Flag: Russia
Registered: November 23, 2021
Last post: October 2, 2023 at 10:27 PM
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cis mechanics

posted about a year ago

Is because there is nothing to do so many kids play cs and a larger playerbase just translates into more skilled people.

while the viewership for ru val is low, ru csgo is not. most of the ru val players are just cs rejects who never made it.

posted about a year ago

Never mind then I am wrong about that.

However, still 3/5 CIS players makes them a CIS team according to Riot.

posted about a year ago

Ukraine is in CIS (the region) just look on HLTV or a site with common sense.

As for aardis, latvia should really be included in CIS (the region).

Just like saying EU != European Union, CIS != Commonwealth of Independent States but rather refers to the general eastern european and west asian region.

posted about a year ago

latvia is kinda CIS so yes.

posted about a year ago

CIS also means the region, doesn't matter that Ukraine left lol, Ukraine is still considered with CIS atleast in CSgo

posted about a year ago

They won't be able to stay in EU as a Chinese org.

posted about a year ago

CIS on top 4EVERRR

posted about a year ago

nerdstreet runs vct only in north america lol

in other regions it's run by other regional partners

posted about a year ago

no the romanian government searched his house and freed two women,
investigation pending

posted about a year ago

he's a kidnapper lol

clearly not too smart

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

if you actually believe that,
you're too far down his pipeline to be saved lol

the request came from the us embassy & a woman was found locked in the house

posted about a year ago

its from 2022 too lol

posted about a year ago

he is

posted about a year ago

hit character limit while typing all the bad stuff

posted about a year ago

this was bc of the situtation in ukraine and navi pushing out russian players in all their teams -- he will probably be good in gambit.

posted about a year ago

ange1 should be able to make it as they ukrainian government is giving out exemptions for sports players (maybe esports counts idk), but russians cannot get a visa anywhere in eu

posted about a year ago

weird racism on a vlr thread lol

posted about a year ago

Why does the chinese org think they will be able to get their 2 russian players into denmark [if they win]?
Will they use a substitute or just forfeit again?

posted about a year ago

TenZ country and what else ?

posted about a year ago

welcome to life as a russian in 2022

posted about a year ago

There is a large difference between the European Union and CIS, not sure what is so hard to understand.
Europe the continent != European Union, unless you want to somehow include kazakhstan and russia in your vision of european valorant

posted about a year ago

"next they're gonna say the uk is not eu and so on"
I am very sorry if I am the one to break this news to you :(

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Are you braindead?
You keep saying europe, that is not what this post is about.
This is about separating the european union countries from the CIS countries into 2 separate circuits

posted about a year ago

sure, russia is not in the eu.

posted about a year ago

FPX is 3 (really 4) CIS players
Why downvote just look at their roster LOL this isn't even an opinion.
ardiis [semi, latvian]

posted about a year ago

EU != Europe [There are countries inside europe that aren't in the eu :o ]

posted about a year ago

The UK isn't european union but there's no other region to group it with unless they went with like norway lol

  • it's more of a culture thing etc.
posted about a year ago

CIS is eastern europe and western asian. Not apart of european union, the middle east or africa.

posted about a year ago

This FPX vs M3C looks more like a CIS game (8/10) than a european game (2/10)
When will CIS get own circuit ?

posted about a year ago

its not luck its thailand, bad infrastructure.

posted about a year ago

victoria podkabluchniki

posted about a year ago

v: victoria

posted about a year ago

Uninstall with cc cleaner. Make sure BIOS is updated, use nvidia control panel to check your 3d settings to make sure everything is normal (i.e texture buffering off)

posted about a year ago

hi uwu

posted about a year ago

who ?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

faze win what ?

posted about a year ago

thanks for jinxing

posted about a year ago

why on earth you dox pro like this ?

posted about a year ago

sounds like a skill issue
i went iron 2 - bronze 1 so far.

posted about a year ago

pubgee mobeile

posted about a year ago

many far east russians play in chinese tournaments

posted about a year ago
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