Flag: Russia
Registered: June 26, 2020
Last post: February 26, 2021 at 5:05 PM
Posts: 3

Hello, my name is Aleksey, I play under the nickname s1monsz.
I am looking for a new team

I'll tell you about myself :
• 18 yo.
• I live in Volgograd(Russian).
• I can adapt to the English language, or assemble a CIS team.
• I have competitive experience in VALORANT (VLR.GG profile , THESPIKE.GG profile) and some mentions on LiquidPedia. I also have slots in closed practice rooms(training groups) for semi-pro (Tir2-Tir3) , and a lot of experience playing against tir2 teams.
• I have a lot of experience in the role of IGL, there is a complete understanding of how to implement the role of "Leader" there are many ready-made game plans that can be implemented, or completely build it from scratch. I can also solve some psychological problems of my teammates, help them individually in the game plan.
• Previously played CS:GO : at the amater level (ESEA a-), went to several local championships, played many online qualifiers.
• Very highly motivated and ready to seriously develop in this discipline and spend a lot of time on it.
• Stress-resistant, sociable, responsible.

• In Valorant, I played in a variety of teams , of which I can single out 2 of the most significant for me : Vifify Esports (CIS organization) and Ewave Esports(EU organization), in which I spent an average of 2.5 months each.

Competitive :

Among the most significant achievements are:
• 3rd Place RFCS: TV CUP 8# (https://rfcs.ru/tournaments/list/tournament/tv-cup-8/)
• 9th Place GO2DEN: Snow Cup Finals (https://go2den.com/valorant/tournament/529?tab=grid) (Last big tournament in the CIS (2020))

And some qualifications and caps :

If I have any questions, then write to the mail (todsxxx@gmail.com) or twitter @s1monsz

posted about 3 years ago

From Russian
18 years old
for English, you need practice to fit in , but I can put together a CIS team
I will adjust to any prime (except deep in the night)
Teamspeak communication (There is a loss packet problem with the DS)
Great experience in the position of "IGL", there is an understanding of the construction of the gameplay and the general map model.
Stress-Resistant, Responsible, Sociable .

Before that, I played Starcraft 2 (RU league)
CS: GO : 6k hours (Praki/Quotas/Online Events against shooting ranges 3-4), there is also experience on the lan,
VALORANT : i have slots for private praccroom (SEMIPRO) , played in such teams as: Vivify Esports (1.5 months), Ewave Esports (2 months) , since May, ranked only for the sake of battle pass(d2-d3); VLR player profile , mention on liquidpedia .

For other questions, contact me to twitter @s1monsz

Stacks are not interesting

posted about 4 years ago