Flag: Denmark
Registered: July 11, 2022
Last post: February 19, 2025 at 2:33 AM
Posts: 14


Winning ticket right here ^

posted 3 weeks ago

will pro players just jump off map, instead of dying to bomb, instantly?

posted 8 months ago

not really a need but could help

posted 11 months ago

yea, I always just die inside when I see those misinterpretations. I can't fathom it.

posted about a year ago

why do so many people say "loose" as lose they're two different words

posted about a year ago

you saw the vid too

posted about a year ago

i feel like thats fair enough ? he has a lot of firepower?

posted about a year ago

wtf did he do to you LMFAO

posted about a year ago

same :(

posted about a year ago

true, crashies is really good.

also Victor just flexs whatever is needed.

Feel like my man is getting a bit too disrespected.

Haven't looked closely at his gameplay in a while, but his role is not easy, and being willing to do what he does has to have some respect to it

posted about a year ago

EG roster doesnt suck, its just the org.

All players have potential and good skills in them.

They just gotta jump up, kick back, whip around, and spin.

posted about a year ago

bro said it unnoticed

posted about a year ago

What is ur highest fire power team that still makes sense on paper?
Just a random thought that crossed my mind, open to new perspectives.

Quickly thinking from the americas region I would say a team consisting of

Aspas - duelist
Demon1 - smokes
Zekken - primary ini
TenZ - Flex
less - Sentinel

would be a pretty high firepower team in every role, wbu ?
Edit: I forgot an igl + they dont have to clash chemistry wise just their capabilities as players on their respective roles
Edit 2: firepower meaning mechanics, gamesense, just gameplay wise, sorry if im clarifying too much

posted about a year ago

How can Sentinels beat EDG and PRX in playoffs if they're all in the same bracket and only 2 qualify? a 62 bomb isnt even possible in 12 rounds 60 is max unless you got sage which fnatic dont play on split+

posted about a year ago