Flag: India
Registered: February 2, 2023
Last post: September 20, 2024 at 12:00 AM
Posts: 17

Riot's system is really bad. Half of Russia is in asia, mongol is counted in Turkey VCL but they get Japan Server In-game. Western part of central Asia is closer to South Asia and China but Counted in EMEA. Import rules must be changed and should be made based on the proximity to where they live.

posted 5 months ago

There is no scope for Esports in India i.e the main reason. Parents wont allow to play a game for living except few. They're highly discouraging.

posted 5 months ago

If u look at Skillz, he underperforms in SA but has always had good record against international teams

posted 5 months ago

Format is made by some retard. It's like saying ur grandpa committed crime so you will face charges now

posted 5 months ago

It shouldn't matter if tougher side or not if they are aiming to win but format is made by a complete retard providing unfair advantage to some teams.

posted 5 months ago

It was the same team, the teams are different here.

posted 5 months ago

Is Venka 18+ or still under age? Also heard he was leaving game for his studies

posted 5 months ago

Worst format I have ever seen.

posted 5 months ago

Worst Brackets Super unfair to all the teams not given byes.

posted 5 months ago

Last rooster had a International Switch, they used to switch it on only on International Stages and switch it off when they came back.

posted about a year ago

1.It's Culture bro except for KRJP In most of APAC There is no support or encouragement for playing Video Games. There's only discouragement. There is only encouragement for STEM, You either become Doctor, Engineer or Lawyer never a Gamer. If you tell someone that you are a professional esports athlete , they'll ask but what do you do for living. It's not considered as Profession here.
2.Both EU and NA have had a strong FPS Experience prior to Valorant.

  1. All the billions of people you mentioned don't have PC's in their house. most people have smart phones because of which mobile games like pubg have gained and are gaining more popularity.
    4.Read This article "Benkai Shares How Shiba's Parents Learned About his Valorant Career Just Before Masters Berlin" on ex paper rex player shiba and how whole team convinced his parents to let him play in masters Berlin.
posted about a year ago

Bro it's not about good players, APAC also has really good players, It's about experience both NA and EU have had more experience in previous fps games at big events which these players dont have so teams like to invest in experienced players.

posted about a year ago

Russ has residence in India, so he is not considered an Import.

posted about a year ago

Bleed is actually a good team they defeated some good franchised teams who had come to masters Tokyo including Loud in scrims, has good staff and gives good offer but communication might be a problem.

posted about a year ago

depends on what is match and round differential and with what points rrq win or loose

posted about a year ago

If ge wins this then points table is completely messed up, match affects like 3-4 teams with one side winning helps some other team.

posted about a year ago

Deciding match for many teams

posted about a year ago