Flag: Indonesia
Registered: March 10, 2022
Last post: June 11, 2023 at 6:18 AM
Posts: 158
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bro still putting hopes at SkRossi

posted about a year ago

keknya kesel yaa, bro? aokwoakw

posted about a year ago

so, Gary Ongko was right before wkwk, ga ada hope lagi semenjak si tua Frengky tengil pas seleksi wkwk

posted about a year ago

pls no sir :((

posted about a year ago

iya lah, ngambil bocah bali yang lebih better daripada pinoy tier 2 lmfaooo

posted about a year ago

True, severine actually leading ONIC in whole aspect tbf, Ewok just for advisor

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ah okay, what browser do you use?

posted about a year ago

its okay sometimes, but when I have many browser tabs, this site was so heavy, maybe Chrome problem?

posted about a year ago

title, I mean, when I want to go to other pages, it is so slow even my browser didn't respond well

posted about a year ago

that's only 1 match

posted about a year ago

don't be expect with fraud org

posted about a year ago

Only APAC :

  • Foxy9
  • Monyet
  • JitBoyS
  • invy
posted about a year ago

I think TS can deserve in the top 3 if they are still consistent. Jremy is a monster dude

posted about a year ago

he's good but he don't deserve at RRQ, better to find a new team, or his talent gonna be wasted

posted about a year ago

Nah dude, I'm stick with my Indomie double portion, mate

posted about a year ago

True, no hate for their player but their rosters is shithole. Taking tier 2 PH player than Indonesian potential players.

posted about a year ago

Ain't reading allat

posted about a year ago

I almost said "ain't reading allat" But you take it so much effort, so W for your thread

posted about a year ago

Based on these 2 team's player composition, GE get advantage in aiming and tactical playing, yeah losing against Vitality is sucks but they give a good performance despite they should play with another roles

posted about a year ago

TS at 4th is interesting, as you can see TS perform well at lock in

posted about a year ago

Ayy thanks dude, +1

posted about a year ago

sebenernya udh gua rangkum dari kelar lock in, tapi cari momen nya itu wkwk

posted about a year ago

I knew it, dude. But still SkRossi didn't play as duelist, except he use another escape agent.

posted about a year ago

u mean below PRX? Zeta didn't show up their actual strats I think, except Zeta can change well, and PRX still shaky

posted about a year ago

Yeah, that's why I took Gen.G at 5th and Zeta at 4th, maybe these 2 teams can chase each other

posted about a year ago

yeah cuz I'd be more scared of Indian fans than another region's fans, JK

posted about a year ago

the f is Turtle Troop?

posted about a year ago

ayy thanks mate for my kinda biased post lmfao

posted about a year ago


  • Detonation FocusMe : Bad Off-Season, bad performance too in LOCK//IN, This team is a doubtful team I was ever seen, I don't know if they don't take it seriously in Off-Season and LOCK//IN for saving some strats later in League, or maybe still finding the best gameplay. They have many times to fix that.
  • DRX : One of three teams that will get a chance to go to the Master Tokyo, has an excellent performance in the Off-Season which proves that this team is mature in terms of player composition their tactics. In LOCK//IN, DRX represents a Pacific for playing in Playoff, despite losing to Loud with a score of 2-3, DRX's performance can't be underestimated. I see Foxy9 as a 6th man in DRX during Off-Season, I think this guy was very freaking terrifying, as a 6th man, the gameplay that he gave is very awesome, and can be BuZz's perfect sub.
  • Gen.G : Starting Off-Season with a good performance, and should go home early, they facing Loud, and despite their loss, their performance isn't bad enough, there's room for improvement. They can do fragging despite losing to Loud, I think GenG will be another team obstacle for a strong team. SecRet's departure from the team and arrival from Sylvan and GodDead bring a fresh environment.
  • Global Esports : Have a 'unique' players composition that is dominated by Duelist. Players who are not designated as duelists must assume a new role. During LOCK//IN, they play with their different roles, Monyet as a Controller, Bazzi and SkRossi as an Initiator, AYRIN, and t3xture still being as a Sentinel and Duelist. Their problem is how to get rid SkRossi's bad habit of buying OP every buy round that doesn't have any positive impact. Bazzi is still not fully able to play well in his new role. Credit to Monyet who can easily adapt to his role and t3xture with his Jett can do well.
  • RRQ : As Indonesian fans, this team has so many mistakes that must be evaluated. Therefore, there's so much doubt from Indonesian fans about their roster, I don't think they still want to compete in Valorant Pacific League. Have a pretty good performance during Off-Season, and then get a loss against FUT Esports. EJAY's up-and-down performance can be an obstacle for RRQ, and the rest of the players have a good play in standard but there are so many mistakes to be evaluated.
  • T1 : I can't be describing what happened with T1, maybe their fate is the same as RRQ, lack of player composition. SayaPlayer cant brings a good impact. A horrible loss in LOCK//IN against FURIA can make this team must change from their player's composition to gameplay, a swap between Beomjun and iNTRO, I think these two players have similar gameplay, but let's see.
  • Talon Esports : Thailand Supremacy is back! Their performance is still awesome even better than Xerxia Era. Additions to the players with the return of Patiphan and garnetS and JitBoyS as new members. Can trust me to challenge DRX to be a top team.
  • Team Secret : I think this team was kinda interesting for me, there are 3 veterans but can compete. Starting from slaughtering Liquid, and losing against NaVi with ex FPX roster + cNed. They can bring back their performance like a past ago. The 3 veterans have a job guiding 3 young players to hone their mental.
  • Paper Rex : Although PRX won India Invitational, PRX doesn't have a good performance in LOCK//IN while getting demolished by C9, I have the feeling that they must change their game style. I already guessed they must do that since they lose against FPX in Final VCT Copenhagen. A new name like Cgrs that I watched him on ONE Pro Invitational in Japan. He has a similar game style to Paper Rex, so he's a good 6th man for PRX. I hope that PRX can change immediately.
  • Zeta Division: This team can't prove anymore, but there's a bright future for them. I can see that they can surprise us as they did at the previous VCT Event. Lose against Leviatan but they have another progress for that.

There's the review from me, and this is my prediction about VCT Pacific's Leaderboard :

  1. DRX
  2. Talon Esports
  3. Paper Rex
  4. Zeta Division
  5. Gen.G
  6. Team Secret
  7. Global Esports
  8. T1
  9. RRQ
  10. Detonation FocusMe
posted about a year ago

bruh Bazzi still adapting with his new role and SKRossi too

posted about a year ago

No hate for their players, but that org is lame af, they really make me doubt their performance, so I'd better make some BOOM Esports & ONIC Esports superstars. hoping that RRQ players find another team.

posted about a year ago

iyaa anjir, oreo yang pinter main nya malah pindah ke Orangutan sebelum ke BIGG, Tarathiel yang emang true leader malah cabut

posted about a year ago

maklum bro, kalo ga salah dia IGL nya deh

posted about a year ago

Alecks still alone in coaching, he doesn't have assistant

posted about 2 years ago

I agree with the paycheck stealer, but not for his coaching at Onic G
I think Onic G gonna strong enough for that moment, just a bad luck in LCQ I think

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah i agree, Saya have a different playstyle with another korean player, he should play outside Pacific. Monyet and T3xture have a great potential, but GE isnt bad enough for these two

posted about 2 years ago

but still, that's bad idea

posted about 2 years ago

I'm not blaming him tbf, I just questioned why he always buys OP in every round. if that is from Ayrin's idea, that is really awful. As a pro, he should know that playing OP every buy round isn't a good idea, he doesn't have basic common sense for that

posted about 2 years ago

if he want to fix his stats, its better if he use rifle than OP, like he did in Pearl

posted about 2 years ago

First of all, that's a good performance for GE with their international rosters, thats not bad enough. But there's the main problem: The selfishness of SKRossi, from indian rosters until now, he's always buy OP for no impact reason, its better when T3xture using OP cuz he's fuckin duelist. Its been long ago when he's get criticized for his habit to buy OP every buy round

posted about 2 years ago

for right now, yeah ONIC don't play for ascension until their announcement soon

posted about 2 years ago

IGL udh ada Adrnking, paling dia jadi smoker aja, dan bener noxxy jadiin sub, performa akhir2 ini emang jelek banget dari stage 2
Edit: firasat gua sih adrnking bakal jadi IGL nya selama masih ada dia

posted about 2 years ago

hmmm bisa juga sih, ke AE juga lebih menjanjikan kalo berdasarkan ambisi org nya mah

posted about 2 years ago

dan itu ga terlalu works, emang natz mending main chamber aja, smoker ambil yang lowong kayak NcSlasher

posted about 2 years ago

tergantung, kalo animo nya gede + diizinin Riot, paling ada

posted about 2 years ago

this is his first time playing with non-Thai, its fine

posted about 2 years ago

famouz can be the second duelist, so Berserx has a partner

posted about 2 years ago

Gold 2 di ML atau di valorant, kids?

posted about 2 years ago
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