Flag: International
Registered: May 20, 2021
Last post: June 21, 2024 at 10:37 AM
Posts: 10

ROG Zephyrus line-up fits the bill. I have a G14, fair thermals, silent, and good battery when not gaming. Gaming performance will depend on GPU selection.

posted 8 months ago


posted about 3 years ago

That's the thing tho. Sentinels doesn't depend on TenZ to carry the team.. Nonetheless, Magnum POG..!

posted about 3 years ago

I agree. I actually expected better performance from Nuturn - but V1 has been playing well so I understand..
Nuturn was my darkhorse pick - GGs to em

posted about 3 years ago

Fair enough.. But don't cry about it out loud...

posted about 3 years ago

Maybe I overplayed it a lil bit..

posted about 3 years ago

I understand they work hard.. At least I hope.. However, I don't think they have any respect for Sen - saying "we could've easily 2-0ed them" - when a simple VOD review would tell you otherwise (TenZ unintentionally threw)..
They should stop making excuses, focus up, practice more and win. Those winning matches will make better "digital content" imo..

posted about 3 years ago

I understand. I probably did read too much into it ig. But the depressing podcast setup with ASMR level voice makes it serious dude lmao.. Also, I understand, that tier thing was fun, I liked it no probs..
But when you explain your loss and kinda shit on your regions' representation - its kinda embarrassing.. F**king excuses dude kinda got tired of it..

posted about 3 years ago

They even comment like 13-11s are when wins are not earned - pure luck and stuff. Then lets talk about the only major title you guys won against Sentinels - FirstStrike (2020) - were the maps close...?
Hmmmmm.. 14-12.. cough.. cough..

posted about 3 years ago

So basically 100 Thieves released a video about how they would have gone to Iceland. They would have 2-0ed Sentinels. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uF9NQsm7oEA

Good Lord.. Them saying they would have 2-0ed Sentinels.. Are they f-ing kidding me?

  • Sentinels would have swept you guys on haven but you guys were able to make a comeback because of TenZ. His OP skills were really down that day and none of those shots were connecting. He missed all of them basically and you guys made a comeback solely because of that. I am not defending Sentinels (I wasn't happy about it either) - but every caster/podcast people talked about TenZ losing OP rounds. Review the VOD if you'd like - it was as if like - TenZ letting you off with a respectable score since Kyedae is in 100t now (jk).
  • Ethan talking about 3 bullets in a rifle? How many bullets are in a Sheriff again? After 4 kills especially - you also miss shots remember?
  • Icebox was a very respectable win. Congrats! But Sentinels beat you down in similar fashion on Bind so yeah.. You are tier 1 team - who had time to review VODs and practice.
  • Also, you guys saying that pistol round decided the whole match - Sentinels won every pistol round on Haven - so their win was guaranteed on Haven right.?
  • Also, them talking about competitive fatigue - match after 10 mins is rough, I agree. But Sentinels just finished Stage 2 Challengers 2 (big run) while 100t was sitting comfortably reviewing VODs after they had an easy Challengers (Hiko said it himself).. Its not the same thing ik, but I'm trying to make a different point.

And ping issues? TenZ plays with 60 ping - look at your million dollar infrastructure.. Stop it guys, you are embarrassing yourself.. Explaining your loss with a fancy video documentary - you guys have consistently been 5-6th lately in NA - understand it and work on it.. Or perhaps, give Asuna and Ethan a better team.

Please, I'm not defending Sentinels as a fanboy - but its sad to see how hard they (Sentinels) have worked, how many personal issues they have had and then, the community doesn't recognize it (all forums roast on Sentinels) and other teams not accepting their defeat and calling it sheer luck..

posted about 3 years ago