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Registered: March 5, 2022
Last post: August 13, 2023 at 7:11 PM
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nats fell off after berlin and his performance has been eclipsed by his own teammates even without mentioning Chronicle.

posted about 2 years ago

it's just 1st game of group stage, still plenty of games to play left Guard. But to 100T's credit, they looked really good.

posted about 2 years ago

Optic is ranked higher than C9 when it comes to popularity in valorant

posted about 2 years ago

scrims literally do not matter... Optic lost a ton of scrims against international teams and yet won Masters

posted about 2 years ago

Dickriding is crazy in this reply... As good as nats was in berlin this list is about ACS and K/D and nats is not in that conversation for top 5.

posted about 2 years ago

based on ACS and K/D Cned and Zeek are not on that list.

posted about 2 years ago

I hope next masters has more teams which means more slot to NA and not just bloodbath for two teams to get to LAN. As for Optic, they're most likely preparing Fade and post jett nerf patch.

posted about 2 years ago

chronicle is great at flex but yay is better.

posted about 2 years ago

yay and chronicle is the two guaranteed spots and the other spots can be anyone.

posted about 2 years ago

as long as yay is top 1 then yeah

posted about 2 years ago

A lot of yay and friends happened a lot in this tournament of Optic even durng group stage of masters... But of course you dont see it bcuz you live under a rock.

posted about 2 years ago

Marved never had a better individual performances than yay in this tournament. Marved was the MVP of the final but no where was Marved the best player of Optic.

If you've never heard yay and friends since group stage of challengers 1 this year, then you must've lived under a rock.

posted about 2 years ago

He actually did... When Optic was at their lowest in group stage as a team, Optic wasn't on top but yet he was always there to save them if it gets rough to win them rounds.

You also often hear yay and friends more so than cned and friends this year... Which Optic is genuinely known about when Optic is not doing good overall but Yay is there to save them.

posted about 2 years ago

And why are you comparing 2021 to 2022? Make it make sense... Cned was not as good online this year compared to yay online let alone yay on LAN.

posted about 2 years ago

yeah and his performance this year on stage 1 hasn't been as good as yay even when comparing both of their stage 1 performances. LET ALONE Yay's performance on LAN which is miles ahead of his online stats this year.

posted about 2 years ago

not a good comparison when yay has played over 450 rounds of valorant in the highest event of valorant and still able to be insanely consistent putting insane numbers

posted about 2 years ago

Yes because clearly scrim results matters soooo much

posted about 2 years ago

Optic literally beat xerxia to get to the playoffs, and beat loud to be the world champ. The hard cope is immense on this one

posted about 2 years ago

Cned didn't do so good during stage 1... and Cned's performance is based on champs which is not here anymore and we're nearly half of 2022. That being said Yay is better

posted about 2 years ago

Yay is literally the best player in the world while having the most multi kills out of anyone in the international stage. Not only that his stats is still insane despite playing 468~ rounds

posted about 2 years ago

I'm not hating gambit... All the COPIUM that they would've made it easily over G2 Fnatic is pretty ridiculous.

posted about 2 years ago

If a team gets mentally defeated after a loss like that while you're still not out and have lower bracket run to go. That shows they didn't deserve to qualify. Mental resilience is a thing in sports and M3C being defeated mentally while they're still in the tournament shows that they didn't clearly qualify.

posted about 2 years ago

Then we're clearly not watching the same interview... Chet literally said they yoinked their comp and took inspiration from it on split.

posted about 2 years ago

He yoinked the split comp so what does that have to do with strat book? You can literally tell how M3C approaches split with neon vs Optic with neon.

posted about 2 years ago

a super tiring vs fnatic is literally the same Optic going in a BO5 vs Zeta and then the next day with little to no prep had to go against LOUD. LITERALLY no excuse for that. You either play to win or you don't.

"If they had a normal schedule" they had a normal schedule before playing vs fnatic and guess what happened? they lost to them. They were literally in lower brackets, and you expect M3C to have 2 days off? That's the whole point of lower brackets.

posted about 2 years ago

G2 and gambit literally scrims each other in EMEA constantly... this is like saying V1 is better than loud because they gave Optic harder time. Well no shit when V1 knows how Optic plays because they played scrims more often.

and also G2 didn't have 1 week of prep... It was literally couple days. Even putting G2 aside, M3C lost to fnatic before they went to lowers. There's no excuse for that either. best of the best will show how good they are if they have the deepest strat book. Which M3C did not show that.

posted about 2 years ago

Optic has played over 400 rounds of valorant... there was no "time" to do anything except playing games. Loud had all the time in the world to prep vs Optic and yet they lost. That just proves how good Optic is with their playbook and how deep it is. If M3C's excuse is because they had less than a day of rest before their match, then you need to check other traditional sports and other esports that has the same duration and were still winning games.

M3C I repeat has no excuse for losing their game vs Fnatic or G2.

posted about 2 years ago

good luck to acend qualifying and I know they will wait for cned to carry. But with jett nerfs idk anymore

posted about 2 years ago

gambit has always been known to be insane at scrims. But scrims doesn't state how good u are in matches, despite that they still lost to fnatic and G2. Until M3C makes it to masters 2, that is unknown until they played.

posted about 2 years ago

having 18 hours before the next match isn't an excuse... Optic had less than 15 hours to prepare right after the BO5 vs Zeta. But nobody complained it because they won.

posted about 2 years ago

everyone can play neon... but can anyone play neon at the highest level like victor does? no. Deffo has done it and it was short, soulcas did it but he was lacking what victor has as a neon player.

posted about 2 years ago

victor has been playing good since stage 1 in NA... He was only inconsistent during later half of 2021.

posted about 2 years ago

When Ethan was switching to valorant he completely struggled and he was good but he wasn't as one of the best flex in NA. Ethan when he switched was a tier 1 CSGO player. If you swap a tier 1 CSGO player to valorant, they'd need TONS of hours to grind to valorant to be even considered great.

posted about 2 years ago

Why is it unfair? Guard had results coming into LAN and they choked big time against Optic. Not only that they lost to PRX without having to put a fight.

posted about 2 years ago

what speculation?? Guard completely choked at the biggest stage of masters 1 and never won once. C9 would've done better than they did and win in the lowers.

posted about 2 years ago

and guess what? they won the masters... No NA team would've beaten LOUD like they did

posted about 2 years ago

I do agree Marved should be the MVP but Yay is their backbone meaning their ace, best player. But that's how it goes when Optic don't rely on yay to 1v5

posted about 2 years ago

is always on the lurk??? I'm sorry, you haven't watched Optic matches when Marved has only lurked 5 times per map. Even in this game solidifies he only lurks when it needs to be. Other than that my point of Marved getting more FBs matters.

posted about 2 years ago

First bloods should matter, both are playing the same position and role. Marved is heavily forcing himself to get the kills to open up the site if Yay is gone. Nats doesn't do that.

posted about 2 years ago

because VLR is not the only website for valorant stats... VLR doesn't use other metrics such as impact rating, Rating, clutch win rate percentage.

posted about 2 years ago

using ACS? this is why your argument gets killed. impact rating is more favored on who has more impact to their team and marved completely outlclasses Nats in that category. I've already mentioned clutch win rate percentage which heavily favors marved.

posted about 2 years ago

Marved has more multi frags, more clutch percentage win rate, has more kills in the playoffs. Actually has more first bloods.

posted about 2 years ago

Number wise... no. Marved has more impact to his team than nats was. nats numbers in the playoffs plummeted compared to the group stage. Marved although has been increasing the more games he played.

posted about 2 years ago

Through the playoffs Marved has better numbers than Nats every produced in the playoffs of Masters 3.

posted about 2 years ago

Aspas lost every duel and 1v1 Yay in this match.

posted about 2 years ago

Good chambers like m1xwell, saadhak doesn't really use Chamber as good as yay... There's a difference. Yay is fucking insane at headhunters which makes you think about chamber as an agent. But those players I mentioned doesn't make chamber OP

posted about 2 years ago

They've shown they were competitive. Meanwhile G2 got shat on after 1 win in a 2-0 fashion for their last 2 games before going to the airport

posted about 2 years ago

G2 literally couldn't fight back vs LOUD... Liquid actually fought back against them. what does that tell you? it tells you G2 was lucky af if anything

posted about 2 years ago

G2 is no.2 seed of EMEA and got shatted on by PRX and LOUD. cry about it

posted about 2 years ago

G2 got sent home by PRX that zeta sent home, Liquid fought back against LOUD resulting into 2-1. Meanwhile G2 got shattered by LOUD

posted about 2 years ago
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