Flag: Argentina
Registered: February 12, 2022
Last post: August 6, 2023 at 10:02 AM
Posts: 16

"entitled pricks" coming from a guy who CLAIMS the final was objectively boring, as if he has any faculty to decide whether a final is boring or not
that's entitlement my man
and if you comment smoke why are you complaining that you get smoke back? that's the internet bozo

posted about a year ago

No one's forcing you to watch anything bro just turn the TV off 💀💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

brazil try not to start drama impossible challenge

posted about a year ago

KRU, KRU de mi vidaaa,
dame una alegríaaa, quiero ser campeóooon
Sabesss, como yo te quieroo,
te llevo aca dentrooo
de mi corazóon

posted about a year ago

easy upset, fuck your pickems

posted about 2 years ago

I know there's no ill intent, I know they're friends, that's no excuse.
Making up that "it just means cousin" when it clearly doesn't is so lame and avoids the conversation of keznit needing to grow up and change his vocabulary because in the ends it hurts Kru. If he doesn't understand that he needs to stop calling brazilians monkeys (yes, even his friends) then Kru will continue to soak up controversies every few months and that's not fair to everyone working at the club.

posted about 2 years ago

Surely "primate" just means "cousin" and not actually "primate" after multiple instances of keznit relating brazilians to monkeys. Surely just means cousin. Just a bad coincidence, he added "-ate" to the word "primo" and it just happened to mean monkey. That's crazy.

posted about 2 years ago

Todo bien con keznit es un crack y lo banco pero tiene que darse cuenta y dejar de decirle monos a los brasileros. Aunque sea un amigo, aunque no sea con mala intención. Es cuestión de PR y de no dejar mal al club. Cuando algo perjudica la imagen del club, a pesar de que todos pensemos que es una boludez, hay que frenarlo porque no suma. El es adulto ya, puede cambiar un poco el vocabulario. Ojalá ganen hoy vamos Kru y vamos deus.

posted about 2 years ago

ok virgin

posted about 2 years ago

what's the point of this post. even if you dont like a streamer this is virgin loser behavior

posted about 2 years ago

todo bien pero debería ser Argentina la bandera si el club es Argentino, pagan impuestos en Argentina, la sede Argentina, dueño Argentino... nose. Es como cuando dicen que los equipos de futbol franceses son africanos jajajaja. No es asi.

posted about 3 years ago