Yep, jokes aside, It was one of my best splits as a coach. It's not always correlated with getting the best results.
Flag: | Argentina |
Registered: | January 4, 2022 |
Last post: | January 13, 2025 at 12:46 PM |
Posts: | 126 |
Yep, jokes aside, It was one of my best splits as a coach. It's not always correlated with getting the best results.
He's actually a good option for any Brazilian team
Trembo, wanna be my agent?
Yes, totally my fault that Furia lost. It's not gonna happen again. - LEV vs Loud
Are you serious about this one? Because to me is not even close. LOUD's players had Full buy + Heavy shields + 6.000+ credits on average. Their economy is already built. They will probably have rifles until the end of the half even if they lose all rounds.
So you are telling me that we should go to punish exits in a 3v5 where LOUD's economy is almost perfect? Because there is no way that could be a EV+ decision.
We lost that round because we were waiting an Exec A with Killjoy's ultimate and they ended doing a Split so the positions we took to defend the site were subtioptimals. Again, how we read the situation was the mistake. Blame me if you want but do it for the right reasons. - Furia vs LEV
FURIA's economy is already built because we lost the bonus. They had Full buy + Heavy shield + 3000+ credits each player on average. If you think that Valorant's economy has a snowball problem I totally agree but i'm not the responsable.
Overall this round is well played by us until Mazino's death. If he could have gathered the information without being killed I think that the odds of winning that round were in our favor.
At the time that Mazino died, Taco found a good timing in a 4v5 situation but he couldn't connect.
The round still was not lose but we were at disadvantage. We usually have another timing to play that is when the opponent is planting the bomb. Nzr could have ulted and flash from the window but I think that Breach would have used his ultimate anyway. Also Kingg's is 30 of hp.
Again let's suppose we tried to punish exits and killed 3 rivals but lost 3 weapons in the exchange. Do you think that is a EV+ play? Beucase I'm pretty sure it is not. FURIA's players should be looking for us to get our weapons. - LEV vs C9
It's a 3v4 situation where the bomb is already planted. They had Skye's and Viper's ultimates. We lost all the angles inside and outside the bombsite and have no smoke to block garage. Also Viper's Smoke is blocking Kingg's angles. Saving is clearly a better option than attemp to Retake. Now you are making another question: "Why we didn't punish C9's exit to damage their economy?". I think usually when you already decided to save it is a good practice to punish their exits if you already gained the positions. It is not always the correct play. Let's say we try to punish C9's exits this round and we kill 3 players but we lost 3 weapons. Will be worth it? I dont think so. C9's will buy next round Rifles + Light shield next round anyway and we will be in half buy or eco. So we will probably will lose next round (6th) and C9's economy will be in a good place in the 7h round. Instead we saved 3 weapons and played full buy the next one.
In my opinion you are focusing too much in a situation where we are already in disadvantage and bassically the round was done. I prefer, as a coach, to focus on the base error that put us in that situation in the first place.
For example, I think Taco could have played this round more aggressive. He could have waited until Viper's wall went down and then activated dash and looked for kill or information. Also considering that Skye's is not as good as Sova to take mid control.
In addition, Shyy was not taking Garage's information properly. He lost the timing and C9's broke his turrent for free. It wasn't the end of the world but we should have blocked with Omen's smoke B's choke and make a rotation towards B site.
These mistakes were way more impactful in the outcome of the game than the way we played the 3v4 situation and you can blame me because macrogame and fundamentals is what I usually do best for my teams.
Like I said before you are entitled to have an opinion but you made a lot of assumptions and jumped directly into conclussions so I'm not going to respond all the sutff for obvious reasons but I'm always down for talking about the game.
If you saw that the opponent has repeated exploitable patterns in the past you can adapt what you have in order to make it even more effective.
You can't anti-strat every team in every situation. It's not something you can force. If you do that it's going to make more harm than good.
I saw many times teams that do a lot of anti-strat and then start playing the map expecting that the opponent is gonna do what they reviewed and they forget to play what they have in front of their eyes and react accordingly.
I already answered the anti-strat thing here in case you are interested. Not trying to change your mind, everyone is entitled to have an opinion.
I do know what every other team in the league did in the past. I only share that information with my players if I consider that there is a pattern to exploit. That's the difference.
Otherwise I prefer to stick to our gameplan and react based on what the opponent does.
In many cases Anti-strating is only a word that people who don't understand the game like to use lightly to sound smarter than they really are.
Not trying to imply anything as well. I'm genuinely curious. It will take me some time to watch all siggly's vods. Maybe he had in mind specifics scenarios because he mentioned it.
It also could be the case that I see something different than Siggly. What could be a mistake for someone, could be right for others.
I remembered some scenarios where we played the round way too passive and then we saved. That doesn't mean that saving wasn't the best choice. The base error was playing too passive.
There are some teams that always like to go for hero plays when they are at numerical disadvantage. Yes, you can boost the morale of the team if you success and change the momentum of the game.
I don't think that way. I use a concept called expected value to decide. Bassically you have to decide which action is going to pay you more in the long term.
For example: You are 4v5. The opponent has all the utility. The bomb is already ticking. You lost all the angles in the bomb site. Probably saving has a better EV+ than playing retake in the long run. Many teams and players already do this intuitively to some degree.
Can you show me one round when we were saving and we shouldn't?
I'm in this forum since 2020. Better than reddit though.
Anti-strating is only useful if the enemy team is repeating some patterns during a certain period of time. So you will need:
1) Volume (Because you can't adapt based on 1 or 2 maps)
2) Time (Because you can't adapt based on maps played 1 or 2 months ago)
3) Explotaible Patterns (Patterns are not a bad thing, having non-balanced is).
If you played Poker at a decent level you will know what I am talking about.
Trying to anti-strat every team in every moment would be like to trying to predict the price of tomorrow based on the prices of the past. Only god can.
Also if you are focusing too much on the enemy team and not in your own plan your players will play the game expecting that the enemy do the thing you saw in the review. That could be a problem because if the enemy is doing something different and you don't adapt fast your team is going to play way too passive / reactive.
I think is a better approach to prepare your team to be capable to detect what the enemy is doing and adapt on the fly. This is a common knowledge shared among many players. For example Leaf was talking about it some time ago
There is one more thing. The better the team, the less exploitable patterns they will have.
Once Pep Guardiola told Marcelo Bielsa (I admire him) that no one knew more about Barcelona's playstyle than him. And Marcelo responded that information was useless. At the moment they tried to stop Barcelona it didn't help them at all. They lost 3-0 (ATH. Bilbao vs Barcelona, Copa del rey 2012). You can watch the story here if you are interested. He ends up admitting that he only did that job to feel better about himself.
I hope I shared some light on this topic.
After playoffs both KRU and Leviatan took 2 weeks off.
I'm still around. Nothing changed but they like to force narratives based on your recents results. If you win, you are the best. If you loose, you are shit. I'm gonna be on top again more soon than later and you will see.
Amigo, Tomaszy tenia 17 aƱos. No podia competir en Tier 1 durante el 2023. Te mando un abrazo.
I only pointed out the obvious, the kid deserves all the credit. He is a beast but all the players are insane.
You can never sleep on him, Trembo is always gonna be Trembo
Of course, I'm very close to some of their players and staff.
Pero a la Levianeta se la respeta
Dude I was out of the team for 6 months at the time we won.
I was talking about the Brazilian influencers who like to make every game against LATAM (or KRU specifically) about the good and evil (of course they always think they're the good ones). They don't care about their teams getting better. They only want a victory to farm more impressions on Twitter telling the world how good human beings they are.
We didn't win a map in the whole week.
The pressure that the fan base put upon the BR teams when they face KRU make them play worse in my opinion.
Lose is always an option Trembo but you are the one making up excuses in advance.
I think we could play way better! The pressure to qualify to Champions made us to play worse. We're going to do a 3-weeks bootcamp in Europe and should be ready to make a better run.
As far as I know the only official tournament worldwide where Riot asked for the vaccination status was in Brazil at the beginning of this year. Having said that I believe it's not a requisite for the LCQ anymore. About being able to compete in the franchise system I think the requirements would be up to each country not to Riot. I know that EUA has more restricted travel policies than Europe nowdays. That could be a problem. I hope it changes in a near future.
I hope so! Yes, Leviatan is doing the interview process as many other teams.
We had Beto and I'll be in Istambul. All good.
And this! I do believe that mandates violate informed consent and body autonomy. That's all.
I'm just making some content for you guys. I really can't care less.