Flag: Russia
Registered: July 7, 2021
Last post: July 7, 2021 at 4:55 AM
Posts: 3

Again its nothing against you or anything, it's more like an overall post bro, its just a little bit tired of people saying we abused it and how we didnt know about it etc. :D

posted about 2 years ago

We respect the decisions of admin, and of course we will follow it, we are not trying to argue that we are full innocent, my main point is that we never ever wanted to abuse it, cause we didnt do it intentionally. That's it

posted about 2 years ago

We didnt knew it was a bug because of 2 reasons.
1) before every VCT PRO teams get the list of bugs which you CAN and CAN'T use, it was not listed there in any ways, so its partly our fault, it was not listed as bug, or not a bug
2) We never ever wanted to abuse it, if you will look in the way Meddo putted the camera, he never had a vision of A main, so he never really wanted to FULLY take advantage of it.
We pracced Breeze a few times before this VCT event, cause we had a lot of problems with the other maps etc. So it WASN'T THEORY CRAFTED using camera monthly or anything, it was just like the guy saying I saw you can put a passive camera, you can put it, thats it.
You can check how USUALLY was his camera.
We didnt try to abuse it, cause 7/13 rounds Meddo played on B site, and OVERALL this camera was used 6/13 rounds in the CT side, if we ever wanted to abuse it, we would PUT SUPER DEEP CAMERA to see A main, and do it 13 rounds in a row.
People saying that NOT KNOWING the law, doesnt let you go free. I completely agree with them, but what if in the LAW nothing said about it. For example you go shop, buy COLA, and then you get prisoned, because buying COLA is forbidden after 1 week you bought it, but you didnt know it when you did it.
Im not saying we are full innocent, its our fault, we accept it. But Im tired of hearing we TRIED TO ABUSE IT. When he literally played Anchor B more then Anchor A, at the same time I sent you vision of his camera :D
And stop saying WE SEE THROUGH WALLS, there is a gap in the wall from both sides, but because of the angle T side has, they cant see this camera
Here is the proof of it having gaps from both sides, and not us seeing through the wall, but because camera close to this gap, it sees bigger through this gap

posted about 2 years ago