Flag: India
Registered: February 9, 2022
Last post: July 31, 2024 at 6:28 AM
Posts: 6

bro unfortunately we aint living in the 1 in 14 million multiverses

posted 6 months ago

unreal amounts of cope

posted 7 months ago

what did he say??

posted 7 months ago

iirc she predded sen for the curse but then wilkinson swapped and her efforts were in vain

posted 7 months ago

yeah asuna and yeah on the same team isnt gonna work i dont think, think like sick instead of asuna

posted about 3 years ago

Okay so like there's a lot wrong with this post.
First of all, the parasocial relationship thing. He's got 4 teammates, a coach, other experts provided by the org, Kyedae, parents and others. It's fine to like, cheer and care for others but you know you don't have to be the person looking out for him if he isn't asking for it. People have rough days, it's normal. I don't watch him but as a viewer all you have to do is just cheer when he's doing well. Don't think he is expecting more himself.

And yeah a lot of people fidget with their sens, crosshair, resolution, mouse grip, all kind of things, It's just placebo and things they just do, its just like a mental reset and comfort thing. It's not gonna make them a worse player. Specifically, building up muscle memory and only using a single sens ever is a myth. It is pure mechanical ability and practice. Especially for someone like him, he can do well on any sens bar anything absurd. There are overwatch pros who use different sens' for different characters in a single match.

in short..... bro dont worry about it

posted about 3 years ago