Flag: North Korea
Registered: July 26, 2022
Last post: September 7, 2024 at 3:41 PM
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(at an international)

16 in a row? surely no team has done THIS bad before right..?

posted about a year ago

about to be 12 in a row holy shit

posted about a year ago

asia is gonna own let's fucking goooooooo

posted about a year ago

fnatic individually looked shocking and decided to start 4-0 and 6-0 down, all good.

posted about a year ago

ngl I always used to think Tatarstan was in the Asian part of Russia and i used to be a big map nerd

posted about a year ago

it's me hyping up whzy, which in the end, was pretty justified!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

SUREEEELY whzy finally diffs kangkang right!? :clueless:

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

eastern european culture

posted about a year ago

I think you've gotta realize just how fine the margins are between these top teams...

Any team which finishes top 4 in a tournament can't be written out for the next one, at the very least

posted about a year ago

i think he's heavily drunk which has led to this individual performance, all good, still goated.

posted about a year ago

derke chronicle and boaster not play too good so far this match

posted about a year ago

fnatic don't look good individually

posted about a year ago

i dunno dude that roster is kinda cursed...

posted about a year ago

fnatic are actually finished...

Americas era starts today sadly

posted about a year ago

yurii looked kinda bad at ascension from what I saw nah?

posted about a year ago

All good brother Fnatic are gonna lose

They're the underdogs in this tournament afterall

posted about a year ago

Yeah what's good?

posted about a year ago

I dunno i feel like i've barely seen much FUT respect outside of EMEA this year, but i cant say I remember how much hype X10 was getting, I didn't really use vlr or anythingg back then

posted about a year ago

Based on this tournament I would probably say

posted about a year ago

i'd say FUT vs PRX is about on par with NV/X10

SEN vs KRU like sure no one rated KRU but I think the writings were on the wall for SEN being washed

posted about a year ago

yeah 2021 iceland valorant esports was just overall god awful which is the only reason it happened but TenZ at that tournament has never been matched on impact

single-handedly carried the entire tournament more than any other player has and managed to just completely own derke in the grand final, which honestly they may well have lost 3-0 if he didn't pop off so hard

posted about a year ago

Fnatic 12.5%
Paper Rex 12.5%
EG 12.5%
DRX 12.5%
EDG 12.5%
Loud 12.5%
BLG 12.5%
FUT 12.5%

Fnatic are not expected to win this event

posted about a year ago

the issues for TL stem much deeper than just soulcas being mediocore

posted about a year ago

i finally got my gym membership back after some personal stuff today, keep up the grind brother good shit

posted about a year ago

carries EU to silverware 2022 (slight overstatement)

sabotages NA out of champions 2023

posted about a year ago

Easy 13-2 13-0 here all good Fenis masterclass :D

posted about a year ago

the EU and NA fighting for 3rd place era is soon to begin mashallah

posted about a year ago

even if he'll probably never check vlr I feel hella bad now...

he has shown great growth over this tournament/year he'll bounce back

posted about a year ago

Honestly now I think about it EMEA's only hope is CIS coming back as a region

otherwise it's so joever

posted about a year ago

Liquid fair enough i guess even if they had soulcas

i wouldn't count NAVI since it was just FPX + admittably a superstar in cNed
FPX didn't exactly pick up any of the core 4 from massive teams

posted about a year ago

who would you have in a secondary superteam these current teams all suck

hypothetical roster built around sayf nats cloud would be cool? sheydos/trexx also valid

posted about a year ago

dude holy shit he's actually like bronze 3 tops

posted about a year ago

what is blud doing

posted about a year ago


literally freest 2-0 LMFAOOOO

posted about a year ago

strong disagree

FUT has shown massive growth from being a mere T2 team last year

clearly these guys have potential to grow together as they are, let em cook.

posted about a year ago

Honestly Liquid were so bad i'll give you that but another LCQ slot from another region would've replaced GIA/NAVI, who both (have) looked very respectable

posted about a year ago

do you unironically believe team secret or lev would do better

posted about a year ago

it's so annoying that scream could individually be like a top 5 duelist atleast if he wasn't so insistent on calling/IGLing


posted about a year ago

I think they've got a good chance at rematching EDG but

prolly gonna get stomped on the rematch tbh

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

one team esport really everything else is participation trophy

posted about a year ago

qwerttyy one braincell baiter tbh

posted about a year ago

the new iteration of the optic core did just lose to bilibili 2-0 so im not sure that's the counterargument you were looking for

posted about a year ago

honestly like 2 i just prefer manga as a medium, i'll watch 2 episodes of a new anime and say 'oh this is cool, let's find a translation of the manga'

posted about a year ago

please take a shower

posted about a year ago

CS crowd had me expecting the worst but y'all are pretty cool fair play NA

posted about a year ago

Holy shit that match was crazy.

HUGE respect to both teams, f1tinho!? nobody?!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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