Flag: Slovenia
Registered: January 21, 2022
Last post: August 28, 2024 at 1:53 PM
Posts: 26

I'd argue Leo and Chronicle are more consistent. Derke's first split was terrible.

posted 6 months ago

Worst draw ever, and it's not even close.

posted 6 months ago

These playoffs completely ruined my pickems, my fav team is in lowers, nothing makes sense anymore, but I'm all for it.

posted about a year ago

As an European it was always hard for me to understand American culture. What was fascinating for me is that they like bragging about their freedom which was weird for me, because I didn't think that I have any less freedom than them. I always thought 'What is the difference'. However after watchin EG and NRG today I finally understand it. NA is just so fucking free.

posted about a year ago

don't worry guys. G2 are just saving strats :)

posted about a year ago

Damn, it's library in there...

posted about 2 years ago

There's literally no player like S1mple in Valorant (yet). You just can't make that comparison as Yay only had one good year on the most broken agent possible. S1mple on the other hand, has been on top for years.

posted about 2 years ago

"mental gone" this ain't ranked bud. No FFs after 3 lost rounds

posted about 2 years ago

But paura just rejoined the team (like a month ago)?

posted about 2 years ago

Leo living rent free in ur head confirmed

posted about 2 years ago

If the Optic roster gets picked up as a 6, they will have the exact same viewership under any other org. That's a fact. People watched them as Envy, they watched them as Optic and they will continue watching them as EG or whatever org has the money to buy them out. If you stop watching the squad just because the 2-3 letters in front of their names change, then you are a fake ass bitch...

posted about 2 years ago

.. but they will still need a team for Ascension league, right? Doesn't it make more sense too keep the players for 1 more year, breeze through the lesser league and then make a new "super team" when they get the spot?

posted about 2 years ago

They saw each other so many times because Riots format produces a lot of unnecessary rematches. If they went for a more classic swiss format in groups and remove the useless lower bracket in playoffs we would see more variety.

I'd say a classic is something over a larger time span (2 years +). It's just my opinion tho, don't take it too seriously.

posted about 2 years ago

"el classic" - literally lasted for no more that 5 months lmao

posted about 2 years ago

Another manchild CEO in esports? nty

posted about 2 years ago

All these immature CEOs will have to realize sooner or later that with money and position like that you have responsibilities and obligation to act like a professional. IMO his tweet after might've done more damage than the image itself. No one's gonna take a company seriously when there's a clown running the show. Same goes for TSM.

posted about 2 years ago

Ok, but your list doesn't include T1 and NiP. It's kinda hard to imagine Rito would deny both of these teams.

Edit: also add Heretics to this list.

posted about 2 years ago

What rank are you?? Split is pretty much an attack sided map lol

posted about 2 years ago

FPX just 200IQ, avoiding an EU vs. EU matchup in playoffs (copium)

posted about 2 years ago

Let's not forget that FPX "quite literally screwed the entirety of EU" with 3 EU players and a EU coach. Gambit also got knocked out by EU teams in EMEA playoffs.

As for the past events: CIS didn't have a single player representing the region in masters 2. They had 1 team at M3, they won. Best EU team placed 3-4th (got knocked by the winner). At Champions EU team won and CIS team placed 2nd. The other 2 teams were both from EU (an had no CIS players), they placed 3-4th (got knocked by the winner) and 5-8th.

So please explain to me, just how is CIS "carrying" EU here? Because given the past results, it seems like quite the opposite. The only team/players for CIS that actually achieved something were Gambit, the others couldn't even qualify.

posted about 2 years ago

"You're telling me Akrew, out of all teams, would beat TSM?" - some delusional TSM fan, yesterday

posted about 3 years ago