Flag: International
Registered: September 5, 2021
Last post: March 3, 2025 at 11:32 PM
Posts: 5611
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posted about a year ago

nvm I was super capping derke is derkin rn

posted about a year ago

low key he's been playing bad on ascent since they played it against liquid

posted about a year ago

is so fun to watch

posted about a year ago

if every round is of the quality of that pistol this will be an amazing series

posted about a year ago

Fnatic win one more time for the threepeat then the team splits up because the OG gambit roster reuintes.

rebuild with derke, alfajer, and leo + 2 others

posted about a year ago

PRX have like a chance that they just gigatroll and throw the series, especially in the upper bracket.

posted about a year ago

instead of thirsting on vlr.gg for 10 hours you could have crocheted a sweater with zander's face on it.

do better.

posted about a year ago

csgo: just shoot people [the game devs suck so much the bullets don't even go where the crosshair is so you actually have to exploit the game to shoot your weapon]. maybe throw a smoke or a frag. there's like 2 weapons that people actually use. you cannot shoot either of these guns while moving so everyone is just shooting static targets.

valorant: manage your team's utility and ultimates. design elaborate and efficient executions to elegantly eleminate your enemies. you must keep in mind the enemies' utility and ultimates too. this turns into a metagame that is necessary for success. you also have to keep track of the enemies economy as there are other weapons that players use in this game which require specific strategy to counter. Additionally, abilities allow players to move in more than two dimensions spontaneously - requiring a higher level of aiming ability.

It's evident that Valorant must be a better game because all the good Valorant players were unable to perform in an inferior, simple game like CS because it wasn't complex enough to support their greatness - therefore they were all stuck in lower ranks than they should have been.

If you still don't already see why Valorant requires mentally superior human beings, I can't explain it to you. I recommend living in a cave for ten years to seek this enlightenment.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

based and ignorancepilled

posted about a year ago


you got this dude I'm 100% sure she will also want to marry you :)

posted about a year ago

Less's smile makes feel a certain way...

posted about a year ago

FNC vs PRX will be close. I think its 55 (Fnatic) - 45 (PRX).

posted about a year ago

idk about moh and yurii but the rest of that roster is solid

posted about a year ago

eau d' sweaty asscheeks

posted about a year ago

not happening

posted about a year ago

if it's so tight that it hurts to eat after 1-2 days, tell your orthodontist.

posted about a year ago

the best way to fix t2 is to just allow T2 teams to qualify into the franchise league's playoffs and LCQ

the spontaneous underdog story becomes possible but it doesn't really take away from the franchised teams.
Riot wouldn't have to deal with making skins for these teams and they also wouldn't have to really deal with revenue sharing.
it also makes the ascension system way simpler (it wouldn't have to exist anymore)

posted about a year ago

s0mple can't even win in CS how will he win in Valorant (actually requires intelligence to play!)

if zywoo was the one saying this I could believe it.

posted about a year ago

bilibili is not beating DRX

posted about a year ago

Daft Punk

posted about a year ago
  1. trembolona
  2. ballsax28
  3. babysasuke
posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

NRG, LOUD, GUARD, EG will be the top 4 Americans regions imo

Bleed is probably third If they can keep their roster

Gentle Mates is bottom 5

posted about a year ago

Oh yeah I mixed up Tokyo and Lock In

posted about a year ago
  1. yay
posted about a year ago

My posts will serve as the most accurate record of human history when the blorgs invade in 3000 years (trust me I can read the stars)

posted about a year ago

Some people definitely should stay on the site for the sake of the people around them

posted about a year ago

This isn't a fair trade. aTastyCook1e leaving would have a negative impact on the site while you leaving would have no impact at all.

posted about a year ago

The biggest issue with web3 is that there isn't a consistent definition of what it even is. From what I have observed, it is a movement towards decentralization (moving services off of the servers of massive companies like AWS (Amazon) , GCP (Google), and Azure (Microsoft). It also seems to advocate for cryptocurrency support.


  • it's a concept or movement
  • move shit off the servers of gigacorporations
  • put crypto everywhere
  • I think it's not horrible as an idea but the people "building" it are just cryptobros who don't really have any technical aptitude
posted about a year ago

The game winning call by pansy during the Lock In grand finals was pretty sick too I think

posted about a year ago

for people asking about chinese viewership, there's like an average of 600-700k views on the VODS. I think the concurrent viewers are probably around like 50-70k average and 100k peak based on that.

posted about a year ago

C9 killed both of them

posted about a year ago

FNC 2-0

derke shoots a lot of people

posted about a year ago

1 EU
1 Turkey
1 Brazil
1 NA
1 Korea
2 China

very good spread from the original regions too! We're missing JP and LATAM [technically OCE, SA, and MENA too]

posted about a year ago

FNS and Chet have historically also stated that they hate playing against non-traditional teams. They used to pretty consistently lose maps and win close series against the X10 core who kinda play similar to BLG.

I think that kind of mental block can lead to serious tilt in games. This team also clearly lacks the star power to pull themselves out of desperate situations.

posted about a year ago





posted about a year ago

the tweet says that it will be like the teaser (in style maybe?). the leak is the poster

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

that's what makes it fun! your team(s) suck until they don't and then you kinda wish they sucked because it's more fun sucking and hoping the team does well

posted about a year ago

bro is literally evolving in real time he's a whole ass neural network

posted about a year ago

u just don't appreciate his mind

posted about a year ago

common trembolonaRAGE W

posted about a year ago

based. it will probably live spiders are too light to take fall damage usually

posted about a year ago

he was good on jett just not as good as he was on chamber

posted about a year ago

if they lose and ardiss is bottom frag I fear he will forever be clowned

posted about a year ago

leave bro alone it wont do shit

spiders are the goat insect (basically insect) fr

posted about a year ago

I think being really skinny isn't necessarily always a health problem

posted about a year ago
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