Flag: United States
Registered: April 23, 2024
Last post: August 28, 2024 at 2:42 PM
Posts: 4


posted 6 months ago

i simply said whoever is not on the team moving forward, i don't have an opinion on who is leaving

posted 6 months ago

Whoever is not on the team moving forward would be really good for VIT

posted 6 months ago

This list is ok but feels like it was based on what u could recall at time of making it. Few things -

  1. Sacy as initiator in 2022, many people thought he was Loud's at times that year.

  2. Jawgemo as duelist or flex for 2023. Demon1 was so fixated on because of personality but look at the stats it was jawg running in first and getting like a million first fights and OFTEN had higher ACS but less rating because rating is weighted against hard entries.

  3. Something or f0rsaken need to be in duelist. PRX have experienced success through the years and were most successful with double duelist when F0rsaken was their jett or when something was so at at least one needs to be in the top duelists spot or HM. I see jinggg in HM but no PRX duelist in the top 5 is criminal (literally placed 2nd in an international lan twice).

  4. Crashies being in initiator just because of team success in 2022 is fine but I disagree with it.

  5. Ardiis and Derke should both be in there somewhere, probably.

posted 10 months ago