Flag: United States
Registered: January 30, 2022
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 4:16 PM
Posts: 13

Without a doubt, it's potter. EG was tactically the best team in champs last year and it showed with their win. Now, they have a significantly less talented roster & are still doing well/are tactically sound. She's really good a great grasp on the game and has a real knack for building strategies around the players on her team. I used to doubt that women could make a big impact in male dominated games, but she's really proved me wrong & I think has shown that she's supremely talented.

posted 9 months ago

The assumptions here are wild, but that's what fans will do to whiteknight anyone in this scene. You didn't do any of those things and you definitely didn't win ESEA advanced(with or without penny), because Penny never won ESEA advanced. He made playoffs once and lost to reck/becker and co. I also know for a fact that you are not recky, carson, clone, or rugrat. Solid attempt at formulating a big lie to back your weird obsession with FNS. Maybe next time you'll be dealing with someone that doesn't know CS.

Knowing someone would require you to spend time with them outside of that game, which I have done at multiple events. I have never seen your name, nor know who you are & the fact that you came on here to try and spew a lie about winning esea advanced is absolutely comical and sad. Took a look at your previous posts and it seems like you do this relatively frequently. Seek help.

posted 9 months ago

You understand that coaches formulate tactics, right? My point is that if you put FNS in a coaching role, have him create tactics that work based on the players you have & have a competent IGL that can also do a little bit of fragging, it's basically a perfect situation. Look at EG - Potter gets some hate but is incredibly intelligent & when you mix that with someone like Boostio who can frag in that role, it ends up with positive results.

posted 9 months ago

Lol. I literally know him. We were playing professional CSGO around the same time in early 2014. I love how everyone uses "parasocial" as an insult when you have no clue who I am or whether or not I know him personally.

posted 9 months ago

Fair lol

posted 9 months ago

Lol I'll never understand the hype around FNS. He's literally just a brain that doesn't shoot back. Put him in a coaching role, that's perfect for him. He was bad at the game in CS outside of IGL duties & he's bad at the game outside of IGL duties in val. Also, he's a dbag and treats people horribly.

posted 9 months ago

I mean he wasn't a good CS player and struggled with Mythic because he wasn't a good team player. I'm not surprised that he's struggling in a game where teamwork & playing in a system is paramount to a teams success. He just isn't that good of a player & had alot of hype coming from an EG team that relied on a couple of other players to really push them through rounds

posted 9 months ago

You literally have a US flag stop acting like you're from APAC lmfao

posted about 2 years ago

Got a good laugh out of this one

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago