Flag: United States
Registered: March 1, 2024
Last post: September 18, 2024 at 12:12 AM
Posts: 1
  1. why are you posting in a val forum lol
  2. compartmentalize your work, like make a google cal or something for each ec and put deadlines/dates for hw and exams and whatever else you may have in there (that you know of ofc)
  3. take a breath, youre a junior and if you decide college is for you dont overstress about your grades and certainly not about ACT/SAT (in us) just make sure they're not C's or below. and if college isnt your thing then just make sure you can at least graduate hs bc getting a ged might not be the move later and might be harder/inconvenient
  4. what are your hobbies, maybe drop an extracurricular youre not passionate about in favor of a new hobby or developing a hobby more. and if your hobby is val then lowkey spend less time on it and more on a physical hobby bc high chances its not the best at giving serotonin or motivation
  5. just enjoy life, junior/senior year is gonna be the best years of hs then (if you dont work right away) youll have 4+ more years of college to enjoy without the stress of work and making friends.
posted 5 months ago