Flag: Germany
Registered: February 3, 2025
Last post: March 24, 2025 at 1:18 PM
Posts: 10

ngl if they keep trying to be g2 so bad they will just end up losing every match. why dont they just look at mibr.. does the mibr coach put Aspas on yoru? no because it wont work. so why do they try a comp that obviousl wont work? demon1 is ur star player why were they making him play b every round on ice box. he had to play retake almost every round. and please get rid of kingg duelist and just keep demon1 jett/smoke/senti even chamber would work at this point. if they lose the match next week im really concerned because they have such great player but i just dont get who told them demon1 on viper made sense.. bro if demon1 plays smokes the whole year this team will def not achieve anything tbh even kickoff looked better than them now they just wasted 1 whole month on a bad meta comp that wont work for them. the coach gotta have some braindamage because everything they do makes no sense.

posted 4 days ago

yeah exactly.. bro it was so sad seeing demon1 on viper playing b 12 rounds in a row.. and kingg on yoru was absolutely useless they try to be meta but it doesnt work for them. i bet they would play so much better if they just played comps that their players are comfortable with. sorry but putting kingg on duelist is absolutely mind blowing he hasnt played duelist in 2 YEARS and never even played yoru.. just why are they overcooking so much just fucking play something your team is comfortable with

posted 4 days ago

bro i bet that teat is so much better simply by putting kingg back on omen and demon1 on jett. like they could literally copy the mibr comp because it fits them but no they want to have a meta comp that doesnt work for them. i blame the management not gonna lie

posted 5 days ago

how though? if something was put on omen and viper would he perfom? imagine they let him play iso or jett on icebox. i dont get why on a jett map where you can let him play jett the coach decides to put him on viper.

posted 5 days ago

i agree bro like we cant call him washed if he still has insane aim but dude on icebox demon1 literally had to play b everyround until the spike was planted and when he rotated it was already over like if they just put him on jett or iso i 100% believe this wouldve gone way different. kingg on yoru doesnt make sense because his yoru isnt that good to the point where they can make him perma duelist. and on split we saw they literally cant push a site properly with yoru they dont have a dash or satchels. they should just do what fits them and not copy others

posted 5 days ago

nah its not like he is shit but i dont get what they expect when they put him on viper and omen. bro he wont ever peak in those agents they might aswell just play the mibr split comp with jett that will literally be better than kingg on yoru and demon1 on omen controller/duelist would also be fine for demon1 but full controller is just mad. especially when they have kingg who is better controller

posted 6 days ago

im gonna crash out what the fuck is that? i waited 1 month just to see demon1 on viper?? bro what the fuck is this comp and why the fuck are they playing so passive dude i dont get why they dont let demon1 play jett on icebox its so much better than kingg yoru the yoru had zero impact tbh because they dont have an actual good yoru player. they just overcooked bro its so sad to see this. demon1 on viper is fucking insane

posted 6 days ago

jeez the demon1 hate is insane. we literally saw that demon1 wasnt the problem vs mibr. in fact he was playing pretty good even on raze. dude went 15-3 on attack half and on defense he had like 3 kills or something and then he still diffed aspas in like 8 or 9 rounds. just stop fucking putting the blame on him everytime. lev are a slow team so if you add jawgemos raze to that do you think it would fit?? they work around his weaknesses and it works so why are you guys even hating

posted 1 month ago

lmao demon1 got raze diffed by artzin? buddy artzin has been playing raze since the start of valorant and demon1 literally dropped 60 kills and shit on him. nice demon1 hater just mad

posted 1 month ago

Even tho lev lost its nice to see that they improved a lot from G2s match. Demon1 seemed completly different he got like a few 4ks , his jett looked really clean, his raze also way better than expected. tbh the fact that demon1 cant satchel that good doesnt matter since lev are a slow team and they obviously know that he isnt a crazy raze player so they just work around it which is nice. its like jawgemo wouldnt fit into levs system but demon1 seems a pretty good fit. the time they get now is actually pretty good for them so they can fix up their mistakes and practice the comps because the double duelist on pearl was definetly not practiced that much. also really nice seeing that demon1 hasnt lost any of his aim he is so mechanically gifted
(mb i meant g2 vs lev)

posted 1 month ago