Flag: Indonesia
Registered: March 15, 2022
Last post: May 24, 2024 at 1:03 PM
Posts: 26

Like what is your point talking bout this now? Riot wont kick rrq out of franchising too, or replace them with other indo org, i know that rrq management are so shit at the beginning of franchising, im also the one heavily criticizing them when they field 4 ph roster, but at least they are improving now, and for me, their roster now is capable of competing for the champs ticket and thats a good sign

posted 6 months ago

yes man, i only watched valorant from 2021 iceland, im so new to the scene. My point is rrq ceo talking so much about representing indonesia on franchising and then making 4 ph 1 indo roster only to kick 2 of the ph players before they even played a map, because of the pressure from the community (and a warning from riot? i forgot if riot actually warned them publicly or not)

posted 6 months ago

kebiasaan bgt wkwk kyk tim ML nya, roster kok ngikutin omongan fans kocak bener wkwkwk

posted 6 months ago

yoi, di awal sih jelas mereka salah langkah, entah karena kasian sm player ph mereka, atau mau simpen duit, tp begitu announce 4 ph 1 tehbotol, lgsg kena hujat itu, blgnya mau represent indo tp kok 4 ph, kasian di kelly sm nexi sih belom main udh ke kick. Tp overall udh better lah skrg rosternya, harusnya bisa bersaing sama drx t1 buat tiket champs

posted 6 months ago

wkwk rame juga ni thread, riot milih rrq jelas karena fanbase ML nya gede bgt dan bisa ketarik ke valo, walaupun awal2 rrq memang salah langkah dan banyak blunder di pemilihan roster, gw jg di awal kritik keras rrq, tp skrg udh mulai berkembang dengan ganti ejay dgn jemkin, cahya juga masuk. Dari pada terjebak di masa lalu, mending boom ae btr onic, mending dukung aja rrq skrg, karena udh jd satu2nya org indo di franchise, se downfallnya rrq jg ga akan di kick dari franchise, liat aja EG tuh masih di franchise

posted 6 months ago

how are u winning against GEN G but lose against GE lmfao

posted 7 months ago

Valorantle APAC #55 2/8
⬛ 🟩🟩 ⬛⬛⬛ ⬛
🟩 🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩

posted 7 months ago

genuine question, why would he be stressed though? prx won their last game, he's not getting into a new team or playing with a new roster, and he's not changing roles

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

awkoawkoawk lucu bgt, beliau ga ke korea pun ttp dibayar, elu disini jd retard doang ngehate2, pake nyamar2 jd org jepang pula lawak bet

posted 7 months ago

mau ngelurusin aja, emg monyet dipecat? jelas2 tertulis 6th man, bahkan belum ada farewell dari prxnya, dan yang pasti kontraknya juga belom diputus/masih ada waktu sampe kontraknya abis. Jadi gw tanya, lu nyimpulin cahya dipecat karena?????

posted 7 months ago

hes not even in korea yet 💀

posted 8 months ago

the sole reason why monyet is getting benched is only because jinggg is back bro, im sure if its not jingg, monyet wouldnt get replaced by anyone else, especially after hes getting better and better with every match

posted 8 months ago

top 1 and top 3 teams from ur region have indo players bro 💀

posted 8 months ago

U cant possibly take that seriously bro 💀 like even monyet also joke with forsaken on stream about hes mad at forsaken and dont wanna play with him anymore.

posted 8 months ago

wdym everyone? aaron still in jakarta, and monyet said hes going to korea late bc he wants to finish some businesses back home

posted 8 months ago

fr bro, was happy that AE won vs BOOM then this news hits hard, especially for me, have been watching Monyet from when hes still in ONIC

posted 8 months ago

Tbh he look like he can play any role, but his duelist is the best role i think, considering hes a primary duelist in ONIC

posted about a year ago

Kick skrossi, make monyet primary duelist (jett) and put t3xture on raze.

posted about a year ago

Actual big brain moment, the other teams wont have time to adjust to ray4c playstyle and make strategies against him, bro boutta drop 50 every map

posted about a year ago