hopefully prx make finals tho

posted about a year ago

they start slow in the tournament , not in every game
clearly drx are playing well dont try take it away from them

posted about a year ago

nadeshot would rather sell the remaining 4 players than sell asuna

posted about a year ago

get penny from v1
or like mada from SR if they bomb out in lcq

posted about a year ago

ig u were right
idk why i thought optic became so much better than drx
and rb is playing well too

posted about a year ago

man had all these names written on a notepad waiting for this day

posted about a year ago

fracture in pro play is fun to watch and a good map
breeze is boring asf
bind will be a banger

posted about a year ago

yea but the map pool was in favour of drx cuz optic were perma banning breeze
but this time they have a 7 map pool so they have an advantage

posted about a year ago

imo yay isnt as big of a factor for optic winning cuz they have marved crashies and victor but drx need rb to perform for them to win

posted about a year ago
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